Sunday, July 5, 2020

I Cried

Yesterday, i cried for the freedom that humanity does not have, due to technological and pharmaceutical mind control...etc. Freedom to live and pray and think and feel and speek and Love and grow into all that we were born to be is extremely important. We should all have it. We should.

To Banish "Evil Pride"

   When we proclaim ourselves as "the best" We are putting down and insulting all the rest. And this promotes resentment, jealousy, hate, discord, vengeful wars...etc. Those of us who are truly great acknowledge the greatness in others and never place themselves above others, because this promotes peace, respect, unity, equality, appreciation, kindness...etc. This applies to individual people, neighbors, towns, states, religions, organizations, races, countries...etc. In general; some are better than others at some things and others are better at other things, and all are basically equal.

Care for Palestine Blog

Please read and share my Care for Palestine Blog; PDF Back up of Care for Palestine blog; Care for ...