Tuesday, May 30, 2023

More Difficulties

As I worked on my new "Exposing Emotional Abuse" blog, targeting vamped up on me. Among other things my car was disabled. So I rushed to post this "About me and my Experiences..." page before I was finished with it. I have taken it down and will repost it when it is finished.

P.S. I was able to get my car fixed through hotwiring it. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Exposing Emotional Abuse Blog

The past couple years of communicating with my family members brought back a lot of painful memories for me, especially the ones where my sisters would fabricate things just to turn my parents against me or to make me feel unloved by my parents, and the ones where they Emotionally Abused our father just to manipulate him against me. But more abuse has also been inflicted upon me, especially since I stood up against my sister's abusive behaviors in efforts to help my father. The Emotional Abuse in my family appears to have gotten worse, instead of better. And this also seems to be the case in the rest of our world. So, I am in the process of writing this new blog for anyone who wants to learn more about Emotional Abuse. Its not totally finished yet, but hopefully it soon will be.

Exposing Emotional Abuse Blog

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...