Thursday, September 17, 2020

Imagine White Light Washing Away the Darkness

  This may sound a bit "out there" to people who are not aware of Light work or spiritual methods of healing. But I beg you to move past your doubt and listen to the heart of your instincts. The truth is that any person who can intensely visualize pure White Light streaming down from the Heavens and manifesting here on Earth can help chase away the darkness that people have been being inflicted with. I assure you that this is not just a belief of mine. I do not blindly believe in anything. I have done it and tested it and it works miraculously. Visualizing this Light pouring into places or people can chase the darkness away. Dark/evil forces have no power where this Light is shone and kept anckered. 

 We need as many people as possible visualizing pure White Light streaming down from the Heavens and washing the darkness out of our families, our communities, our countries, our world. Please help spread the word and do as much as you can.

 Imagine the Light washing out the darkness.

 I had been doing Light work for officials and myself and us victims as much as I could under these conditions I am trapped in, but its not been nearly enough, because I was being too hurt and too terrorized and too distressed and too blocked by the radio wave interference with my brain function and periodic druggings and rounds of torture...etc. I am so sorry that I could not do more. I have been praying to be set free so I can do more. But you can do it too. Anyone can. Please do.

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