Monday, October 3, 2022

Poems I Recently Wrote

Despair's Prison
copyright Sharon R. Poet 10/1/2022

My despair thrust itself 
Against it's prison's pane, 
With withered Hope 
And no saving rope 
To soothe away it's bane, 
Then wove it's way 
With nothing to say 
Through heavy drops of rain, 
That dare to fall 
And fail to stall 
Over and over and over again. 
 But it searches still, 
With all it's sight, 
Through twisted webs 
 And darkened ebbs, 
For the needed Light. 
Is it there - does it exist 
Or must it remain sorely missed? 
Will there ever be an end 
To their relentless night?

Web of Deception 
copyright Sharon R. Poet 10/2/2022

They weaved their web inside my dream 
As well as in my tortured life. 
Concealing darkness that snuck in 
To compound my strife. 
Its happened before and may again 
But I hope it never will. 
There has to be a real Light 
Somewhere beyond that hill.

copyright Sharon R. Poet 10/2/2022

Freedom reins in my fatasies 
Around my heart's aching bleeds 
And my soul's unfilled needs. 
Perhaps someday it will be real - 
Something I can fully feel.

Hidden Knife 
copyright Sharon R. Poet 10/2/2022

If they could care 
 To leave the mask 
Inside an unused task, 
And cast aside the 
Hidden knife, 
The hell could end 
And heart may send 
 It in to save my life.

The Return
copyright Sharon R. Poet 10/2/2022

When I write out my rhymes 
Its a returning to my Self 
And the memories of times 
When freedom was not a wish 
But something that was mine. 
Did that freedom truly exist 
In any of the sorted past? 
If it did it did not last. 
But perhaps it will return 
In lessons we must learn.

Emily's Mother
copyright 10-1-2022 Sharon R. Poet

She gasped one breath 
Before her death 
Dared to finally fall. 
Tears that fell 
Came to wish her well 
Through the final call.

Dear Emily copyright
Sharon R. Poet 10/2/2022

Writing our hearts 
Is something we must do. 
It is true. 
I can so relate to you. 
I lack your education, 
But we are still alike 
Even as victims of a dark 
That swung around to strike. 
Our "childish" rhymes 
Could reach the times 
In hearts we could touch. 
We must not let "intellect" 
Interfere so much.

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