The Enslavement of Humanity

Connecting the Dots Between “Mental Illness” Labels,
Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals, Microwave Targeting,
 and the Enslavement of Humanity

Is it a coincidence that the field of psychiatry was creating the DSM - "mental Illness" labels that enabled mass distribution of psychiatric pharmaceuticals in the 1950s..., and that in the 1950s microwave (radio wave) weapons were known to be capable of remotely inflicting many of the "mental Illness" symptoms that were being listed in the DSM..., and that the field of psychiatry was exposed, in Bernard Schreiber's research, to be involved in a continuation of Hitler's holocaust..., and that psychiatric pharmaceuticals are known to put people in a state where they can be easily brainwashed in various ways, including remotely with low frequency radio waves..., and that psychiatric pharmaceuticals have been being found in public and bottles drinking water since 2008?
   I don't think any of this a coincidence at all. Some of this may be difficult for you to believe, especially if you are not aware of the capabilities of microwave - radio wave technologies. But please become aware instead of falling into blind disbelief, for your own sake as well as that of others.

The Microwave - Radio Wave Targeting Part

Emotions can be manipulated by radio waves, to a massive degree. Various frequencies of radio waves, shot into the human brain can make a person flip into a rage, cry uncontrollably, feel depressed, feel anxiety or fear...etc. Virtually every emotion can be remotely manipulated with radio waves.

Microwave expert, General Barrie Trower said, "By changing the pulse frequency... of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain. . . you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness."

There is not a doubt in my mind that uncountable numbers of targeted people have run to psychiatrists, thinking there was something wrong with them, after going through rounds of being shot with microwaves. Then they were labeled as "mentally ill" and put on psychiatric pharmaceuticals, which block their instincts and feelings and numb their brains. Why? Radio waves, which are tuned to the same low frequency as the human brain, can be used to brainwash people, and this process is most effective on people who are taking psychiatric pharmaceuticals or other substances that block instincts and feelings and numb the brain. Its part of an enslavement program that silences whistleblowers and turns masses of other people into puppets that can be used by their controllers. But people do not have to be targeted with radio waves and prescribed psychiatric pharmaceuticals, in order to be enslaved, because the psychiatric pharmaceuticals are now being found in public and bottled drinking water. (With some all it takes is tiny traces of them.)
Due to dreams I've had I feel certain that the radio wave targeting is being done with space based technologies, in conjunction satellite surveillance systems. In my dream; an upside down triangle, was shooting laser beams down at people, from far up in the sky. I trust this dream to be accurate, because many of my other dreams have proven to be, and I have now experienced and witnessed enough of the targeting to know the reality of this situation. What I've seen and experienced is far more sophisticated then the types of microwave weapon attacks that have recently been reported in the main stream media. But there are surely more primitive ground based technologies that can be used as well.

As you face this reality, be careful who you blame. Many people have been blaming the government, but according to my insights, government officials and employees have been severe victims of this just as much, if not more than other people.
   According to a report I read, most of the existing satellites are privately owned. The top leaders in this operation probably hide behind the scenes, using other people, and industries, and even some government agencies, in order to accomplish their aims. And no good can come from us blaming people whom they have drugged and brainwashed into being used as puppets. This is a huge and complex problem that is best left up to professionals to figure out who is fully responsible and stop it from continuing. Please send this information to officials whom you feel can help stop the targeting.

A German Warning to the World

Bernard Schreiber, wrote a book entitled "Men Behind Hitler - A German Warning to the World." His research exposes the profession of psychiatry being involved in a covert continuation of the eugenics movement. He wrote, "Hitler was an evil man and no one would want to assert that he was not responsible for the things that happened in Germany, but in blaming Hitler for all the evils one is overlooking a considerable number of those who are truly responsible, people who are being allowed to pursue their course to similar ends all over again - nothing to stop them."
   Bernard Schreiber had spoken of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbel's bragging about a secret weapon - a "death ray," which would lead to the "rebirth of the Reich." Then he said, "The Nazis may have been disbanded, but the psychiatrists still linger on among us. Maybe this is the secret weapon Goebbels boasted about which would lead to the rebirth of the Reich - not a super-bomb and not a death ray, but a blueprint for a psychiatric slave state."
   I feel certain that the "death ray" Goebbel bragged about was a microwave weapon - a weapon that can, from very far away, shoot various frequencies of radio waves, which can interfere with the function of the human brain. Bernard probably did not know about these technologies. But he was VERY right about the "slave state," because this is what both the mass distribution of psychiatric pharmaceuticals and the radio wave technologies can and have produced to a very large degree in humanity.

Masses of people, who have NOT been prescribed psychiatric pharmaceuticals, are getting them through both bottled and public drinking water.

In 2008, news reports stated that several psychiatric pharmaceuticals were being found in around 24 major public water supplies throughout the USA. Reports say that its from contamination of the earth through body waste and discarded prescriptions. This proves how massive the distribution has been. This is now a crisis that is hurting nature as well as humanity.

Due to a dream I had, I feel that our water supplies have been being intentionally contaminated with these pharmaceuticals, in order to enslave humanity. And I suspect they may be put in other things we ingest also.

Bernard Schreibner left his book for us to freely share;

You can also find it here on my website;

Lets face this
With determination to preserve humanity,
With gentle hands reaching out to those in need,
With peaceful non-acceptance of the evil seed.

The "mental Illness" Labeling and Pharmaceuticals

 According to historical facts, the Catholic organization has been heavily involved in the field of psychiatry and modern medicine. They own many hospitals and have most often tended to the insane or "mentally ill" in their own institutions. The following video shares a dark part of the history of psychiatry. Potent quotes from this video are, "Far from being places of healing, psychiatric institutions have always functioned as the worst sort of prisons. . .where someone can be incarcerated against their will without even being charged with a crime." and "This is an industry that doesn't just specialize in destroying people's lives, it kills their souls."

These sorts of crimes are not just in the far off history. Parts of modern psychiatry surely are good and helpful to some people. But other parts are still being used to imprison or harm or silence or control targeted people. The damage that is now being done to masses of people is not as obvious as it was in the past, because it is now being done with radio waves and pharmaceuticals outside the institutions more than inside them. The targeted people who still get forced into the institutions are probably just those who avoid the pharmaceuticals and are resistant to being controlled...etc. I'm sure that many are whistleblowers who are aware of the covert targeting of humanity.

 The "mental illness" label is a horrid stigmatization that can destroy many parts of a person's life, including their self esteem. They go through life thinking that there is something wrong with them and this alone is very damaging. And people who are labeled as "mentally ill" can lose their rights to take care of themselves and make decisions for themselves; their work and homes can be taken over by greedy or controlling or vengeful relatives. And, in the worst of situations healthy people can be forced into institutions and drugged against their will, and held imprisoned there, and forced to undergo brain damaging electric shock treatments...etc. This sort of destruction of healthy human beings, and their freedom, is one of the worst crimes that humanity has been faced with.

The beginning of the most modern psychiatric part of the targeting began with the DSM - the manual that is now used for psychiatrists to diagnose "mental Illness" and prescribe the feeling blocking and brain numbing psychiatric pharmaceuticals. The 1950s DSM was such an unethical shift in the field of psychiatry that experts in the field, like Dr Thomas Stephen Szasz, stood up against it and the mind altering pharmaceuticals that it enabled mass distribution of. Dr Szasz called it, "crimes against humanity," in the 1960s. But the DSM continued being used globally.

"To combat psychiatric coercion [is] a noble task - a task in the pursuit of which we must, regardless of obstacles, persevere. Our conscience commands that we do no less." ~ Dr. Thomas Szasz

It appears that Dr. Szasz was covertly targeted. He passed away in 2012, but many experts have realized the truth in his stand for humanity and have continued standing. Sadly, a lot more than what they know and expose, has been happening, and it continued and has grown to a massive degree, since the 1950s. It appears that the feeling blocking and brain numbing psychiatric pharmaceuticals are now being distributed by general MD doctors far more than by psychiatrists. They are even prescribed for things like physical pain and numbness in a limb, which microwave weapons can also inflict upon a target. I witnessed this being done in 2006.

In a way they have exposed themselves. The "mental" part of the label is misleading, because it implies that the pharmaceuticals are for a physical mental/brain problem, but they aren't and the content of the DSM itself proves this; masses of the "mental illness" labels are for natural emotions, like sadness and fear and anger...etc. True "mental illness" can accurately describe people who have mental problems with their brains, like retardation or brain damage or dementia or learning disabilities...etc. But the DSM used this "mental illness" label for common natural emotional issues, just to make it look like they were legitimate medicateable "illnesses" when they truly aren't.
   They even specifically had sadness listed as a "metal illness" until massive complaints forced them to remove it from new editions of the DSM. But just the fact that it was there to begin with should raise giant red flags for the whole DSM, especially since there are many other things listed as "mental illness," which truly aren't.

These teachings are not only happening in universities and hospitals and other institutions; the whole public has been being brainwashed into thinking that natural human feelings are a sign of "mental illness." One blatant example of this is on page 10 in the November, 2015 issue of the "New Hampshire Parenting" magazine. The very large headlines said, "I think my child is Mentally Ill." And just under that, were the words, "I Feel Sad," above a drawing of a sad little girl.

I'm not a doctor. But I've had a lot of experience with the embracing of feelings, in order to heal from past trauma, instead of suppressing it with heart blocking and brain numbing pharmaceuticals. I wrote my Embracing Feelings and Healing book with the wisdom of experience. I personally trust the wisdom of experience and the heart of our own instincts above text book knowledge, when it comes to personal growth, because every individual's issues and circumstances are unique and no book can cover them all.
But, for those who need a Dr. label, in order to believe that we have a serious problem here, I've compiled statements from a few doctors. The following doctors have literally waged a war against the "mental illness" labeling and the psychiatric pharmaceuticals. Some psychiatrists are even concerned that the DSM, and its push to administer psychiatric pharmaceuticals to healthy people, is so unethical that it could destroy the credibility of the whole psychiatric profession. 

Dr. Thomas Stephen Szasz appears to be the pioneer in the movement to save the field of psychiatry from the shame of unethical "mental illness" labels and pharmaceuticals. He wrote a book called "On the Myth of Mental Illness." In it he says that “there is no such thing as mental illness.” and "Labeling a child as 'mentally ill' is a stigmatization, not a diagnosis. Giving the child a psychiatric drug is poisoning, not treatment."

In the video below Dr. Paula Caplan says, "the whole process of mental illness diagnosis is unregulated. . . there are categories in the DSM that have scientifically proven not to exist and they're in there anyway. [Normal] things that everybody goes through. . . get diagnosed as "mental illness" for example; if someone close to you dies and your still depressed two weeks later, now, according to the DSM, you have minor depressive disorder." Dr. Caplan expresses a VERY just concern that normal feelings and social behaviors, especially those of natural grieving or anger, are listed in the DSM as a reason to label a person with "mental illness." Dr. Paula Caplan wrote a book entitled, "They Say Your Crazy."
   It appears that she has been being covertly targeted, since her stand. Her video was being interfered with on the web, but I made a copy of it; 

Dr. Colin Ross has extensively studied scientific data which disproves the validity of "mental illness" labels and renders most of the prescribed drugs harmful or ineffective in most patients. He and many other psychiatrists strongly feel that the DSM's false labels, need to be exposed and stopped. He says, "Its not going to stop until psychiatry takes responsibility for what its doing and the public gets educated and says wait a minute I'm not buying this anymore." Dr. Colin Ross wrote a book entitled, "The Great Psychiatry Scam."

Is Psychiatry A Scam? Truth About Mental Disorders, Psychiatrists Colin Ross and Corrina on Psychetruth;

How a Mental Health Disorder is Discovered: DSM Truth, Psychiatrist Colin Ross and Corrina on Psychetruth;

Dr. Peter Breggin makes a strong stand against the psychiatric labeling and pharmaceuticals on an interview with FOX News in the videos below. Breggin calls the psychiatric drugging "medication spell binding" and that they do "more harm than good." His focus is more on the violence that drugs can instigate in victims. However, those who are not aware of the technological part of the targeting of humanity, can easily blame just the pharmaceuticals for the severe cases of the microwave mind control, that the pharmaceuticals enable great success with, like what appears to have happened in the Navy yard shooting. I feel that the problem with that shooter was probably both the pharmaceuticals and the brainwashing, which they enabled. The instigation of the Navy yard shooting appeared to be a ploy to make people think that "Targeted Individuals" are insane and dangerous, because many victims were standing up and talking about their experiences.
FOX News ; Peter Breggin MD Psychiatric Drugs Part I to lll

Dr Jeffery Schaler went so far as to say, "The diagnosis of mental illness is always a weapon."

And there are many other professionals who see that something is very wrong with the DSM and the mass distribution of psychiatric pharmaceuticals. Even with this strong professional stand against the labeling/stigmatizing, and the push for mass distribution of heart blocking and brain numbing psychiatric pharmaceuticals, the problem appears to have continued and grown. It appears to have done this through targeting and gaining control of, or distracting or threatening people who stand up with the information.
   The push to distribute brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals has been so relentless, that I suspect other types of pharmaceuticals may soon, if not already, also contain the same brain numbing chemicals that the psychiatric ones do.

The psychiatric pharmaceuticals are enslaving humanity, literally. They block people's instincts and make them like numb sheep. They numb people's brains and leave them too vulnerable to various types of brainwashings. They prevent emotional healing and block the natural process of personal growth. And worse of all, in my opinion, they block people's hearts - people's ability to feel compassion. Have you noticed the growing levels of hate and vengeance and greed and disfunction in our world in the past few decades? I have.

What is the Solution?

Criminal use of the radio wave technologies and the pharmaceuticals must be stopped as quickly as possible. Any PEACEFUL thing you can do to help this to happen would help.
The Earth and humanity must be cleansed of the pharmaceuticals as much as is possible and as quickly as possible. If you are taking psychiatric pharmaceuticals, and want to stop taking them; talk to a wise doctor who is aware of the problem, because sometimes it must be done very slowly.

Making your own charcoal filter can remove the pharmaceuticals from your drinking water. Below is a link to a good video for a large filter system, but the same can be done with a gallon jug that you can easily filter water through. All it takes is charcoal from a campfire and clean coarse sand and pebbles; use a container with a small hole on the bottom and large hole on top, like a cleaned upside down milk gallon jug with the bottom cut out. Put in a layer of small stones to cover the hole but not block it completely. Add a few inches of charcoal. Top that with a few inches of pebbles. And top that with a few inches of sand. Rinse it all well before using.

I hope this article helps you to not only realize what is happening, but to also make the healthiest choices for yourself and your loved ones. Please help pass the word.

Its Worth Standing For -
Humanity's Right to Freely Live,
Love, Laugh and Cry.

The Start of my Stand for the Freedom to Heal

In my first edition of "Embracing Feelings and Healing" I strongly encouraged people to work out personal issues through embracing and releasing suppressed feelings of sadness, instead of taking the pharmaceuticals. The first edition of this book was completed in 1999 and was followed by severe rounds of targeting which ended in multiple deaths and the loss of the final manuscript in a suspicious fire that raged through my home.
    At that time my work was about healing the heart of humanity and bringing more Love into our troubled world. I knew nothing about the DSM or Dr. Szasz or the microwave targeting at that time. My drive to encourage healing instead of taking pharmaceuticals, grew from my own experiences with personal growth and things I'd witnessed in a mental health facility I'd worked in. I had found that through embracing our feelings we can heal from past trauma and that drugging/suppressing emotions prevents healing and prevents the natural process of personal growth.
   I have never taken psychiatric pharmaceuticals but I know people who have and I've witnessed the stagnation, and sometimes even harmful changes, that they can inflict. Many healthy children and adults have been being labeled although they are perfectly healthy and just needed to be encouraged to allow a healthy grieving process or to have a healthy outlet for their frustration...etc.
   Many of the children, if not all, whom I witnessed being labeled and put on the pharmaceuticals seemed perfectly healthy. Some of them obviously just needed a diet that contained less sugar and caffeine. But they were all being labeled, with things like ADHD, and given the pharmaceuticals, instead of getting help with healing from a painful experience and instead of a healthy diet and more exercise being suggested to their parents.
   In 1999 I’d had a prophetic dream, which showed criminal contamination of a public water supply being done by evil people who were working underground. I had shared this dream and my concern with several people.
   Because I had this dream while I was completing my first edition of my Embracing Feelings and Healing book, which was about healing instead of suppressing with psychiatric pharmaceuticals, I feel that our water supplies here in the USA have been being intentionally contaminated with these pharmaceuticals. And I believe that it is part of the enslavement of and take-over of the USA. But it seems to extend beyond the USA. How much of humanity has been being enslaved this way should be investigated.

I have written this under difficult conditions, so please excuse any mistakes I may have made. It was actually in December 2014 when I pulled these puzzle pieces together. I experienced such heavy targeting that I did not even start writing this article until February 2015. And I was nuked through that process, so it never was what it needed to be. It is still a work in process, but it is hopefully now more understandable. I hope it helps people far more than it has hurts me.

Copyright Feb 5, 2015. This article has been edited since then, but the core information is still the same. You may print and freely share this article as long as it is not changed and no money is gained from it. Sharon Rose Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 0305

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