Friday, August 23, 2024

A Bit of Validation for Torture Victims

updated on 8-24-2024

Microwave targeting is now also being called "Havana Syndrome" and "Anomalous Health Incidents" (AHI).

In the video I shared in the previous post, more was said about the microwave targeting, and the plight of the victims, than I've seen in any other report. The focus was only on government officials who were attacked with microwave weapons. But, now that the existence of microwave weapons, and some of their capabilities, have finally been publicly exposed and some officials are standing up for some of the victims; the door has opened for more aware officials to also stand up and share what they know about the various types of weapons, and various types of victims that do indeed exist, both inside and outside the government. This video is a small step, but it is an important one, because it is officials standing up against the reports, which still try to claim that microwave weapons do not exist and/or that the targeting isn't even really happening; its three official investigators stating that the weapons do indeed exist and that people are indeed being hurt by them...

The chairman said, in his opening statement, that the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine found the AHI symptoms "to be consistent with the effects of directed pulsed radio frequency energy. Many of the chronic non-specific symptoms are also consistent with known radio frequency effects, such as dizziness, head aches, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, cognitive deficits and memory loss."

The rest of the hearing was three witnesses, who have investigated microwave weapon attacks, making opening statements and answering questions...

Mr. Edgreen; stated that the microwaving is not new. He mentioned reports of it starting as early as in the 1950s when the USA embassy started being attacked in Moscow, and that there have been many other reported incidents since then. He spoke of the unfair "gaslighting" of the victims. He said that, "The signs and symptoms of AHI are generally compelling and that pulse electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radio frequency range, explains the core characteristics." he said that some of the microwave weapon attacks are "designed to make the target feel like they are crazy, like they are imagining things, especially in the low intensity long duration hits."

Mr. Grozev; stated that he did extensive studies of the victims and found that there were many symptoms that surely were NOT "psychosomatic" or from "preexisting" symptoms, like has been said in other reports. He stated that he found proof of microwave weapons being developed at least since the 1970s and referred to them as, "Wave Weapons" which are both acoustic and directed energy weapons. He stated that there is "sufficient evidence" that microwave weapons do exist and can have ill effects on the human body and brain.

Mr. Zaid; stated that microwave weapon attacks have "mostly silently plagued" many victims "for decades." He said that, "The victims are not just selfless public servant, [but are also] their spouses, children (including infants) and even pets." He shared intelligence info that mentioned, "a high powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence." He also said that "this weapon is designed to bathe the targets home in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system." He stated that "Todays hearing can only present a sliver of relevant information. The overwhelming majority of evidence, concerning AHIs is hidden behind classified walls." He said that, "There is intelligence, scientific, and medical evidence that substantiates the existence of AHIs and that SOME of the attacks were perpetrated by a former adversary. That evidence can be specifically identified in the proper classified setting. That said, there is a wealth of publicly available information concerning the history of directed energy weapons, particularly its scientific and military applications."

Mr. Thompson asked the three witnesses, "Are any of you aware of any reported incidents from Individuals who are not members of the United states government?" Mr. Edgreen said, "I am not but...I only focused on former and present government employees." Mr. Zaid said, "There are many people who believe they are victims... I only represent government employees, so I don't focus on the accuracy of those particular claims." Mr. Grozev said, "Not on American soil, but in other parts of the world there've been complaints that appear to be credible." 

All three witnesses think that Russia is at least partly to blame, and Mr. Edgreen repeatedly stated that the USA should strike back and seek vengeance on Russia. But Mr. Grozev (or Mr. Zaid?) wisely said, "From my personal point of view, making this public is the best protection." One of them stated that a Russian official said that Russians were being attacked by the USA and were aiming to strike back, around the 1980s. However, there are, no doubt, many groups and many countries that have developed microwave weapons since Nicola Tesla's experiments in the late 1800s and early 1900s. And surely many have already been vengefully hurting each other with them, at least since the 1950s. And Public awareness and stopping criminal use of the technologies, EVERYWHERE, is truly the remedy. We must have a peaceful end to the hell that too many of us have already experienced, rather than even more suffering being inflicted. We just must.

Much of the needed information has been classified as top secret, which has hindered investigations as well as the hearing in this video. I'm sure there were reasons for the classification, but masses of victims need the validation and understanding and acknowledgment...etc. Hopefully there will soon be a LOT more transparency and the plight of ALL types of victims, both inside and outside the government, will be realized and acknowledged, and criminal use of all types of microwave weapons, both ground and space based, will be completely stopped.

Homeland Security Hearing - (full video)
(I am not sure if this address will remain accurate due to possible infiltrations.)

 P.S. I feel that brain numbing pharmaceuticals and radio wave mind control have also helped to hinder independent investigations and has caused a lot of blind disbelief and denial of the truths. :-(  But it looks like the time has come for us to push past the obstacles. :-)

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