Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What's the Use (My Newest Song)

   Sometimes, it is through embracing our hopelessness that we find a way out of it. This is my aim with this song - to get it out and find the use in finding the strength to keep on standing in a world that seems to want me on my knees. Sometimes, we must ask what the use is, in order to find it. There is no good use in some things and these should not exist. There is no use in continuing to beat our heads against relentless walls, when we should stop and let the bruises heal. But there is a use when even just the slightest chance for positive change exists and it almost always does exist. We must "keep on keeping on" - we must never totally give up, no matter how bad things seem or are. I am telling this to myself right now, because I need to hear it from someone who cares about me. There is great use in caring for ourselves and others. What has the greatest use is the genuine Love we all should feel and have.

What’s the Use? 

Copyrighted 11/24/2020 with all rights reserved by Sharon Rose Poet 

I've always believed in standing up for what is right
In peaceful ways that don't... leave room for a fight.
But what’s the use in standing in a place that can't care
Or in even existing when nobody wants you there? 

What’s the use in telling truths we all need to know
In a world that denies them and will not let them show?
What’s the use of freedom that stays locked away
Or the use of justice that cannot find its way? 

What’s the use? What’s the use? Tell me! What’s the use?
In all the horrid suffering and overlooked abuse? 

What’s the use in a mask that holds the germs in
And makes faith just a thing we have lost again?
What’s the use in pills that will only mess us up
Or in sipping herbal tea from a leaking cup?

What’s the use in birthing a child who'll be enslaved 
Or the use in saving what cannot be saved? 
What’s the use of a heart in a world that wants it dead 
And thinks we all should just feel fake bliss instead? 

What’s the use? What’s the use? Tell me! What’s the use?
 In all the horrid suffering and overlooked abuse? 

What’s the use in tolerating a torturous dark curse, 
Or in yelling for it to "STOP!" when it makes it worse? 
What’s the use in telling a world that can't believe 
Or in seeking help from those who've been deceived? 

What’s the use in living a life that is bound and tied 
Where nobody cuts you loose or even hears you cry? 
What’s the use in trying not to feel depressed 
 While trapped inside this God forsaken mess? 

What’s the use in helping what's turned left to go right 
When it’s too stuck in the dark to even want the Light? 
What's the use in talking after everything’s been said 
Or in thinking about what’s already roamed my head? 

What’s the use? What’s the use? Tell me! What’s the use? 
In all the horrid suffering and overlooked abuse? 

What’s the use in writing songs that are stolen 
Or in stopping a car that is not even rollen'? 
What’s the use in what’s not allowed to be, 
Or in painting pictures that we cannot see? 

What’s the use in trying to help everyone else 
With a little book that gets glued to a shelf? 
What’s the use in healing that cannot be told 
Or in buying something that cannot be sold? 

What’s the use? What’s the use? Tell me! What’s the use?
 In all the horrid suffering and overlooked abuse? 

What’s the use in caring... Oh no... I dare not ask 
About the Love we should feel - the Love we all should have. 
What’s the use in continuing with this depressing song 
When there’s nothing to it, but everything gone wrong? 

What’s the use? What’s the use? Tell me! What’s the use? 
In all the horrid suffering and overlooked abuse?
What’s the use? Tell me. Tell me what’s the use? 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

When Will it Change?

The world is still twisting
In the same hell bent way.
 I've said it all before.
There's nothing left to say.

When will it change?

Monday, November 23, 2020

Song About the Covert Targeting

Make You Crazy 
by Brett Dennen

"You know it's hard to be yourself,
Free yourself, to see yourself
When all around you there are lies just to get you,
Spies just to get you, to buy so they can get you
There are cameras in the sky, lasers in our living rooms
There are wolves watching wearing sheep's costumes
It's enough to make you go crazy (whoa)
It's enough to make you mad
It's enough to make you go crazy (whoa)
And I'm amazed I haven't yet
Isn't it a shame the way we cheat each other, 
treat each other, beat each other?
It's a shame the way we use one other, abuse one another,
And screw one another, it's true....
It's enough to make you go crazy (Whoa)
And I'd be crazy not to care."

P.S. If Brett is being targeted, I hope it gets stopped before it ruins him.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Letter to the BLM People and Their Race

Letter to the BLM people from the heart of America;

Our Core Problem paper;

Letter to the BLM People
From the Heart of America

Please print and freely share this.

I hope it’s not too presumptuous of me to speak for the Heart of America, with the wisdom I've gained from experience. I feel I must. I hope this reaches the heart of all who are involved in the BLM revolution and all who support it and the entire "black" race and all other American citizens. I do not like to separate people with the "white" and "black" titles, but I will do it here for the sake of making a point to those who do. I feel that the core problem behind the BLM crisis is something that all citizens should become aware of, because it has made it far worse than it naturally would have been.* But there has also really been a severe racism problem in America, which I address in this letter. This is copyrighted but it may be printed and freely shared as long as no changes are made to it and credit is not taken for its creation. (A previous web posting of this letter was altered by someone who infiltrated either the computer I was using or the web site I used. Please disregard it and use this one.)

Dear BLM people,

You matter. I Love you. You have always mattered and I have always loved you. I have not loved you perfectly in every single little incident, but overall I have loved you well. I am proud of the freedom I created for your race when I abolished slavery over a century ago. Many lives were lost in that "white" fight for "blacks" to gain freedom from slavery, but it was worth it. You were worth the sacrifices. You have always mattered to me. I feel sad that some of you do not seem to realize this.

Some of you are direct descendants from "black" people who were slaves and my heart goes out to those of you who were. Tears well up when I think of the cruelties that were inflicted by the ignorance, greed and heartlessness, which existed in the group of people who wanted to use "black" people for free labor so that they could either get rich or stay rich. Many of those who were their slaves, were not in better conditions after slavery was abolished and some were even worse off. This is so sad. Those who didn't want their slaves to be free, lashed out at them and it took a long time for their vicious cruelties to be stopped. I'm so sorry that some of your ancestors experienced that. Though this happened long ago, the damage done to many was so severe that unhealed wounds from it still exist today. Perhaps I could have done more to help the newly freed slaves to heal. Perhaps I should have either shipped them all back to their home country where they might have been able to heal more completely. Perhaps I should have done more to teach them new trades and social skills, so that their integration into my societies could have been easier for them and other people. Perhaps I should have pulled them out of the southeastern communities, where most of them had been slaves, and delivered them to safe communities throughout the rest of America, directly after I set them free. I guess "hind sight is always twenty twenty" and we learn as we go. If I could go back to that time, with the wisdom I've gained since then, I surely would do a lot more for them and also for the "white" people who were being hurt for being what that group called, "nigger lovers."

I feel sad for those of you who stayed stuck in poverty and/or in the pain, fear and resentment that grew from the unhealed wounds and was passed down through the generations in your families, churches and neighborhoods. Since the abolishment of slavery, the integration of "black" people, into my societies has happened very slowly, for many reasons. Since you acquired freedom and the same job opportunities that other races have had, it has still been difficult for some of you to move out of the poor neighborhoods, where many of you congregated, and into better jobs and better living conditions. I have not known what to do for you, other than making free education easier for you to obtain and requiring large businesses to hire at least a certain percentage of you. I want to do more for those of you who remained stuck. I'm working on it and this letter is part of it. You do matter. You have always mattered.

Although many of you remained stuck in poverty, many of you have thrived, because you have had the same opportunities as "white" people. Many of you became business owners, land owners, carpenters, politicians, actors and actresses, laborers, musicians, doctors, nurses, lawyers, authors, athletes, singers, song writers, poets, farmers, judges, law enforcement officers, waitresses and waiters...etc. Many of you succeeded with aims for acquiring a lot of money, because opportunities for this have also been as abundant for you as they are for others. Many of you rose up to be among America's famous people, like Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jackson and Charlie Pride and Diane Warwick and Tina Turner and Bill Cosby and MLK and Borack Obama and cute little "Webster" and too many others to list here. Some of you even used these opportunities to share your inner gifts and hearts and touched other hearts around the whole world. I have been so proud of you.

However, I now realize that education and job opportunities and money were not nearly all that you needed. Healing from the past is what many of you have needed most. And I want to help you to heal - to release your pain and fear and anger and realize that you truly do matter just as much as "white" people and that you are now as safe here as they are, and have been for a very long time. I feel sad that so many of you do not seem to realize this. Things are not the way that many of you perceive them to be and I beg you to look past your perceptions and beliefs and read this with your hearts.

Many of you are victims of various types of brain washings,* some of which has been passed down from the old wounds. The slavery, and the cruelties that were delivered in its aftermath, built a lot of fear and resentment against the "white" race. It is totally understandable that the victims of slavery had blamed the "white" race, back then. Many of them (possibly most) probably never knew that the vast majority of our "white" race wanted them to be free and safe, because they only knew the communities they had been enslaved in and remained in. But you are not them and now is not then and I hope you realize that those who were responsible for what happened to some of your ancestors, were a group of people whose hearts were blocked by greed...etc. They were not even close to being the majority of the "white" race in America. The slavery era was not a "whites" against the "Blacks" thing. The "white" race is not the KKK and America is not the KKK. The vast majority of the "white" race in America was always against the slavery and abuse, which is why it was stopped. I love you. I have always loved you.

It would be fair for you to blame those cruelties on the group of people who performed them. It would be fair for you to blame them on greed and heartlessness and cruelty, because that is what did it. But it’s not fair to blame the "white" race. The sort of greed and heartlessness and cruelty, that hurt some of your ancestors, has existed in every race, including the "black" race, and has manifested in various ways around the world. It’s actually not a race thing - it’s a human condition that some people acquire. Blaming our whole "white" race for what a group of people did is not fair and is actually extremely racist. This unfair blaming of the "white" race has been growing instead of diminishing in a lot of the "black" race. I have witnessed this, within the past couple decades, in "black" gatherings. There is some racism in all races, including the "white" race. People are not perfect. But the truth is that the severe racism that exists in America is actually in the "black" people who are against "white" people or "the others", which is what some of you call them in the gatherings. And this problem, instead of being faced and stopped, is now being projected onto the "white" race. This projection of the racism problem has become so severe that it is now being called "systemic racism" in the "white" race. This has never existed in our white race, but it does exist in our "black" race. This may be difficult for some of you to face, but it is the truth and it’s time to face the truth so that healing can take place. I hope you do face this and work at healing from your issue, because you matter to me.

What some of you perceive as "white" racism against you is mostly not really that at all. Most of it is your perceptions, which are based on what you have been told and believe to be true and what you tend to expect based on those beliefs. A lot of it is just negative reactions to negative behaviors, between individuals, and has nothing to do with color or race. Some of it is just people who are going through a difficult time and are taking it out on the people around them. A lot of it has been just foolish, snobbish people looking down on people who are poor and are "uneducated" in the ways that they think all people should be. These types of people treat poor and "uneducated" "white" people the same way. (They have a lot to learn about what is most important in life.)

The vast majority of the violence between some of you and police officers is the friction that has always existed between individuals who choose to engage in criminal behaviors, and law enforcement officials who work at keeping our communities safe from such behaviors, and also has nothing to do with color or race. (It appears that a larger percentage of our "black" people have behaved criminally, due to the dysfunction that has grown from the old unhealed wounds, which explains why a larger percentage of them have been incarcerated.)

Most people cannot even imagine the horrors that many police officers are exposed to, in the course of their daily jobs, especially in the rough parts of my cities. It’s actually understandable that some of them would sometimes lose control.* It’s not OK when it hurts someone, but it’s understandable. I actually need a more abundant presence of local law enforcement in all of my communities, because this is what makes most people feel safe. I hope they work at hiring more local police officers and continue weeding out the ones who are not really suited for that sort of work or who have gotten too "burnt out" by it to function well. I think more should be done to help them heal from the horrors they are subjected to so they can hold up better and for longer. I love them too. They matter to me too.

Please realize that one person (or even ten or twenty...etc.) is not all of that organization or all of the "white" race or all of America. Various types of hurtful things have been happening to people of all races during these tough times we are going through in our troubled world. Not all people are always kind and loving. Sometimes wounded people behave in ways that are hurtful or even dangerous. You are not the only race that has been being hurt by this and sometimes some of you are the ones who are hurting others. Parts of all races have behaved this way and parts of all races have been being hurt by it in various ways. All of humanity needs and should have a lot more heart, and hopefully it soon will.*

It is with my Heart that I want to sit you down and give you a stern talking to, for your own sakes as well as everyone else's, because of your recent behaviors. I hope you read this with your hearts and with open minds. I hope you will grow to realize that, since the days of slavery, the race that harbors the most hate and resentment toward another race, is actually the "blacks" against the "whites" and this should stop being projected onto "white" people. I have repeatedly excused you for being so racist because I understand that it stems from old unhealed wounds and things that many of you have been lead to believe. I have felt sorry for you and still do, but this obviously has not helped this situation to stop. What you have done in this year of 2020, with the BLM riots, makes my heart want to scream out to you, "It’s time for you to focus on healing your hearts and stop hurting others with your pain and your hate and your fear and your resentment and your jealousy and your vengeance and your racism and your aims for superiority or control over others. Your own "systemic racism" has hurt a lot of people, including yourselves, and it’s time for it to be acknowledged and stopped."

I feel deeply hurt by your behaviors in the BLM revolution. It is not right for you to be terrorizing me with violent riots and threats of more fires being set and more property damage and more human beings being attacked and hurt if you do not get everything you want. It is not right for you to terrorize masses of completely innocent people, who have never done anything to hurt any of you, just because their skin is the same "white" color as the few people who had hurt some of your ancestors long ago or just because their skin is the same "white" color as one individual (or several individuals) who recently hurt one of your relatives or one of your friends or a few people of your race...etc.

With the BLM revolution you created the largest division, between the races, that has ever existed in America. Do you realize that, in your violent protests that were supposedly for safety, you robbed almost a whole nation of safety or the feeling of safety? Other people matter too! Prior to the BLM revolution I was so into color not mattering that I most often did not even notice what color your skin is. The BLM violence, and threats of more in the "No justice - no peace" signs and ongoing mobs gathering, has forced this out of me. I now notice your color and I now feel fear of "black" people growing in many "white" people who never had it before. Just because some parts of the BLM protests were peaceful in some places it does not make it OK. The violent parts of it made even the peaceful parts feel bad to masses of people, who remained in a state of fear. Do you realize the damage you have done to them and your own race and the relationship between you and other races? Do you care or are most of you as glad about it as some of you publicly express? Are you so lost that you are proud of what you've done? Many of you appear to be. Where are your hearts?* Please find and use your hearts! Please care about other people and yourselves. Please stop the violence and the threat of more of it, which even just the BLM sign is now a symbol of.

I feel so sad and scared as I experience so many of you lashing out at me and my love for you. I feel sad for those of you who appear to have completely forgotten my love for you. I feel sad for those of you who have been raised to fear or hate "white" people/"the others". I feel sad for those of you who have been in denial of your own "systemic racism" problem.

I love you and I want you to be more healthy and happy. Please start focusing on healing your hearts. Please start letting in the love I do have for you. You do matter. You have always mattered. And so does every other race. I love them all and want them all to be free and safe and peaceful and healthy and happy. Please do your best to behave in ways that are honest and kind and considerate of other people and their feelings. All feelings matter too, including yours, and all lives matter, including yours. Color and race truly do not matter. And our "black" race has needed to learn this far more than any other race. Please learn it and stop dividing me, because it hurts me. Please stop assaulting my love for you with false declarations of its nonexistence. My love for you is real and I want to keep loving you. I matter too.

I love you. I have always loved you.

With Love and Honesty,
The Heart of America

P.S. You are not "black" and "the others" are not "white" - you are all human beings. You are all the same to me. Color and race should not even be mentioned, because it truly does not even matter and mentioning it separates the colors and races. Let’s aim for that compassionate place where it truly does not matter and is rarely even noticed. I need to get back there. And I think you will all be much happier there too.

* The BLM revolution is not nearly the only problem. It’s just one of the things that was magnified by the core problem. I am suffering horribly. I have been numbed by pharmaceuticals that have been in a lot of my public water supplies and by these same heart blocking and brain numbing pharmaceuticals being distributed to masses of people for multitudes of things. This leaves most of my people unable to listen to and follow their own hearts and instincts and unable to grow into whole and healthy and independent human beings. This chemical blocking of people's hearts gives the dark side of people's nature free reign, with nothing good to hold it in check. It is not good or healthy. It also leaves people more susceptible to all types of brainwashings. Due to the pharmaceutical problem many have become like numb sheep who blindly believe or follow things they normally wouldn't and behave in ways they normally wouldn't. This is the core problem behind most of the discord and it is compounded by various levels of interference with brain function that is caused by various types of radio waves that flood my communities. I am basically enslaved and my people have been being pitted against each other by evil forces that want to destroy me. I am America's genuine liberty and freedom and safety and compassion and peace. Please help set me free.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Damaging Disinformation

  I think, some of the most damaging batches of disinformation are that which portray critically important Truths as "conspiracy theories", leaving real problems and real crimes unrealized and unstopped. This is especially true when the discrediting "conspiracy theory" claim prevents people, who are being harmed, from getting the proper kinds of help... and when it prevents masses of human beings, who have been being enslaved, from regaining their freedom.


Dealing With Our Core Problem

Dealing with a crisis, without realizing it's core cause, can be like trying to swim across a rapidly flooding river without arms or legs. 

Our Core Problem and it's Solution 

   It is clear that something horrible is happening in our world. The discord that has been erupting is not natural. But, in order for things to get better the core problem must be faced, exposed and stopped. Please give this statement the benefit of your possible doubt. This core problem can be easily proven to be true. All it needs is the types of investigations, that awareness can enable. Please become aware and help spread the word, especially to officials who can help stop the problem from continuing.

   Most people are aware that radio waves can be shot down to people's homes and businesses, from satellites, for the purpose of internet access. It is a scientific fact that certain frequencies of radio waves can interfere with brain function. It is a scientific fact that radio waves, which are tuned to the same frequency as the human brain, can be used to transfer thoughts from the human brain into a computer to be read. The field of medicine has publicized this. And there are other experts who are far more advanced with these sorts of thing, but have not documented or advertised it due to criminal use of it. The reverse can also happen - thoughts can be plugged into the brain through a computer...etc. Various levels of interference with natural brain function can be done with satellite surveillance systems, which can also emit and direct radio waves. These technologies can be used to flood whole communities with brain washing radio waves or can watch and target individual people in more severe ways. And these technological brainwashings are far more effective on people who are taking the types of pharmaceuticals, which numb the brain and inner senses like instincts, intuition, compassion...etc.       
   These types of pharmaceuticals have been being distributed on a massive scale under the guise of them being needed for what is claimed to be mental or emotional disorders. Around the 1950s, people like Dr. Thomas Szasz, had fought to expose and stop a scam of false "mental illness" labeling and the prescribing of psychiatric pharmaceuticals to healthy people who did not really need them. But he appears to have been targeted and then the problem grew instead of being stopped. There are now massive amounts of healthy people who take the same psychiatric pharmaceuticals, which aid technological manipulation of their brain. (Mental and emotional problems can be inflicted with radio wave targeting.)
    But people who have been prescribed psychiatric pharmaceuticals are not nearly the only ones who have been consuming them. In 2008 CNN and ABC news reported psychiatric pharmaceuticals being found in both public and bottled drinking water throughout America. In 2014 they were still there. This was thought to be due to run off of contaminated waste, because of the massive amounts of the pharmaceuticals that people take. This makes perfect sense. But I feel that there is another problem too. Due to a dream I had, and events that took place after my sharing of the dream, I feel that these pharmaceuticals have also been intentionally put into America's water supplies, in order to aid the technological mind control.* I feel that this is an intentional attack against the freedom America has stood for.
    I suspect that the psychiatric drugs have also been put into other types of pharmaceuticals, foods...etc. The brain and sense numbing pharmaceuticals alone are horribly destructive, because they have been blocking people's instincts and hearts. This prevents the natural process of inner personal growth - people have not been allowed to grow and evolve into the functional, healthy human beings most of us would be if we were free. This enslaves all who have consumed them either through prescriptions or the water or whatever else that may be being used to force them into people. Add in the radio wave manipulation of the brain and there exists various levels of remote control of human beings. And those who hold the controls clearly do not have good intentions.
    There are general brain washings, that appear to have been being done on a massive scale. In the mildest levels of it people can be encourage to do things like vote for a particular person or shop at certain stores...etc. In more destructive levels of it people have been being pitted against each other, in both covert and overt wars between races, between citizens and governments, between government agencies, between the rich and the poor, between religions, between political parties, between countries, between loved ones...etc. It has been shoving people toward seeking vengeance instead of functionally resolving issues...etc. On the worst levels of it there are people who are completely enslaved, are no longer who they once were and are a tool for their controllers to use in any way they choose. On the milder scales there are masses of numb and oblivious people who think they are free, but aren't really.

    Technological and Pharmaceutical Mind Control, appears to have been happening since the invention of the Tesla technologies around the year 1900. And it appears to be happening, on a massive scale, since at least the 1950s. It is now the core problem behind most of the other problems we are faced with, both inside and outside the government. This is a horribly holocaustal situation, that is lead by evil forces, and has not only been targeting America, but all of humanity. Public awareness can make it lose a lot of its power. Once we are aware we can second guess our thoughts and dig deeper into our hearts and instincts before we act or make important decisions. Awareness can prevent a lot of the blaming and judging of people who are also victims and replace it with understanding and support. Please spread the word.

People, from all walks of life, should be pulling together to help each other through this, instead of being used to fight against each other.

Criminal use of space based technologies, which can emit and direct radio waves, and the administering of harmful pharmaceuticals, must be stopped ASAP. I beg all who read this to help, in every possible peaceful way, to restore our Freedom.

    Some blame the government, but according to things I've witnessed and experienced, many government officials are unaware victims of it too. That I know of, there are many victims (including of complete enslavement) in the government, especially in local and state law enforcement, military...etc. Masses of people, both inside and outside the government, have been being used to help achieve goals of the evil forces that lead this holocaust. The horrible fighting must stop and freedom must be restored for everyone.
 ATTENTION OFFICIALS; The radio waves, that are used for mind control can be easily detected with radio wave detection technologies. However, I suspect that radio wave detection and blocking technologies, which government officials have been using, may have had a filter built into them in order to bypass the low frequencies that are used for mind control. And I suspect that certain modes of "protection" from the radio wave targeting may have actually been modes of enslavement. Please investigate these things IMMEDIATELY! Please protect yourselves so that you can be here for us in ways that are desperately needed. Please do everything you can to set us all free.

P.S. There are also other criminal uses of the satellite surveillance and laser weapon systems. They can be used to shoot radio waves into people’s bodies, in order to inflict physical pain or in order to effect organ functions in ways that create physical illnesses. Some of what has been being called “mental illness” is victims being abused/tortured, in multiple ways. Their suffering is indescribable. And they should be helped and protected. Radio waves can also be used for weather modification, which the effects of is also extremely evident. And there is more, but not enough room for one paper. All criminal use of the technologies and pharmaceuticals must be stopped as quickly as possible.

*Filtering water through charcoal may help clean the water, and we can easily make a home made filter. (Look it up on youtube). Lead helps to block the radio waves and surveillance and it should be brought back into the paint on our homes...etc.

Help Yourself and Others With Visualizations

    The general mind control programing is really dark/evil and it is helpful to do visualizations of pure White Light streaming from the heavens and filling your head and body and washing out the darkness. You can also visualize the Light going into your loved ones, your business, your neighborhood and all around the globe...etc. This actually works miraculously when it is done with deep concentration and on a daily basis. It can not block the radiowaves...etc., but it can easily and quickly wash away the darkness that has been being inflicted into people with them. Our world desperately needs the Light right now and I hope it gets enough of it very quickly. We should all be working at visualizing White Light and directing into ourselves and others. This and stopping the radio wave and pharmaceutical targeting is the solution to most of our problems. Hopefully soon, we will regain our freedom.

Please realize the core problem and do every peaceful thing you can to restore freedom and deliver the public awareness that will be needed for recovery. 
 This information comes from direct experiences and things witnessed by me - Sharon Rose Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057. My birth name was Sharon Y. LaBree. My married name was Sharon Buck. And my pen name was Namatari Neachi. Find more information on

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...