Monday, November 23, 2020

Song About the Covert Targeting

Make You Crazy 
by Brett Dennen

"You know it's hard to be yourself,
Free yourself, to see yourself
When all around you there are lies just to get you,
Spies just to get you, to buy so they can get you
There are cameras in the sky, lasers in our living rooms
There are wolves watching wearing sheep's costumes
It's enough to make you go crazy (whoa)
It's enough to make you mad
It's enough to make you go crazy (whoa)
And I'm amazed I haven't yet
Isn't it a shame the way we cheat each other, 
treat each other, beat each other?
It's a shame the way we use one other, abuse one another,
And screw one another, it's true....
It's enough to make you go crazy (Whoa)
And I'd be crazy not to care."

P.S. If Brett is being targeted, I hope it gets stopped before it ruins him.

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