Friday, November 15, 2024

I Pray...

I pray for real genuine positive change, in America and around the globe, which restores lost freedoms and sets things right, with compassion and consideration for ALL people.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Update on my Personal Situation

After getting my retirement social security I started saving for a better place to live, because I was still living in a small sedan car in parking lots. But as I searched for an inexpensive piece of land or a good prospect for a tiny home on wheels, the microwave targeting vamped up, and my little sedan started literally falling apart and I had to replace it. This set me back a bit. I have given up on a truck or bus (for a tiny home) and I am just saving up for the land I need to be my next step in getting back on my own feet in the home department.
   I have always wanted to do a 'back to the basics' way of living off the land... and this is a good thing since I will probably not ever be able to afford anything else and will be very lucky if I can accomplish even just this at my age of 65, but I believe I can; I dream of building my own cord wood cabin on a peaceful and private chunk of land that I purchase. I will probably still end up turning it into a small healing center, but my first priority will be doing my own healing work on myself, both physically and emotionally. I'll not be very good for anyone else until I heal from the targeting, especially the parts which happened inside my own family in the past couple decades.

I am still struggling with the recent death of my father, due to the abusive turmoil that my sisters created in our family around his death, and other things they had previously done to him and I...
   In 2002, my sister's severely emotionally abused our father, in emails they wrote from my email account, in order to destroy his trust in me and manipulate him into choosing them as executors of his will, instead of him moving forward with my older brother and I as executors.
   In the end, they greedily got what they wanted, in criminal and abusive and manipulative ways, and had even intentionally deprived our father of his other loved ones; keeping him isolated against his will, after manipulating him out of his own home, through all of the final year of his life...etc.
   I now also believe that my sisters are at least partly responsible for our father's unusually rapid decline in his health in the last year of his life, not only due to their usual mental and emotional abuse, but possibly also through effecting him with harmful substances or parasites...etc. I believe that my sisters are capable of almost anything, because of how cruel and heartless their greedy behaviors had been as they sabotaged our father's relationships with his other loved ones, in order to put themselves in complete control of him and his estate, in his old age...etc. My sister's behaviors have been hateful and criminal and abusive and extremely manipulative. They even used our father's death as an opportunity to hurt me while I was in a state of grief. Its all been a very difficult and painful situation that I now need to heal from.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...