Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My New Books

 I've been combining some of my old books into new ones, because one of the targeting problems has been the infiltration of my computers and the altering of my writings. These are four of my newest books.

Wisdom’s Beacon for Freedom(edition two); This new second edition is very different from the first one and is what the first one was intended to be. This book is about physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Along with many other thigs, it contains a more complete version of my 1990s Embracing Feelings book, which was later published as "Embracing Sadness."

Road Missed by a Lyricist;This book contains the largest collection of my peoms and songs, yet to be published. I have brought all my other poetry books into this one large book. It also includes a short story about my song writing career.

Return of Native Spirit; This book is a stand for the Natives of North America as well as a call for awareness in the rest of humanity. It addresses the holocaustal crimes that have been committed against the Natives in the "Indian" residential school system and hopes to help with aquiring more freedoms and more healing.

Embracing Feelings and Healing; This is the resurrection of my 1990s Embracing Feelings book, with a bit more added to it. It is also in part three of the second edition of my "Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom" book. (My Embracing Sadness book, contained a large part of this book, but it was altered by people who target me and infiltrated my comouters...etc.)

I am sorry that none of my writings are what they could have been if I had not been being targeted and having to deal with various levels of interference in the writing process. I yearn for the freedom to get back onto my own feet and do the things I need to be doing with what is left of my life. As for writing projects; I have always wanted to write a series of children's books and this will be my next writing project. I wish I had the freedom to do it justice.

The rest of my books are on my Poetic Publications site

My birth name was Sharon Yvette LaBree. My married name was Sharon Buck. My pen name (and legal name for several years) was Namatari Neachi. My legal name is now Sharon Rose Poet.

P.S. I have been blocked from accessing my old books on the second publishing site I was moved to in Amazon. The web page does not contain the proper links for me to regain access to that site. I'm not sure if this is a problem in the publishing site or in the computer I used. But I can not change the descriptions or remove the infiltrated and altered books from the market, at this point.

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