Thursday, October 7, 2021

Dare to Pray

Dare to Pray
copyright Sharon Rose Poet 10/7/2021

"You pray you pay," they said.
It continues to echo in my head.
But, no matter what they say;
Inside my heart I still pray.
I pray for pure Love and Light
To save us all from this night.
These prayers are not just words;
They flow until they've been heard -
Until I see the darkness breached
By the Hearts Light has reached.
And they'll still grow on and on
Until the darkness is all gone.

The microwave tortures have vamped up in the past few weeks, since I started my last round of focusing more heavily on eating better and praying more. I have a right to pray for myself and others and for all of us/humanity to be safe and free of all aspects of the horrid targeting. I also pray for my right to pray to be honored and respected by everyone in my life. I pray.

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