Wednesday, February 12, 2025

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask "who threw the first punch" or "who did the provoking" or "who invaded the other's home"...etc., because we know that this is the one who is responsible.
   In the Palestinian situation, many people have only heard one side of the story - Israel's side, which has proven to not be very honest. This war actually started over 75 years ago, as the Zionists aimed to steal Palestine through violently killing masses of Palestinians, in order to terrorize the rest into leaving their homes and businesses and country. This happened on a VERY large scale around 1948. And this is when the Zionists started calling Palestine, "Israel."

The truth is that Israel is the one who is the violent invader - Israel has been stealing Palestine through both killing and displacing masses of the Palestinian people for over 75 years now. This is documented historical fact.

The Zionist invasion was originally to steal Palestine, and it also now appears to have been to gather the surviving Jewish people there for assimilation before being used in armies that could finish getting rid of the native Palestinians. Israeli supporters have been playing the "Jewish" and "antisemitic" card, in order to hide the truth and make the victims look like the bad guys. But, it does not matter what religion the Zionist's new immigrants were. What matters is what they and the Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians and their beloved Palestine.
  The Palestinian people have suffered indescribably, through many rounds of Israel's various types of violent and destructive invasions. Some Palestinians have violently fought back, like most people would after being invaded over and over and over again. Obviously, the Palestinians would not be fighting back if they were not being attacked and murdered and traumatized and stolen from...etc.
   From the start, violent Israeli settlers and/or military have been attacking and provoking the Palestinians, and then Israeli officials use the Palestinian's violent reactions, in order to justify killing or imprisoning or displacing even more massive amounts of them. This has ben the ongoing pattern.
In recent years Israeli leaders and supporters are doing this under the guise of it only being a "war against terrorism." But, in this most recent escalation of the fighting, both Israeli and USA leaders are obviously aiming to finish getting rid of what little is left of the Palestinians, and finish stealing what little is left of Palestine. This aim is evident in how they just made Gaza so unlivable, and in the recent vamp-ups in violent Israeli settler encroachments and bombings in Palestine's West Bank.

Now, instead of just killing and driving away the native Palestinians and putting new immigrants in their homes and businesses, they are also destroying massive amounts of homes and businesses, in order to make key parts of Palestine unlivable - in order to force the rest of the Palestinians out of their own territory/country. Its all just too horribly wrong.

Israel is the violent terroristic invader in Palestine, for over 75 years now. And the Palestinians are the victims of it. This is documented historical fact...

I feel indescribably sad for the Palestinian people. What has been happening to them is one of the worse holocaustal crimes in the history of humanity. Please Look up the "history of Palestine" and you will probably find it even though Israeli supporters have been foolishly trying to pretend that Palestine does not even exist, even though it has been proven to have there for over seven centuries. Palestine and the Palestinian people do indeed exist. They should BOTH stop being destroyed. Palestine should be restored. And the Palestinian people should be allowed freedom and safety and peace and independence in their own home land of Palestine, just because its what is right and humane and just.

The Other Side of the Palestinian Situation

P.S. Hundreds of thousands of people have been standing up for the Palestinian people, all over the world. But the fact that this appears to have made no difference at all, and that the Israeli and USA leaders are just either ignoring or suppressing it and moving forward with their plan to finish getting rid of the Palestinian people and finish stealing discouraging to say the least. For this sort of destructive evil and deceptive behavior to have such free rein, in todays day and age, is actually very scary. God help us all.

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My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...