Monday, February 27, 2023

I am Under Attack!

In the past week or so I confronted my sisters, in family emails, about what they are doing to my father and had to defend myself against my second oldest sister's fabrications against me in the family.  She and her daughter sent a horrid attacking email that was full of fabrications and other things aimed to hurt and upset and deter my oldest brother, his wife and I from our father. Today, after sending my final family email I am being blasted with a severe microwave attack that is effecting my eyesight and creating pain in my head. Am VERY scared.

There is more about this situation on this blog post

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

New News Broadcast for Microwave Victims

In the video below more is shared about the experiences of the people who were microwaved at the Cuban embassy.

Tears welled in my eyes when I heard one of the victims say, "There is nothing worse than being a victim that everybody doubts," because I know how this feels. I feel sad for her and for other victims, including myself.
   The problem of microwave targeting extends FAR beyond these few people who were targeted at the Cuban embassy and is done in many different ways. This has been happening for MANY decades and there are masses of various types of victims from all walks of life. I have called this a "Technological Holocaust" (since 2011) because this is what it is - a horrid holocaust where technologies, which can emit and direct radio waves, have been being used to influence or harm or terrorize or injure people.
The lack of awareness in our world makes the targeting unbearable for many, especially for those of us who suffer from ongoing attacks... The assumption that victims are just "mentally ill" is actually psychologically abusive, because it can make victims lose trust in their own experiences and perceptions. ALL types of victims should be given the benefit of doubt, because its just too hurtful to do the opposite.

I beg aware microwave weapon experts, and other aware government officials, to stand up with the full truth, not just for us victims, but also for the safety and wellbeing of ALL of humanity. I think part of the reason why some aware officials have not stood up is due to their fear of being targeted and/or their fear of people not being able handle the truth. And I hope they conquer these fears quickly, because there are modes of protection and the FULL truth being exposed to the public is desperately needed. Public awareness can bring victims the validation and understanding and proper types of help from loved ones (or other fellow human beings), that has been desperately needed. FULL public awareness can also open doors for more officials, all around the world, to be taking steps that will prevent the attacks from continuing. Please stand up for us and the rest of humanity.

Microwave weapon attacks can happen in multiple ways. And the results can range from being completely unnoticeable interference with brain function to being ongoing painful tortures or injury to various body parts or inflictions of physical illness or death.
   It has been proven to me that the microwave and laser weapons, which appear to be most often used on targets like myself, are space based. It appears to be microwave weapon systems that are built into satellites, or other space based technologies that are used in conjunction with satellite surveillance systems.
   I have experienced many rounds of painful torture levels of microwave targeting. Most of these attacks just caused physical pain, but some have caused burn marks on my skin or fine laser cuts on my body and clothing and temporary damage to muscles or tendons or nerves...etc. The most painful tortures are done to various parts of my body, but mostly my head. And the loud ringing in my ears only happens during SOME of these attacks.
   The attacks on my brain often cause mental numbness and muddled thinking and a few have been so severe that it made me vomit and have difficulty remaining conscious. The pain during these types of attacks is excruciating and terrifying. I have lived in fear of being inflicted with permanent brain damage since around 2012, when the worse types of attacks started.
   In the past year or so my right hand (my writing hand) has been being painfully lasered to the point of causing noticeable physical damage. And my left hand was damaged in 2012. Among other things this seems to be to force me to stop writing about the targeting.
   My name is Sharon R. Poet and I have been being targeted with microwaves in New Hampshire as well as in other places that I have visited both inside and outside the USA. I am just one of many victims in my situation. And I have absolutely no doubt that my situation is just one of masses of others throughout the world. God, help us all to be truly free and safe!

NBC News; Fighting An Invisible Enemy: The Voices Of Havana Syndrome

Aware Targeted Individuals sometimes appear crazy in videos on the web, but the sad truth is that we really are being targeted and tortured and often just have not been told enough of the truths to not be assuming the wrong things, and have often not had enough freedom (from microwave interference with brain function at strategic times) to communicate effectively.
   However, it appears that some people pretend to be torture victims just to pass out misinformation and/or to make us genuine torture victims look crazy. But although they are probably not being tortured by it... they are being controlled by it and are just a different sort of victim.
   There are actually many various types of victims of covert targeting and not all are victims of the microwave torture. Doubt is actually understandable in some of these situations, but blind disbelief and assuming that it is "mental illness," is hurtful and damaging to torture victims who are already dealing with FAR too much. So, please be open minded and objective. And please care about us. We matter too.
My name is Sharon R. Poet and I have been being targeted with microwaves in New Hampshire as well as in other places that I have visited both inside and outside the USA.

In the Shadows of Targeted Families

The general targeting causes a lot of discord and suffering in targeted families. I sometimes feel guilty when I write about the negative things that have been happening in my family, and when I share my suspicions, because I know that ALL of my family members are also victims of the hell, to at least some degree. But I feel like I have had to stand up for my father and myself and other victims, with the hope that it will help prevent things from getting even worse than they already have been and still are. My public stand to expose the general targeting, since 2011, has always been for my whole family as much as for other victims.

I suspect that, in heavily targeted families, the first born child is damaged in a way that makes them more controllable, and then this child is used to help torment the other children. At least two such infants in my family suddenly broke out in an odd severe rash directly after a doctor visit, and I think this may have something to do with them being injected with something bad that their little bodies reacted to. And the behaviors in those two, and also in my oldest sister, make this suspicion look VERY true.
   MOST family members actually become severe mind control victims, and most of it seems to be through the pharmaceutical blocking of their hearts and instincts as well as radio wave interference with their brain functionThe ones who are singled out to become torture victims (like myself in my family) appear to be people who have big hearts, old souls, very creative minds and are more open to their own natural spirituality. It appears that we are intentionally kept more whole (more unblocked) and are even allowed to grow spiritually to a certain degree..., but then our work and homes and relationships are sabotaged until we are destitute and isolated from all possible sources of help. (Controlled family members are used to help with this cruel process, including with the intentional deprivation of financial help.) Then we are abducted through being either drugged and kidnapped or through a fake covert "rescue."
   What happens to us after we are abducted is probably many different things, but I am sure that one of these things is being consumed by the evil targetors who think that they gain the spiritual power of the beings they eat. I know this due to a prophetic dream I had, which warned me of them having this aim with me. Some may call this "paranoia," but it is the exposing of a truth that can save our lives. There is a lot more to the targeting than this, including the instigation of a lot of suffering and the instilling of feelings of being unloved in most family members...etc., but this is one of the general scenarios in long term heavily targeted families.
   These targeted families are not good for long term torture victims like myself and they can even be extremely dangerous to be too close to. And this is really sad for all family members, but especially for the torture victims who surely are often family loving people like myself. My name is Sharon R. Poet and my family has been being targeted primarily in New Hampshire, in the USA, but it appears to have started in Canada, due to my mother's native roots.

FULL AWARENESS AND FREEDOM IS NEEDED FOR EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF HEAVILY TARGETED FAMILIES LIKE MINE. And I hope it arrives before its too late for any more of us. We matter too.

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