Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Scientific Research Has Proven That a Plant Based Diet Can Cure and Prevent Many Common Illnesses

    I was doing research on plants that I can use for medicine for my health problem and found something amazing. I found reports that shared how Dr. Walter Kempner had successfully used a short term diet of primarily only rice and fruit to cure many common illnesses, including, heart disease, Kidney disease, type two diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin problems, allergies...etc. This was in the mid 1900s. Since then, doctors like, Frank Neelon, Robert Rosati and John McDougall have done the same things and their research has proven that miraculous results have been happening in patients, after only two weeks to two months of being taken off pharmaceuticals and put on Dr. Kempner's rice diet or a plant based diet. They also found that the cure was often a hundred percent and permanent when patients continued with a plant based diet, which included only plant based foods and no meats, no eggs, no dairy, no oils, no processed foods, and low salt...etc. They learned that we get enough protein from plant foods and that all foods that come from animals, are actually toxic due to overloading our system with too much protein...etc. I feel the truth in all of this. And it has inspired me to follow through with returning to a vegetarian diet and possibly doing my own version of the rice diet for at least two weeks.

"the benefits of the Rice Diet far exceed those of any drug or surgery ever prescribed for chronic conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart and kidney failure, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and obesity." ~ John McDougall, MD

I'm surprised that this knowledge has not been made more available to all people. This is something that all people really should know, in order to have the opportunity to make healthier choices for themselves. Please help spread the word. The Doctors I've mentioned here have written books on this subject that should be easy to find.

A Short Introduction to a genuinely heathy diet

Walter Kempner Rice Diet Info - on Dr John McDougalls website

Frank Neelon, MD speaking on the origins of the Rice Diet 

Robert Rosati MD. Director of the RICE DIET PROGRAM

Dr. John McDougall freely shares a lot of scientific information on his website, including healthy plant based recipes.

Forks Over Knives - website Supporting healthy eating 

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