Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Targeting of my Heart Bud Publication

My Heart Bud publication has been heavily targeted. The sabotages have taken on many different forms and ended up with its websites being blocked from public view. advertised my first 2007 edition of what became The Heart Bud publication in 2008. The two websites I used for this were and The files I'd uploaded on these sites since 2007 have been changed to a 2021 date, which seems to mean that the files have been changed by those who target me. I can not reach the heart bus sites to see what the pages show. But the site now shows an index page that is Chinese!!!! 

And I just almost lost BOTH of my heart bud websites due to them "expiring" even though I think I'd paid for them. I paid for them again, but was not able to print the receipt from the hosting site, due to the page going blank, and I was not able to log into the email account they said the receipt was sent to. I have noticed that not all of my websites are even listed on the "my products" listings of domains page that is to renew them. This could have been part of the problem. My freedom's peace website needed renewing and it was not listed on the domain product page today. I was able to get it renewed  BEFORE it expired, but it is disturbing that not all my domains are listed, making it to easy to overlook them, like what may have been done to the heartbud sites when I was renewing all of my sites last year. 

more may be added soon. This is all just too discouraging. The web is NOT safe for targeted people and I do not know why I even bother with the fight to hold onto what is mine on it, anymore. I don't stand much of a chance against evil intrusive forces that seem to be able to infiltrate any company I use or any computer I use.

P.S. UPDATE 10/2022; I had paid for site just before posting this. BUT the payment appears to have been applied to something else and the site has been taken over. This also wipes out the important email account I had for that site, which also wiped out a lot of evidence. 

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