Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Horrid Manipulations

   Those who target me obviously do not want my father's welfare to be checked into since my older sisters took complete control of my father and his estate. I have been deeply concerned that my sisters may tear my father out of his home and shove him into a nursing home so that they can get more money sooner, instead of letting him be taken care of in his own home, if he reaches the point of not being able to take care of himself. My father wants to stay in his own home until his "last breath."

This is not about money to me. Even though I am in desperate need of it, I do not want to get it through my father's death. I have always felt that it is a bit morbid get money from someone's death, let alone wait for or expect it...etc. And greed has never been one of my issues. Money for myself has not been my focus with this, although some people seem to foolishly assume it is. I actually told my father to take me out of his will, twice, just to get my sisters off of his back. So I have not been expecting anything for myself even if my sisters were not in control. But what they had done to manipulate this situation was horribly cruel to both my father and I and this is what concerns me - the fact that they seem to not be capable of genuine care for him and are now in complete control of his life.
   My father's money and will was VERY OBVIOUSLY one of their greedy focuses back in 2003, after he started obtaining substantial amounts of money through subdividing and selling off his farm. This became VERY evident to me when they fabricated an email, which made it look like I had written something about me getting all of my fathers money for myself when he dies. I know this was done, because my father fully believed that I had written it and openly confronted me about it. (My second oldest sister tends to project her darkness onto me and this was no exception to that rule.) It shocked me that my father believed that of me. It actually hurt me a lot! But I think it hurt him even more. I'll never forget the pain I heard in my father's voice as he lased into me about things I had not even written! Events around this proved to me that my second oldest sister had done this through infiltrating my email account.
   What my sisters wanted happened - my father lost trust in me and I told him to take me out of his will. I now believe that my sisters did that so that he would not choose my oldest brother and I as executors of his will. Prior to that, my father knew that my oldest brother and I were the only team of two, inside the family, that would have been the most fair with everyone else and would have also worked well together.
    My sister's manipulations to take over my fathers money has been in the works since they knew he started getting more of it. And they have gained control through manipulations that have been destroying his relationships with his other children. In recent years, as my father reached a vulnerable old age, my second oldest sister manipulated my oldest brother out of my father's life, through instigating a fight between them, and then she zoomed in to finish taking complete control of my father and his estate and will.
    My sisters have manipulated my father and the whole situation through fabricating things and instigating fights between him and his other children, causing so much turmoil that we just throw our hands up in the air and walked away. My oldest brother and I both did this and I just heard that my younger brother recently also told my father to take him out of his will. (I do not know what instigated this, but something did.)
    My older brother is back in my father's life but has been being distracted and overwhelmed with difficulties in his life literally EVERY time he has aimed to check into my fathers legal documents, in order to make sure they enable him to be well taken care of in his own home for the rest of his life. I just recently tried again to get him to do that and chaos broke loose yet another time to prevent it. I have no doubt that the turmoil in his life has been being inflicted with the radio wave part of the targeting, because it has been vamping up on me at these times too. Those who watch me and target me VERY obviously do not want my father's welfare to be taken care of by anyone but my two sisters. And this is VERY disturbing. Its so hard to be watching it all play out and not be able to do anything about it.

To my sisters it has all always been about money and control and their hateful jealousies and with the second oldest one it has also been about seeking vengeance. I believe that my sisters are not even capable of genuinely caring about my father very much, beyond the fake masks of kindness they wear for him and other people. Both have treated him with such utterly careless cruelty that it defies description. What they did to him in order to destroy his relationship with me soars beyond cruel. Its evil. They would not be able to do that to him if they cared about him. And now they have complete control of what happens to my father in his final few years!
   A sad part is that my father now fully trusts my sisters and not the rest of us. Their manipulations have been VERY sly and have been being set up to make their victims (especially me) look like the bad ones. My father used to know how jealous and mean my sisters could be, and how much genuine heart I have always had, but he no longer does - he appears to have been brainwashed! And there seems no hope for him realizing the truth now because his mind has recently been faultering a bit. (I hope they are not drugging him and that his faultering is natural!)

Unfortunately I can't directly do anything about any of it since my sisters convinced my father that I am crazy and untrustworthy. (I think the mind control part of the targeting was also involved in this.) So I have tried to get my oldest brother to take care of him, but the targeting has vamped up on him literally every time he has aimed in that direction in the past year. He and his wife appear to be unaware mind control victims.

Most of the obvious stuff has been done by my second oldest sister, but I believe that BOTH of my sisters are as together on the cruel process of taking control of my father's estate as they always have been in their cruel process of targeting me with their hate and jealousy. I have hoped to stop them by exposing this publicly - by forcing them to keep their masks of kindness on for the sake of my father's wellbeing, but I do not know if it will help at this point. And so much damage has already been done its heart wrenching. It seems too late for too much. With this post and last nights email I sent to my brothers and the sudden turmoil that is distracting at least one of them from even getting and reading it (again!), I am letting go and excepting the fact that there is nothing more I can do.
    My heart aches for my father and the fact that he is still being deprived of my love and my presence in his life, because of the cruelty in my sisters and the other parts of the targeting. It is too late for him to see the truths in this lifetime, but my consolation is that I believe he will be able to see everything clearly after his time in this body is finished. I wish for him to live out the rest of his life surrounded by peace and compassion and it hurt so much that he is surrounded by a darkness that he is not aware of. Its really hard to accept this. It hurts so much!

P.S. I am worried about my brothers too; my brothers, as well as my father, are all unaware mind control victims. I also feel for my sisters; I am certain that the dark sides of their nature would not have grown so much if they were not also victims of the sadistic targeting that has hurt us all. They may have decided to join it and directly be a part of it, but they would not have even had that opportunity if it had not intruded upon our lives. It is sad that their hearts have been so blocked. Their situation is sad too. I do not like going up against them here, but I feel that I must because it is not right to just silently sit back and let the darkness win and its the only way I can help my father. Even if it does not help my father, perhaps it will help other victims of similar things. God help us all.

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