Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Moth Poem

A beautiful moth, 
So drawn to the Light, 
Spreads it's wings 
In peaceful flight. 
Noticing the difference 
Between Light and fire 
Will make all the difference 
As it flies higher.

Embracing Feelings and Healing

I am finally completing the new edition of my old Embracing Feelings book. Its called, Embracing Feelings and Healing. 

When many are too blocked or numb 
To feel Love or sense truth, 
Or are too angry to keep 
Violence under its roof, 
What is there left to do 
But find a place of healing 
 For them and me and you? 

Facing tough times can trigger deep feelings and it is important that we embrace these feelings and allow our natural grieving and healing process. And we need the freedom to do it.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Call for Healthy Food Instead of Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals

 I feel that healthy food is the cure for most diseases and is the best defense against things like the pandemic and other illnesses. It has been scientifically proven that our bodies can fight off or heal from most illnesses when they are healthy. And the most important way to keep our bodies healthy is to supply them with the proper nutrition. I wish this was being pushed upon people instead of the vaccines and pharmaceuticals that often cause harm in multiple ways, even when they can help with some thingshttps://returntowisdomoftheearthsmedicine.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

So Glad to Have Witnessed a Peaceful Inauguration

  Tears welled in my eyes as I embraced renewed hope for all the wonderful words, that were spoken at President Biden's inauguration to prove to be true for everyone including those of us who are victims of various types of covert targetings. May genuine TRUTH and FREEDOM be restored to our country and our world.

May the Light of Genuine Love, Truth, Peace
 and Freedom Shine for Everyone.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Mystery of Black Hope Cemetery Solved?

   In Crosby, Texas there is an old graveyard that is reported to contain at least sixty African-American "poppers graves" that were all place there prior to 1940. In the early 1980s a subdivision was built over the cemetery and houses were sold to unaware people. The people who purchased the houses, which were directly in the graveyard, started experiencing unusual and terrifying things like, the sounds of doors slamming and toilets flushing and footsteps, street lights flickering off and on, odd insect/parasite infestations, unusual discord between loved ones, technologies (like a garage door opener and TV and clock) malfunctioning inexplicably, pets behaving strangely, odd pockets of cold air, plants inexplicably dying, unusual amounts of physical illness and deaths of loved ones, unusual storms in the area, ravens and vultures gathering in trees to screech out warnings of danger...etc. It was all believed to be due to a haunting by evil spirits who were seeking revenge. 
    But this situation went far beyond the normal ghost haunting types of things. One of the families became angry and defiant and then was hit harder. It was reported that, "Within months, six of their close relatives were diagnosed with cancer; three of them died." And their young daughter died of a heart attack. I believe that what happened to them is very real, but I do not think ghosts were doing any of these things, because it is all too much like the sadistic covert targeting that "Targeted Individuals” have been experiencing and reporting for decades. In the "Targeted Individual" situations it’s been assumed to be "mental illness", (like what was insinuated in the New York Times in 2016) which hurts the victims even more.
   Unfortunately, when people are unaware of the capabilities of microwave weapons, and of the type of sadistic covert targeting that has been happening to many people, it is easy to assume that it is either due to "mental illness" or ghosts. But I feel that it is most often (if not always) neither of these things and is due to evil, vengeful, targetings performed by human beings who are in a secret society and have access to satellite surveillance and laser/microwave weapon systems.
   Microwave weapons can be used to remotely project all sorts of sounds and voices, to make a person feel hot or cold, to create air flows (or pressure) that can move things or cause sudden gusts of wind, to manipulate all sorts of technologies and electrical  appliances, to shoot radio waves into a person's body to make them feel dizzy or agitated or make them have a heart attack or make them physically ill with things like cancer and autoimmune diseases...etc. They can even be used to create storms or keep them in one spot.
These microwave weapons being used to scare or harm people, and the other sneaky things that are usually done by people who are used in the targeting process, are not ghosts or "mental Illness." Criminal use of satellite surveillance and laser/microwave weapon systems is a critical problem that all people should be aware of and that must be completely stopped.
   I feel that the Black Hope Cemetery situation is yet another situation where public lack of awareness, and the resulting lack of the proper kinds of help, allowed an evil vengeance to continue hurting and devastating innocent people. Several people lost their lives and four families lost their homes and were terrorized in ways that they will probably never be able to fully recover from if the truths do not come out. The spiritual and psychological wellbeing of all victims of these sorts of crimes depends on the truths coming out about the sadistic targetings and the tactics and technologies that have been being used on people. Please help the TRUTHS to be known and for the hell to be stopped for everyone.

 Black Hope Cemetery 

Hope cannot be gained, 
Where human vengeance reined, 
When the Truths needed most 
 Are covered up by "ghosts." 

Let’s restore hope with Truth. 

   People who lived in the Black Hope Cemetery development published a factual book about what happened there. It’s called, "The Black Hope Horror." And there was also a movie based on the actual events. Unsolved Mysteries did a show on it and it appears to still remain a mystery that is hard for people to believe and probably much harder for the victims to live with even after it was over. I immediately recognized the patterns and tactics of covert and technological targeting, because I have experienced most of the same types of things and I know that I have been being targeted - I know it’s not ghosts or mental illness. Knowing the truth has helped me tremendously and I wish other victims knew too. www.targetedinamerica.com

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...