Friday, August 27, 2021

Replacing Hate With Love

I've written a post like this before, because there is a desperate need (throughout humanity) for more compassion and an end to the vengeful wars that make things worse. but it may have gotten lost in my old blogs. So, here it is again...

   There are many things (in our world) that promote hate and vengeance, instead of healing and compassion. Hate and vengeance has been massively promoted through us suppressing our feelings of sadness instead of crying out and releasing the pain.  Suppressed emotional pain blocks our Hearts from feelings of compassion and Love and opens doors for vengeance and hate to take their place. The more pain we suppress the more blocked our hearts become. 
   Hate and vengeance has also been promoted through examples of our own vengeful actions, through heavy distribution of the pharmaceuticals that numb feelings and block our Hearts, through radio wave frequencies that interfere with our feelings and brain function, through religious portrayals of God being the vengeful being that He/She truly is not...etc.
   Seeking vengeance appears to have been becoming one of the "new norms" and this is evident in most of the discord in our world, as well as in many of the responses to it. But this is not normal or good. Its what the evil forces want - everyone hating and fighting each other, instead of healing and loving each other. It has never been OK or good to angrily strike back and it still isn't, no matter what the situation is. "Two wrongs have never made a right" and they still don't.
   Overall humanity is in really sad shape right now. BUT, although I still see signs of hate and vengeance growing, I have also seen the love and compassion that still exists in humanity and must be allowed to survive and grow. We need, and should have, far more people promoting kindness and compassion and healing.

My heart is loudly crying out to the evil forces who target and use humanity, to the God that is pure Love and Light and would not ever hurt anyone, and to every human being who can help in peaceful ways...

Oh, please!

Set our Hearts free,
And let us truly heal,
Until hate is replaced
With a Love that is real...
And remains that way forever.

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