Thursday, March 31, 2022

Another Glance at the Mind Control

I had a hard time believing the mind control part of the radio wave targeting. But as I digested professional reports and a few of the testimonies of genuine victims (between 2011 and 2013), and I looked back through my life and that of my loved ones, many confusing puzzle pieces began clicking together and I knew it was real.
    It appears that families of indigenous people were used for experimentation and also are now victims of ongoing sadistic targeting that aims to deprive or torture or steal from or recruit or just manipulate in cruel games...etc. My grandmother was a Native American in Canada and I believe that the targeting of my family most likely started there and was also in the catholic schools they were forced to attend in my mother and grandmother's generations. 
    But Native people are nearly not be the only ones who are victims of the mind control parts of the targeting. And people whom torture victims get close to are VERY apt to be effected by it, in order to prevent the proper kinds of support or help. This can make things confusing and psychologically harmful to both parties...etc.

The global pharmaceutical problem is directly linked to wide spread technological (radio wave) mind control. People are more controllable/impressionable when they are taking certain types of brain numbing pharmaceuticals, like antidepressants and antianxiety pills...etc. Much of humanity is now affected through the general numbing of the brain with mass distribution of these types of pharmaceuticals, (which are now even being found in some public water supplies), and by the radio waves that flood most communities around the globe. It appears that subtle brainwashings have been happening on a VERY large scale.
    But this situation is much worse in heavily targeted families, especially for individuals who have been inflicted with microchip implants during surgeries (like for tonsil removal) or dental work...etc.

In targeted families mind control can affect victims in multiple ways, AT STRATEGIC TIMES, and include but are not nearly limited to making a person...

feel confused
feel mentally numb
forget important things
laugh at inappropriate times
repeat things over and over again
feel sexually aroused or impotent
feel like they are in love
misperceive important things
crave unhealthy foods or substances
not be able to stop an addiction
be obsessed with certain things
have repetitive thoughts
be drawn to certain people or places
be blocked from their own natural spirituality
be blocked from their own heart/compassion
be emotionally blocked or be over-emotional
believe false things
disbelieve true things
say things they do not mean
feel anxious or depressed or angry
think negatively or positively
feel euphoria or doom...etc.

   The radio wave mind control is not at all noticeable to unaware victims. They think they are following their own hearts and instincts, but aren't really. And sadly, they often think there is something wrong with them, when there isn't. They tend to blame themselves or each other because they are not aware of the crime that has been being committed against them.
    In more severe forms of mind control it appears that victims can experience periods of being drugged and made to do things they would not normally do. On the severest levels it appears that the radio wave and pharmaceutical mind control can also make a person even become violent or can cause brain damage and completely change a person's personality - completely control/enslave a person's mind...etc. (I think some of the mass shootings have probably been being done by severe mind control victims.)
    But even in its mildest forms, the pharmaceutical and radio wave mind control has been destroying many people's lives and manipulates our world in many negative ways. Its been literally destroying the Heart of humanity. It has to be fully exposed and stopped, in order for freedom and recovery to take place for all of humanity, but especially for heavily targeted families and individuals.

Torture levels of the radio wave targeting are noticeable to aware victims because it causes physical pain and happens at strategic times. My experiences have been mostly with the torture levels of the targeting, which have often included painful laser shots to various parts of my body, (including regular sexual assaults), and painful or debilitating microwave weapon attacks, which drain my energy and cause physical pain. I have experienced a lot of life threatening microwave and laser weapon attacks and minder ones have been an ongoing part of the targeting that I experience.
    But I have also experienced most of the things in the list above, at strategic times. And I have directly witnessed ALL of these things in MANY people who are primarily mind control victims. Many people are truly not as free as they think they are, especially in targeted families and people whom we associate with.

I hope you are free enough to feel the truth in this, especially if you are an official who can help stop it from continuing. Please share this article with other people. There is more in my Technological Holocaust book and in my Yearn for Freedom books. And there are free articles on

P.S. It appears that I have experienced less of the mind control and more of the other parts of the covert targeting, because I was creative and wrote songs and poetry since I was a child; they seem to have wanted me to be able to keep producing material for them to steal. I portray some of this plagiarizing part of the targeting in my "Road Missed by a Lyricist" book. And I have no doubt that far more of my writings were stolen, than the few things I've noticed. They have literally made millions of dollars (possibly billions) from the theft of my work, while they sabotaged my life and my efforts to succeed with my own writings.
   I also experience rounds of covert harasssment and horrible physical tortures that are obviously performed with microwave and laser weapons, especially since I started realizing and writing about the targeting. Instead of killing me or frying my brain (like they have done to many other aware victims) they have repeatedly tried to literally torture me into silence.
   They have me trapped in a destitute and homeless and isolated situation and seem to have gained control of everything and every one around me, at least to some degree. The physical and emotional pain they have inflicted upon me is astronomical. I desperately need to be free of all aspects of the targeting so that I can live my life the way I am supposed to.
   I have been waiting for officials who are aware and whose hearts can be here for me. And I hope it happens before its too late for me. I hope its not already too late for me to fully recover from what those who target me have done to me and live in peace for at least the last couple decades of my life. I am now in my sixties and I have lost many decades of my life that I need to make up for, for my own sake as well as that of many other people. (But it appears that the plagiarizing part of the targeting of me is over and they now want to get rid of me completely.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Horrid Manipulations

   Those who target me obviously do not want my father's welfare to be checked into since my older sisters took complete control of my father and his estate. I have been deeply concerned that my sisters may tear my father out of his home and shove him into a nursing home so that they can get more money sooner, instead of letting him be taken care of in his own home, if he reaches the point of not being able to take care of himself. My father wants to stay in his own home until his "last breath."

This is not about money to me. Even though I am in desperate need of it, I do not want to get it through my father's death. I have always felt that it is a bit morbid get money from someone's death, let alone wait for or expect it...etc. And greed has never been one of my issues. Money for myself has not been my focus with this, although some people seem to foolishly assume it is. I actually told my father to take me out of his will, twice, just to get my sisters off of his back. So I have not been expecting anything for myself even if my sisters were not in control. But what they had done to manipulate this situation was horribly cruel to both my father and I and this is what concerns me - the fact that they seem to not be capable of genuine care for him and are now in complete control of his life.
   My father's money and will was VERY OBVIOUSLY one of their greedy focuses back in 2003, after he started obtaining substantial amounts of money through subdividing and selling off his farm. This became VERY evident to me when they fabricated an email, which made it look like I had written something about me getting all of my fathers money for myself when he dies. I know this was done, because my father fully believed that I had written it and openly confronted me about it. (My second oldest sister tends to project her darkness onto me and this was no exception to that rule.) It shocked me that my father believed that of me. It actually hurt me a lot! But I think it hurt him even more. I'll never forget the pain I heard in my father's voice as he lased into me about things I had not even written! Events around this proved to me that my second oldest sister had done this through infiltrating my email account.
   What my sisters wanted happened - my father lost trust in me and I told him to take me out of his will. I now believe that my sisters did that so that he would not choose my oldest brother and I as executors of his will. Prior to that, my father knew that my oldest brother and I were the only team of two, inside the family, that would have been the most fair with everyone else and would have also worked well together.
    My sister's manipulations to take over my fathers money has been in the works since they knew he started getting more of it. And they have gained control through manipulations that have been destroying his relationships with his other children. In recent years, as my father reached a vulnerable old age, my second oldest sister manipulated my oldest brother out of my father's life, through instigating a fight between them, and then she zoomed in to finish taking complete control of my father and his estate and will.
    My sisters have manipulated my father and the whole situation through fabricating things and instigating fights between him and his other children, causing so much turmoil that we just throw our hands up in the air and walked away. My oldest brother and I both did this and I just heard that my younger brother recently also told my father to take him out of his will. (I do not know what instigated this, but something did.)
    My older brother is back in my father's life but has been being distracted and overwhelmed with difficulties in his life literally EVERY time he has aimed to check into my fathers legal documents, in order to make sure they enable him to be well taken care of in his own home for the rest of his life. I just recently tried again to get him to do that and chaos broke loose yet another time to prevent it. I have no doubt that the turmoil in his life has been being inflicted with the radio wave part of the targeting, because it has been vamping up on me at these times too. Those who watch me and target me VERY obviously do not want my father's welfare to be taken care of by anyone but my two sisters. And this is VERY disturbing. Its so hard to be watching it all play out and not be able to do anything about it.

To my sisters it has all always been about money and control and their hateful jealousies and with the second oldest one it has also been about seeking vengeance. I believe that my sisters are not even capable of genuinely caring about my father very much, beyond the fake masks of kindness they wear for him and other people. Both have treated him with such utterly careless cruelty that it defies description. What they did to him in order to destroy his relationship with me soars beyond cruel. Its evil. They would not be able to do that to him if they cared about him. And now they have complete control of what happens to my father in his final few years!
   A sad part is that my father now fully trusts my sisters and not the rest of us. Their manipulations have been VERY sly and have been being set up to make their victims (especially me) look like the bad ones. My father used to know how jealous and mean my sisters could be, and how much genuine heart I have always had, but he no longer does - he appears to have been brainwashed! And there seems no hope for him realizing the truth now because his mind has recently been faultering a bit. (I hope they are not drugging him and that his faultering is natural!)

Unfortunately I can't directly do anything about any of it since my sisters convinced my father that I am crazy and untrustworthy. (I think the mind control part of the targeting was also involved in this.) So I have tried to get my oldest brother to take care of him, but the targeting has vamped up on him literally every time he has aimed in that direction in the past year. He and his wife appear to be unaware mind control victims.

Most of the obvious stuff has been done by my second oldest sister, but I believe that BOTH of my sisters are as together on the cruel process of taking control of my father's estate as they always have been in their cruel process of targeting me with their hate and jealousy. I have hoped to stop them by exposing this publicly - by forcing them to keep their masks of kindness on for the sake of my father's wellbeing, but I do not know if it will help at this point. And so much damage has already been done its heart wrenching. It seems too late for too much. With this post and last nights email I sent to my brothers and the sudden turmoil that is distracting at least one of them from even getting and reading it (again!), I am letting go and excepting the fact that there is nothing more I can do.
    My heart aches for my father and the fact that he is still being deprived of my love and my presence in his life, because of the cruelty in my sisters and the other parts of the targeting. It is too late for him to see the truths in this lifetime, but my consolation is that I believe he will be able to see everything clearly after his time in this body is finished. I wish for him to live out the rest of his life surrounded by peace and compassion and it hurt so much that he is surrounded by a darkness that he is not aware of. Its really hard to accept this. It hurts so much!

P.S. I am worried about my brothers too; my brothers, as well as my father, are all unaware mind control victims. I also feel for my sisters; I am certain that the dark sides of their nature would not have grown so much if they were not also victims of the sadistic targeting that has hurt us all. They may have decided to join it and directly be a part of it, but they would not have even had that opportunity if it had not intruded upon our lives. It is sad that their hearts have been so blocked. Their situation is sad too. I do not like going up against them here, but I feel that I must because it is not right to just silently sit back and let the darkness win and its the only way I can help my father. Even if it does not help my father, perhaps it will help other victims of similar things. God help us all.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Contemplating the Ideal Life...

    I watched an interesting movie last night. It was about a couple who woke to find that they appeared to be the only human beings left on earth. Everyone else had vanished without a trace. These two people perceived the situation in opposite ways; one seeing opportunities to have whatever they wanted and the other seeing mostly doom. I wondered what I would feel if this happened to me and was reminded of a poem I wrote in the mid to late 1990s...

If I were the only human left 
On Earth's vast depleted nest, 
Alone is somethings I'd feel less, 
For I am drowning in the depths 
Of its crowded emptiness.

   That poem was about the shallowness of a place I'd had to move to and me missing dear friends whom I'd been close to before the move...etc. But I had never felt the depths of that "crowded emptiness", like I have since I was isolated to be tortured and harassed in the dark covert targeting that has been happening to many people in our troubled world.

   If I experienced what that couple in the movie experienced I'd be VERY happy, because I'd be free - nobody left to harass me or shoot me with microwaves and laser weapons. I don't want everyone else to vanish, but if they did I'd love the freedom and I'd thrive in it. I'd miss people, but right now there is not much left in my life to miss, because nobody has been fully here for me, in the ways I need people to be, since the mid 1990s. Like I used to say about my marriage and the place I'd moved to then; its easier for me to be alone by myself than it is for me to be alone while surrounded by other people. I've always felt this way.
   I'm not a complete loner though. I love being with people almost as much as I love peaceful solitude in nature. The types of people, whom I enjoy the most are people who have deep open hearts and are deep thinkers - people who are growing and evolving. Most of the world has always felt too shallow to me and I now understand why more than I ever have before...

I feel that the ideal life is all people being completely free - their HEARTS and minds not being blocked by anything, especially not by the pharmaceuticals and radio waves that now appear to have most of humanity enslaved. This is what I want - COMPLETE FREEDOM FOR ALL OF HUMANITY, including me.

I want to be free to fully live my life and to be growing and evolving into all that I can be. Its extremely painful for me to be trapped in the stagnant rut that the targeting shoved me into and holds me in. I truly have been drowning in it and still am. Its not only been holding me back - it has also been slowly destroying me. I want to be free of all aspects of the targeting and to recover from the damage it has done to me, BEFORE its too late to fully do so. And I hope its not too late although it sometimes seems like it already is.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Celebrating Spring

Celebrating Spring
 copyright 3-26-2022 

 The birds celebrate 
A long awaited Spring. 
My car no longer has 
The debilitating ring. 
And my heart longs for 
The freedom to sing. 
After this long, cold 
And distressing night 
I might just make it - 
I may end up alright, 
If the radio waves 
Stop their attacks 
And I can quickly
Return to my track.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Freedom's Seeds

Freedom's Seeds 
copyright 3-6-2022 Sharon R. Poet

He has to be independent and free, 
That's just the way it should be. 
Don't let the sun leave his day
And make him be slipping away.  
Let him have the Love he needs. 
Plant for us freedom's seeds. 

A Beautiful Song - Cry

I love the lyrics to this Michael Jackson Song; "Somebody's missing a friend. (Hold-on) Somebody's lacking a hero and they have not a clue when it's all gonna end again. Stories buried and untold. Someone is hiding the truth. (Hold-on) When will this mystery unfold and will the sun ever shine in the blind mans eyes when he cries...(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)... All we have to do is to reach for the truth, the truth... When that flag glows there'll be no more wars... Change the world."

Michael Jackson - Cry (Official Video)

P.S. This song belongs in this world that is at war and trying to divide the races more than ever before...etc. IF ONLY WE ALL UNITE WITH OUR HEARTS!

Care for Palestine Blog

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