Saturday, June 26, 2021

"Remove the Chains of Darkness and [Set Me Free]..."

  The following song was my favorite when I was fifteen years old and going through a tough time. But most of it fits my current situation far more than it had fit that one. When I now sing this song I change the part that says, "Remove the chains of darkness and help me see" to "Remove the chains of darkness and SET ME FREE. PLEASE SET ME FREE..."
   I have stood alone and have been being beaten up by the targeting for too long. Last night I had a dream that showed people who used to know me not realizing important parts of the targeting. I hope they realize soon. The parts of the targeting that people do not seem to realize are the technological parts - the radio wave (ELF) parts that can effect body functions and can inflict painful tortures and can effect brain function in various ways, including performing complete mind control on unsuspecting victims in targeted families...etc.
   In my situation, it appears that various groups have targeted me for various reasons and its been extremely difficult to get a handle on it. Its covert ways, and its use of so many unaware people, make it hard to realize who is really behind it. But the core of all of it is, no doubt, evil and I often feel desperate for freedom from it all. 

My heart dedicates this song to all other torture victims. I'm sure most of them, especially the long term ones, can relate to this song. I also dedicate it to all officials who are aware of the targeting and anyone else who could peacefully help bring the hell to an end for us all and ultimately for all of humanity. 

Help Me - by Kris Kristofferson

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