Friday, April 29, 2022

Shining a Light on it

 The dark does not exist where a Light is shone on it!

We just have to keep shining Lights on all aspects of the covert targeting - keep bringing it out into the open - keep exposing it with heart and truth and honesty - keep stopping it until it has vanished completely. And in order to keep doing it we have to start doing it on a larger scale. The heart of a LOT of good people should be standing up and shining Lights into the darkness - exposing it and chasing it away.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Worst Kind of Death

The worse type of death is the death of our natural spirituality. And it appears that this has been the primary aim in the evil targeting of humanity from the start. This is why native people, who avoided modern pharmaceuticals and the religions that were being forced upon them, were so heavily targeted in the catholic residential schools and beyond. 

   In the dream I recently had, those of us who are being targeted were all intentionally inflicted with the same physical illness and it was an illness that makes our limbs go numb - its an illness that can literally force us into medical treatement and being completely dependent on other people - its an illness that ripps away our independence and can be used to destroy all aspects of our freedoms, including our inner freedom. (I am already noticing signs of it in the past few months - it is already happening.)
   It appears that the targeting has shifted to us being put onto a hit list for the destruction of our inner freedom and spirituality through forced "medical treatment," which has played a HUGE roll in the targeting of humanity all along. Those of us who are now on this hit list are probably all people who are aware of the targeting and have lost trust in modern medicine and would not ever freely choose to take the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals...etc. Physically disabling us would force it and also leave us far more succeptable to other parts of the targeting as well, because it could force us to be completely at the mercy of people who are controlled by those who target us and are a danger to us - it could and surely will literally force us into unsafe and harmful environments, if it is not stopped.
   I pray that all aspects of the targeting will be stopped and that we will be set free BEFORE we are hurt more than we already have been - no intentionally inflicted physical illnesses - no being forced into places where we can be harmed psychologically and spiritually or in any other way...etc.

According to other dreams I've had, there are many types of illnesses they can inflict upon people whom they want to force into controlled environments; blindness is one of them too. It can actually be anything that forces people to be unable to take care of themselves physically. Laser/microwave weapons can remotely cause various types of nerve and muscle and bone and organ damage. And the parasite and chemical parts of the targeting causes damage as well. All aspects of the evil targeting must be fully exposed and stopped ASAP, for the health and safety of all of humanity, but espeically for those of us who remained more free and are now on a hit list for complete destruction. God, help us all.

P.S. After I publicly exposed a group of us being inflicted with the same limb numbing illness they had a puppet say, "OK. I'll do it another way."  :-(

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Dream of Death

Last night I had a dream of death. In the dream I am with a group of native people and we are dieing from something that is making our bodies slowly stop functioning. In the dream I know it is not natural - that we are being killed and I start sobbing uncontrollably. Then I woke. In the dream I am separate from the Natives, but am also part of that group of them that is being killed.

I beg aware officials to let your Hearts openly stand up for us and be fully here for us.

Dream of Death
copyright 4-26-2022 Sharon Rose Poet

The cardinals screached a warning
On this sad death dream morning.
Then I was distracted by a call
From a heart that dare not fall.
But the cold hard truth remains
Inside of my own unshed pains,
And benieth my growing fear.
That hell is far too near.
If only I were free to choose
The way that we all can not lose.
I've begged to no obvious avail.
But my train is now off its rail.
I hope for freedom and healing
To reach us before the stealing.
Our lives may not matter to anyone
Who knows what has been being done,
But they matter to them and me.
If only all hearts could see.
Oh cast us, Lord, Your Light
And end this torturous night;
Set us all completely free -
The way it was meant to be.
Then help us all to forgive
Those who did not dare to give.
Cast us deep into pure Love
So the hell can be risen above.

P.S. The worse type of death is the death of our natural spirituality. And it appears that this has been the primary aim in the evil targeting of humanity from the start. This is why native people, who avoided modern pharmaceuticals and the religions that were being forced upon them, were so heavily targeted in the catholic residential schools and beyond.

In the dream, those of us who are being targeted were all intentionally inflicted with the same physical illness and it was an illness that makes our limbs go numb - its an illness that can literally force us into medical treatement and being completely dependent on other people - its an illness that ripps away our independence and can be used to destroy all aspects of our freedoms, including our inner freedom. (I am already noticing signs of it in the past few months - it is already happening.)
   It appears that the targeting has shifted to us being put onto a hit list for the destruction of our inner freedom and spirituality through forced "medical treatment," which has played a HUGE roll in the targeting of humanity all along. Those of us who are now on this hit list are probably all people who are aware of the targeting and have lost trust in modern medicine and would not ever freely choose to take the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals...etc. Physically disabling us would force it and also leave us far more succeptable to other parts of the targeting as well, because it could force us to be completely at the mercy of people who are controlled by those who target us and are a danger to us - it could and surely will literally force us into unsafe and harmful environments, if it is not stopped.
   I pray that all aspects of the targeting will be stopped and that we will be set free BEFORE we are hurt more than we already have been - no intentionally inflicted physical illnesses - no being forced into places where we can be harmed psychologically and spiritually or in any other way...etc.

According to other dreams I've had, there are many types of illnesses they can inflict upon people whom they want to force into controlled environments; blindness is one of them too. It can actually be anything that forces people to be unable to take care of themselves physically. Laser/microwave weapons can remotely cause various types of nerve and muscle and bone and organ damage. And the parasite and chemical parts of the targeting causes damage as well. All aspects of the evil targeting must be fully exposed and stopped ASAP, for the health and safety of all of humanity, but espeically for those of us who remained more free and are now on a hit list for complete destruction. God, help us all.

P.S. After I publicly exposed a group of us being inflicted with the same limb numbing illness they had a puppet say, "OK. I'll do it another way."  :-(

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Tortured Again!

The night before last I experienced life threatening laser shots to my throat. Then the next morning, in the first place I walked into, they had someone play the song, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..." This is typical of an attack that punishes me for saying something that those who targeet me do not want me to say. This sort of attack has happened to me many times - more than I could even begin to count. I've been hit hard lately.

I rarely write about the tortures because I focus on ignoring them and pushing forward, in order to survive. But I feel a need to share this example of one type of laser weapon attack.

Friday, April 1, 2022

A Painful Day

Torture levels of microwave targeting vamped up after I spoke and wrote about the mind control part of the targeting again. Its been a painful day with my torso and shoulder being lasered as well as my lungs this morning.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...