Thursday, June 29, 2023


I miss the type of news reports that share only the proven facts in ways that are objective, kind and considerate. The news reporters, that share speculations and opinions, are often confusing and misleading, especially when their opinions are negative and the speculations are not true. News should be just real facts. And the gossipy opinions and speculations should not be in it at all.
   And news should NOT be trying to interfere with presidential elections... The news should not be trying to sway people toward or against ANY presidential candidate, because it is just too wrong no matter how its looked at. In a free country like America, we are ALL entitled to a free and unmanipulated choice about who we vote in as our next president.


The reason why there is such a huge movement toward organic foods and "going green" - is because many people, including experts, know that it is really important for us to keep all types of chemicals and toxins and pharmaceuticals out of our foods and out of our bodies and out of our environment. In fact, the health and future of humanity depends on us completing this positive shift. Please realize and respect this truth.

Trying to force people into being vaccinated, through guilt tripping, terrorizing, coercing, manipulating, shaming, brainwashing or any other way, is wrong no matter how its looked at. Please stop doing this to us. Please accept our right to a free and unmanipulated and respected choice about what is done to our own bodies, and that of our children, when it comes to ALL types of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Another Computer or Email Infiltration

 Today I was able to retrieve my domain that I almost lost. All the content in it was wiped out but I saved the domain. It had expired. I felt sure it was paid until next year. I may have been mistaken, but when I had problems with web pages as I did the purchase. Then, as I was looking at past receipts and aimed to print out the receipt from my email account; ALL of the receipts from my website hosting company were wiped out of email account - not a trace of them left behind. Even the category, that I kept recent ones under, was wiped out. And the trash bin had been emptied. 

P.S. My Targeted in America site was refurbished, with the content in it. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A VERY Unprofessional and Upsetting News Broadcast;

Updated 6-22-2023

I have done a bit more research and have come to the conclusion that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is indeed being targeted. I do not think they will obviously assassinate him, like they did to his uncle and father. But there is just cause for concern that they could use microwave targeting, in order to interfere with his brain function and/or body function. I see some possible signs of this in some of his speeches; to me it seems evident in the way he sometimes only partially articulate things and the way he sometimes gets fidgety. It may just be his understandable nervousness about putting himself in such a difficult and possibly dangerous position. But it may be the subtle levels of microwave interference too.
   They have been VERY obviously using the media to target RFK Jr and make him LOOK "insane" after his speech in Washington about a year ago, as is evident in the article I share below. In that speech he stood up and exposed the satellite surveillance part of the targeting, which I know from painful experience is a taboo subject with the evil forces that are aiming for complete control of America and humanity.

I was shocked when I watched three news reporters mentally abuse and try to defame Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after showing only PART of one of his speeches and pretending that it was about something that it was obviously not even about. Their inconsiderateness and complete lack of news professionalism was hard to watch, but when they got mentally abusive it crossed a line into something that is just too horribly wrong, even if it were not after twisting a statement about surveillance and our inability to run and hide from it, into being about vaccine mandates being compared to Hitler's concentration camps. The abusive statements that these reporters said were, "This is just insanity" and "I think there's something wrong with him." They also insulted him in other ways and laid a guilt trip onto him, through a tweet from Auschwitz Memorial, which claimed that his comparison was "offensive" to holocaust victims. They also launched into the puppet push about how everyone should trust the vaccines and everyone should be vaccinated, which is VERY disrespectful of people's feelings and rights to have a free and respected choice about what is put into our bodies.
   The reporters seemed very proud of themselves for doing all of this - it was shocking to see such gleeful heartlessness in two of themMany people who see this will surely wonder what is wrong when these types of reporters so unprofessionally leap to express their own personal negative, gossipy opinions and happily deliver degradations and insults, instead of doing the research and getting the scientific facts and respectfully reporting the news in ways that are kind and considerate and objective. Aware people know that the place where there is something horribly "wrong" happening in this situation is in that news room. Some would even call it "evil." If only these reporters knew the real truth. If only they could care to. If only they were free to. Hopefully, someday, they will be free to care and understand, thanks to the aware people who have the courage to stand up for them and the rest of humanity even though they are being ridiculed and abused for doing it.

   In this news broadcast they shared only this part of RFK Jr's speech; "What we are seeing today is what I call turn key totalitarianism. They are putting into place all of these technological mechanisms for control that we've never seen before. Its been the ambition of every totalitarian state, from the beginning of mankind, to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct, of thought and to obliterate decent. None of them were able to do it. They didn't have the technological capacity. Even in Hitler Germany you could cross the alps into Switzerland and you could hide in an attic like Ann Frank did. I visited (in 1962) East Germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped. So it was possible. Many died doing it but it was possible."  As you can see, he had even stated that this was about "technologies" and the ability to escape a totalitarian situation. The rest of the statement, which they did not share, reiterated this fact by saying,  "Today the mechanisms are being put into place that will make it so that none of us can run and none of us can hide. Within five years we're going to see 415,000 low orbit satellites..." 

The Abusive and Inconsiderate News Broadcast is here

In the end of the video I watched of this part of his speech RFK Jr. appeared to be hinting at the technological torture parts of the evil targeting. He seems to be at least partly aware of the targeting and is using the political platform, in order to stand up and warn people, because they can't legally sensor a man who is running for president like they can other people. He is surely aware of the severe pharmaceutical problem we have and passionately stands up against it, which is a HUGE plus for him in my opinion.  

I do not know if RFK Jr is aware of the microwave mind control part of the targeting. He appears to not be. God help him if he isn't, because they could use it on him and his loved ones, in order to cause him all sorts of problems, if they haven’t already. I hope he is aware of the mind control, because awareness of the mind control part is a the key to surviving it. Its also a key to not misplace blame and to be able to reach a place of understanding for the people/puppets, including the ones in media and governments, who are just being unwittingly used/controlled by the evil forces who want them to be blamed for it all. If only the hearts of aware officials would stand up with the full truth and let people know that they are working on ending this holocaustal situation, so that people can be doing more to help and support each other through it.

Anyone who is aware of the full reality of what has been happening understands exactly what RFK Jr. was talking about in the above statement. And the truth is that; even a LOT more than what he shared there is indeed happening and has been since at least the 1950s. It appears that microwave and laser weapons are built into some satellites for the purpose of physically torturing people/targets who do not comply or do not remain silent. Such radio waves, in conjunction with brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, are also used for mind control. And I have strongly suspected that the covid vaccine/pharmaceutical is part of the control/enslavement program being forced upon all of humanity through instilling fear of illness and death with the covid scare. No, I do not have scientific proof of this, but if you were free to listen to your own instincts, you would probably feel the truth in what I am saying or at least be able to be objective enough to consider its possibility.

The media and other people being used to discredit a vitally important truth, with "conspiracy theory" labels and "insanity' labels and "crazy tin foil hat people" labels...etc., has been happening for over a decade now. It is part of the mind control programming. And it is doing a horrid injustice to the victims of these inhumane crimes.

The puppets have repeatedly done this to me. They also accused me of offending victims of Hitler's holocaust, in 2012 - after I started calling this current crisis a "Technological Holocaust." But I feel certain that, if victims of the holocaust in Germany were aware of what is happening, they would not feel offended by any comparison that can help people realize that a horrid and evil thing is happening now too. They would probably be very understanding and supportive. I also feel that IT IS NOT WRONG TO RELATE WHAT IS NOW HAPPENING, WITH THE HOLOCAUST IN GERMANY, ESPECIALLY SINCE, ACORDING TO SOME RESEARCHERS, IT IS A COVERT EXTENTION OF IT. A GENERAL DIFFERENCE IS THAT...IN GERMANY MASSES OF PEOPLE WERE VERY OBVIOUSLY LEAD TO CAMPS WHERE THEY WERE USED AND TORTURED AND KILLED...AND IN THIS SITUATION MASSES OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BEING INCONSPICUOUSLY ENSLAVED AND USED, OR TORN FROM THEIR LOVED ONES AND HOMES AND ISOLATED TO BE TORTURED AND ABUSED AND THEN CALLED "INSANE" IF THEY SAY ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THEM.
   What happened in Germany was surely worse in some ways. But the current situation is worse in other ways, including in the way that severe torture victims do not have the understanding and emotional support of loved ones and fellow citizens, while they experience ongoing satellite surveillance and painful tortures of various kinds. The media and other people being used against those of us who tell people about what is happening, instead of helping us to expose and stop these horrid crimes, is another part of our situation that makes it worse than Hitler’s Holocaust - the survivors of Hitler's holocaust had acknowledgement of what happened to them, and they had support and help from their surviving loved ones and other people from all around the world. Survivors of this current part of the hell have been getting the complete opposite. Even other people who stand up against small parts of what is happening get the opposite, which as is evident in the news article above and many others in the past decade and more. Victims who do not survive either commit suicide, in order to escape it, or are literally tortured into insanity or are inconspicuously murdered with microwave weapons and/or parasite inflictions.

I am partly native American and this appears to be what initially brought the targeting my way. The Jewish never were the only targets of the evil forces that Hitler was involved with, and people need to realize this truth and the fact that this is VERY REAL global crisis.

Losing loved ones through their hearts being blocked by pharmaceuticals, and their minds being manipulated by radio waves, is actually worse than losing them through a sudden death. I know because I have experienced both. The ones who are physically dead are free. The ones who are still alive are trapped in an inescapable evil hell. Telling us that our situation is not real or is "insanity" or that it can not be compared to other evil and abusive targetings (in order to help people realize the gravity of the situation,) is not fair to us and is actually part of the evil targeting. The fact that so many people have lost their compassion and objectivity and their ability to listen to their own instincts is actually proof of the evil enslavement of humanity.

My old websites have been being infiltrated. I just lost two of them. But there is still some info on these two remaining ones. and

Monday, June 12, 2023

"Crimes of the Mind"

I just watched an interesting movie, which was inspired by a true story. It shows obvious Emotional Abuse being used by a cult to tear down and brainwash a girl, in order to destroy her relationship with her mother and make her more controllable. There is not a doubt in my mind that various types of Emotional Abuse and brainwashings are VERY common and that it is being done by more than just known organized cults. I feel that these sorts of abusive behaviors exist in MANY of our communities and families, and that their existence, and their harmful effects, are far worse than most people have realized. Everyone should become aware of this, so that more can be done to stop it from happening and help free the victims of it.
   I knew a teen girl who was almost lost, due to being brainwashed. The villains had worked at brainwashing her and turning her against her mother through late night phone calls, which she was instructed to do with a phone card they sent her. But they waited until she turned 18, before trying to zoom in to fully claim her, so that law enforcement officials could not be used to retrieve her. As the mother fought to save her daughter, through hiring a private detective, the villains called the police and made it look like the mother was the one who was stalking and harassing them. In the end the mother did get her daughter away from them, because she sensed something wrong early in the game and because she had repeatedly reached out to her daughter with her heart and with the truths that the private investigator had found, but it appears that the daughter did not fully recover from what they did to her, due to none of them being fully aware of the brainwashings and their effects.
   My general situation is not like the one in this movie, but some of the sadistic tactics are identical to some of the things that my two older sisters have done to me and other family members. Among other things, the part where the villain degrades the girl's mother and tells her to not be like her mother, was VERY similar to what my oldest sister did to my oldest daughter. And I was shocked to find that, in this movie, they made the girl terrified of her parents by convincing her that they would imprison her in an asylum if she went back home. I wonder if this is a common tactic used by cults. Its a tactic that my second oldest sister has used on me since 2003. The villain in this movie also projected her own abusive behaviors onto the girl's mother - calling her "evil" and "insane," just like my sister does, in order to turn people against me. My sister also used to tell people that I had joined a "satanic occult." Due to her habit of projecting bad things, that she has done, onto me; this is like her admitting that SHE had joined a satanic cult. (I certainly never did.) I now have little doubt that she did indeed join one, and that the cult has helped BOTH of my sisters to target me and my other loved ones.
   My 90 year old father has recently been the worse victim of the Emotional Abuse and brainwashings that have been happening inside my own family. They sabotaged his relationships with his two sons and I, and then took him from his New Hampshire home, directly after he had a traumatic experience (which they either instigated or took advantage of) and then they isolated him in Ohio, in January of this year of 2023. After being confronted, my sister claimed that she has to protect our father from his sons and I, but it is really her and my other sister, and the hell they raise in his other relationships, that he needs protection from. Since they had been confronted, both of my sisters have been changing things to make it look like they were not doing what they had indeed done. But my father is still trapped on Ohio with my second oldest sister and he still thinks that she is being nothing but "wonderful" to him and is trustworthy. My father is so brainwashed that he can not see what she does even when she makes it is blatantly obvious.
   In the beginning of this last round of this situation with my father; my brothers did basically the same thing that the step father did in this movie - they thought that my father would call one of us for help and want to return home on his own. This was because they were not aware of the severity of the emotional abuse and brainwashing that had already been done to our father since at least 2003. I knew, but they had all been convinced that I was crazy, so I didn't have a leg to stand on. (My brothers and I were also being emotionally abused through the whole process of my sisters trying to isolate our father, so it was hard for any of us to keep our heads above water.)
   Since my father has been in Ohio, he appears to have become even more of an extension of my second oldest sister and even less like himself than he was before. She uses him as if he were her own personal little puppet that she owns. And he SEEMS happy to comply, but he is not free to do anything but comply.

This movie portrays a VERY REAL problem. The real "crime of the mind" problem is not only happening to teenagers and its not always obviously abusive, like is portrayed in the movie. I think its a VERY wide spread problem in our communities, which is often so subtle and manipulative that most people do not even realize its happening. This movie also portrays the need for new laws and more awareness of these sorts of none-physical crimes, so that law enforcement can do more to help the victims. Emotional Abuse, and the brainwashings that often accompany it, are VERY dangerous and harmful and should be prosecutable crimes, especially in severe situations like what is portrayed in this movie. Whether its a child or an adult should not matter, because people who are being emotionally abused and/or brainwashed are not free to make their own choices, no matter what age they are. And absolutely NOBODY should ever be left trapped in this sort of situation.
   In this movie, the mother had to go against the laws, and kidnap her own daughter, in order to save her, after five years of unsuccessfully trying to do it the legal way. And in the end they got her back and helped her to see the truth about what had happened to her. However, they were not able to press charges and stop the villain from continuing to harm others. And I have no doubt that there are MANY situations like this in real life.

Crimes of the Mind; 2014 Lifetime movie

P.S. I just did a web search on "laws against brainwashing" and found nothing at all. Brainwashing is an extremely harmful thing, that destroys people's lives, through taking away their free will...etc., and it should be illegal. Other forms of brainwashing are also done with the use of certain types of drugs and certain frequencies of radio waves, that interfere with natural brain function.

"Crimes of the Mind"

This movie is based on a true story and it shows obvious Emotional Abuse being used to tear down and brainwash a girl, in order to destroy her relationship with her mother and make her more controllable. It says its a cult, but I think cults are usually less obvious with their tactics; often manipulating people while wearing a mask of kindness. But perhaps they work in both ways. To me, this seems more like an extremely abusive situation with a psychotic-type woman and the husband and children she controls and uses. But there is not a doubt in my mind that Emotional Abuse and brainwashings are VERY common in all forms of sadistic cults, that they have infiltrated many communities and families, and that the effects are far worse, than most people have realized.
   I knew a teen girl who was almost lost, due to being brainwashed. The villains had worked at brainwashing her and turning her against her mother through late night phone calls, which she was instructed to do with a phone card they sent her. But they waited until she turned 18, before zooming in to fully claim her, so that law enforcement officials could not be used to retrieve her. As the mother fought to save her daughter, through hiring a private detective who found and followed them, the villains called the police and made it look like the mother was the one who was stalking and harassing them. In the end the mother got her daughter away from them, because she sensed something wrong early in the game and because she had repeatedly reached out to her daughter with her heart and with the truths that the private investigator found, but it appears that the daughter did not fully recover from what they did to her, due to none of them being fully aware of the brainwashings and their effects.
   My general situation is not like the one in this movie, but some of the sadistic tactics are identical. I was shocked to find that they made the girl terrified of her parents by convincing her that her parents would imprison her in an asylum if she went back home. I wonder if this is a common tactic used by cults. Its a tactic my sister used on me. The villain in this movie also projected her own abusive behaviors onto the girl's mother - calling her "evil" and "insane," just like my sister does, in order to turn people against me. My sister also used to tell people that I had joined a "satanic occult." Due to her habit of projecting bad things, that she does, onto me; this is like her admitting that SHE had joined a satanic occult. (I certainly never did.) I now have little doubt that she did join one, and that the occult has helped BOTH of my sisters to target me and my other loved ones. It appears that my 90 year old father has recently been the worse victim of the Emotional Abuse and brainwashings that have happen inside my own family. They sabotaged his relationships with his two sons and I, and then took him from his New Hampshire home, directly after he had a traumatic experience (which they either instigated or took advantage of) and then isolated him in Ohio in January of this year of 2023. My sister now claims that she has to protect our father from his sons and I, but it is really her and my other sister, and the hell they raise in his other relationships, that he needs protection from. He is still trapped there and he still thinks that my sister is nothing but, "wonderful." He is so brainwashed that he can not even see what she does even when it is blatantly obvious. And law enforcement has said that there "is no crime" happening and so there is nothing they can do about it.

The real "crime of the mind" problem is not only happening to teenagers and its not always obviously abusive. I think its a VERY wide spread problem in our communities, which is often so subtle and manipulative that most people do not even realize its happening.

Emotional Abuse, and the brainwashings that often accompany it, are VERY dangerous and harmful and should be prosecutable crimes
, especially in severe situations like what is portrayed in this movie. Whether its a child or an adult should not matter, because people who are being emotionally abused and/or brainwashed are not free to make their own choices, no matter what age they are. And absolutely NOBODY should ever be left trapped in this sort of situation. This movie also portrays the need for new laws and more awareness of these sorts of none-physical crimes, so that law enforcement can do more to help the victims. In this movie, as in the real life situation, the mother had to go against the laws, and kidnap her own daughter, in order to save her, after five years of unsuccessfully trying to do it the legal way. And in the end they got her back and helped her to see the truth about what had happened to her. However, they were not able to press charges and stop the villain from continuing to harm others.

I feel that various types of brainwashings often accompany Emotional abuse. I just did a web search on "laws against brainwashing" and found nothing at all. Brainwashing is an extremely harmful thing, that destroys people's lives, through taking away their free will...etc., and it should be illegal.

Crimes of the Mind; 2014 Lifetime movie

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Braking the Silence

Braking the Silence
copyright Sharon R. Poet

It crashed in like boulders
Flung out from the cliff
Where old fires smoldered
And hearts had fallen stiff.
They trashed the real truth
And turned it into "lies,"
Confirming devastation
Among my heart's cries.
They again turned my pain
Into the hate they project.
While demanding silence
And undeserved respect.
I didn't expect them to care
I didn't expect them to see.
Its never even been there
For the likes of little me.
Its my fault. I opened doors -
Put my head on their block.
While cruel waves swelled
To hit my rotting dock.
But I had to stand for him
And all of them and me -
I had to brake the silence
To set the others free.
Did I really think that
I would only succeed.
I wish I'd had a place -
A bit of solid ground,
Where peace and love
Was all I had around.

The Blades

The Blades
copyright Sharon R. Poet

 They sharpened their blades 
And raised them to lash out 
 In the troubles they created 
 To make us hurt and shout.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Looking Back and Standing Up

I have been doing a lot of looking back at my interactions with family members in the past couple years. I started doing this to look at myself. But I noticed a lot of other things and more puzzle pieces from the past have been clicking together. According to my dreams, my family is VERY angry with me for standing up publicly. Hopefully they will someday understand that I first tried doing it privately and was attacked. I hope that ALL of my family members use my stand as an opportunity to look at and alter the hurtful behaviors instead of continuing to attack me. The fact that my second oldest sister and her children were in attack mode, against both of my brother's and I, from the start, is what inspired me to go public. I have had to stand up for our father. Doing so in the family was not effective and was hurtful to me. So now I am publicly standing up for Dad, for me, and for all other victims of Emotional Abuse both inside and outside my family

I have just put up a couple new pages on the following new blog. And this new blog IS being advertised and shared, unlike this personal one that I have been writing on.

Exposing Emotional Abuse


Care for Palestine Blog

Please read and share my Care for Palestine Blog; PDF Back up of Care for Palestine blog; Care for ...