Monday, May 31, 2021

New Testimony Page

  It looks like my "About Me" page suddenly stopped functioning so I've reposted it below. But there appears to be odd things happening with the html coding on these blogs, so I've given it its own page.

My Personal Testimony

Please also read my website on the targeting

I have put most of my web writings into books, because they are not as changeable as web writings, especially after people get them. I have kept the important informative ones inexpensive and there are some free downloads on my Poetic Publications website, for those who honestly can not afford them.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Website on the Targeting

Technological Holocaust

   I have put most of my web writings into books, because they are not as changeable as web writings, especially after people get them. I have kept the important informative ones inexpensive and there are some free downloads on my Poetic Publications website, for those who honestly can not afford them.

Give us STRENGTH, find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves,
 and COURAGE, make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Microwave Weapon Attacks Exposed in Media

   In the following news broadcasts and articles, microwave weapon attacks are being called "health incidents" and "Havana Syndrome" and "sonic attacks," and these are the same as the "Directed Energy Weapons" (DEWs) and "ELF frequencies" and "microwaves" and "radio waves" that Targeted Individuals (TIs) have been reporting and calling "electronic harassment" (EH).
   No matter what names are used for it, they are all intrusive attacks, which are remotely inflicted with various frequencies and intensities of radio waves. The painful and debilitating attacks are VERY real and there is also far more that can be done with the radio wave technologies, than what these news reports portray. Please read or my Technological Holocaust book, which is on Amazon.
   There are many different types of microwave weapon attacks, which can range from temporary inflictions of pain and interference with brain function (at strategic times) to inflictions that cause permanent brain damage and death. Although the reports below talk about a sound happening during the attacks on government officials, other types of attacks can happen without any sound being present at all. I know because I have experienced them.
   I hope criminal use of all land and space based radio wave (microwave) technologies will be quickly exposed and stopped on a global scale. These reports are the first rays of hope I've seen in the media who used to imply that victims of microwave weapon attacks were just "mentally ill." Hopefully now they will realize the truth about what has really been happening to many Targeted Individuals.

In one video below, a CIA agent who was attacked, said, "This was the most terrifying experience of my life." I can relate. It truly is terrifying. It can feel like your head is about to explode and can get so intense that you just want to die, in order to get it to stop. These attacks can be terrifying for the victims, whether it happens just once or repeatedly for decades, in varying degrees, like I've experienced. Nobody should ever experience this. But many of us have.
   The types of attacks that Targeted Individuals experience are ongoing. There really are no words to express how horrible it is to not only experience the most painful and debilitating attacks, or ongoing milder ones, but to also know that another attack could come at any time. The worse part has been people not believing that its really happening and having no place to turn to for help and no way to protect myself from it. There are many times when I did not know if I would survive the attack or if I would end up brain damaged. Most of the attacks on me have been milder than the severe ones, but even the milder ones can be scary and debilitating in the way of draining energy levels and interfering with thought processes and causing pain.
   The intent with me does not seem to be to inflict obvious physical damage, but to terrorize or punish or torture and violate me at strategic times. The timing of the attacks proves to me that I am being very closely watched by whoever does the attacks.
   According to dreams I've had, and some of my experiences, I feel certain that at least some of the attacks are being done with space based technologies in conjunction with satellite surveillance technologies. But, no matter what technologies are used, its hell for the victims and it should all be stopped as quickly as possible.

Microwaves suspected in attacks on US diplomats in Cuba and China

Possible energy attack being investigated near White House

Officials say 130 suspected victims of possible energy weapon

'Havana Syndrome': Microwave Energy Suspected
In Mystery Illness Targeting U.S. Diplomat | TODAY

"Microwave weapons are targeting US officials at home and abroad"

THE SUN in the UK reports Russia being responsible for the microwave weapon attacks on USA officials, but I am not sure if this has been proven to be the case. According to things I have experienced and witnessed, there appears to be different groups who do the covert and microwave targeting for different reasons, which is why I have called it a "covert war". And they often try to make it look like someone else is doing it - to get the victims to blame some innocent entity. We do need to be careful about not misplacing blame so that the discord is kept to a minimum and the hell can truly end, instead of the problem being compounded by even more fighting. It is my hope that high officials, in all countries, will quickly pull together to bring it all to an end on a global scale, instead of blaming and fighting each other.

Now that the media is standing up for government officials, who have been hurt by one kind of the microwave weapon attacks, there may be more hope for the rest of the microwave weapon crimes to be exposed and stopped for other victims as well. For those of us who are long term victims of ongoing microwave attacks, these news reports are a ray hope for the hell to finally come to an end. I hope the rays keep shining deeper and deeper into the full TRUTH and help freedom to be gained for all victims of all types of microwave targeting. Please read

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My New Books

 I've been combining some of my old books into new ones, because one of the targeting problems has been the infiltration of my computers and the altering of my writings. These are four of my newest books.

Wisdom’s Beacon for Freedom(edition two); This new second edition is very different from the first one and is what the first one was intended to be. This book is about physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Along with many other thigs, it contains a more complete version of my 1990s Embracing Feelings book, which was later published as "Embracing Sadness."

Road Missed by a Lyricist;This book contains the largest collection of my peoms and songs, yet to be published. I have brought all my other poetry books into this one large book. It also includes a short story about my song writing career.

Return of Native Spirit; This book is a stand for the Natives of North America as well as a call for awareness in the rest of humanity. It addresses the holocaustal crimes that have been committed against the Natives in the "Indian" residential school system and hopes to help with aquiring more freedoms and more healing.

Embracing Feelings and Healing; This is the resurrection of my 1990s Embracing Feelings book, with a bit more added to it. It is also in part three of the second edition of my "Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom" book. (My Embracing Sadness book, contained a large part of this book, but it was altered by people who target me and infiltrated my comouters...etc.)

I am sorry that none of my writings are what they could have been if I had not been being targeted and having to deal with various levels of interference in the writing process. I yearn for the freedom to get back onto my own feet and do the things I need to be doing with what is left of my life. As for writing projects; I have always wanted to write a series of children's books and this will be my next writing project. I wish I had the freedom to do it justice.

The rest of my books are on my Poetic Publications site

My birth name was Sharon Yvette LaBree. My married name was Sharon Buck. My pen name (and legal name for several years) was Namatari Neachi. My legal name is now Sharon Rose Poet.

P.S. I have been blocked from accessing my old books on the second publishing site I was moved to in Amazon. The web page does not contain the proper links for me to regain access to that site. I'm not sure if this is a problem in the publishing site or in the computer I used. But I can not change the descriptions or remove the infiltrated and altered books from the market, at this point.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...