Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Count Too (New song)

I wrote "I Count Too!" as I thought about the plagiarisms of some of my writings and the covert targeting that I have experienced. I dedicate this song to all who have done these sorts of things to me.

I Count Too 

copyright 11/30/2020 with all rights reserved Sharon Rose Poet PO Box 383 Mont Vernon, NH 03057

I know this is an epiphany
And surely new news to you.
But there aint no way around it
Because, by God, its true. I count too!

My experiences, writings and songs?
I'm the only one to whom they belong.
My life, my soul and my heart
Are not yours to be tearing apart!

I count too! What the heck is wrong with you? I count too!

I'm kicking bass just like I should.
It's sure high time I finally stood.
So, why are the guns pointed at me?
I should be safe and sound and free.

I count too! What the heck is wrong with you? I count too!

Its time for you to find your heart
And be considerate of me.
I aint no thing for you to use,
Steal from, deprive and abuse. I count too!

I'm climbing off your prison shelf
To stand for justice and myself.
I'm so proud to be singing this song.
I wish it could right all that's wrong.

I count too!
I count too.
I do.

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