Monday, January 30, 2023

Hold On, Dad.

Hold On, Dad. Keep Holding On.
copyright 1-28-23 Sharon Rose Poet

The giant wall between you and us
Makes secret wishes turn to dust.
Tears drip as I feel your pain.
Will I ever see you again?
Why the silence? Why no word?
Have my letters been unheard?
Did you get my last "I love you?"
Its not a lie - my heart is true!
I feel you sitting there alone,
Sadness deepening so far from home.
It hurts so much - a steady ache,
As my body begins to shake.
I can't sleep - can't let you go.
I feel what you do not dare show.
Don't lose trust in yourself -
Put that fear upon a shelf.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on.
Someday we can right the wrong.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on
Until all your doubt is gone.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on.
Don't let it take too long.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on.
Let your heart sing the song
That brings you safely home.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Search for Lost Native Children

Below is a new ABC news documentary about a search for a grave yard around an "Indian School" here in the USA. This is an important step toward recovery.
   I think the search for graves should continue and heavily focus on the schools that were run by catholic and other christian churches. According to dreams I had, some of the lost children were burried on school grounds, but not in formal grave yards. According to one of these dreams, some of the children were murdered and buried around the foundation of a brick catholic school, which my mother was sent to in Canada. And my gut feeling is that there were similar situations in other catholic or christian schools here in the USA and abroad.
  I think that all of the truths must be publicly revealed, and a lot of healthy grieving must take place, before a full recovery can happen for the Native survivors and their children. I hope all decedents of the victims of the "Indian Residential Schools", become fully aware of what really happened to their lost relatives in those schools...and that they let their tears wash away the pain and anger until Love and Peace and Forgiveness take its place.

ABC NEWS; American Indian Boarding Schools: A Small US Town Digs for the Truth | Foreign Correspondent

Remedies for the De-population Problem

According to reports I read a diminishing rate of child births is a problem here in the USA as well as abroad. It appears that the amount of new births taking place are not enough to sustain our current population into the future. I can understand how this would raise concern in some people. And I hope that remedies focus on facing and fixing the root causes of the lower rate of child births...
   One of the most obvious core problems is the fact that the cost of living has gotten so high that many couples can not afford for one of them to stay home and raise their own child the way many feel that child rearing should be done. And daycare, and other expenses, are often too much for parents who are OK with letting someone else raise their children, especially when there is more than one child. I think that greed, and its aims to get rich, is the core cause of the high costs of living; so we should cast aside greed (and all of its ongoing traditions) so that our world can be an affordable place for anyone to have and raise children the way they want to and if they want to.
   Another obvious part of the core problem is how troubled our world has become in recent decades. Due to this many caring people do not want to bring more children in to be subjected to it or hurt by it.
Another part of the problem is the pharmaceutical part of the covert targeting of humanity. One of the side effects of the mass distribution of brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals is people's hearts/feelings/emotions being blocked. Due to people's emotions being blocked many can not even care enough to focus on giving to or providing for other human beings, especially not babies who require so much care. And frankly, heavily drugged people are not fit to be parents until they are free of that oppression and can find there hearts again. A good parent is a free parent who is emotionally available. The pharmaceutical targeting must be completely stopped.
   And then there is the microwave part of the covert targeting of humanity, and its effects on both children and potential parents. I feel that criminal use of microwave weapons is responsible for many illness, including that which causes impotence, like diabetes and lupus, which are rampant in the Native American race. These sorts of eugenics based targetings must be stopped, in order for more children to be born. And all other criminal use of microwave weapons must also be stopped, in order for all of our world to be a safe place to have and raise children.
   Due to the general covert targeting of humanity, and its effects on masses of people, those whose hearts are not blocked by the pharmaceuticals, and whose minds are not too overwhelmed by the microwave targeting, can sense that something is horribly wrong in our world, even when they do not know exactly what it is, and this surely causes many to hold back from bringing more children into our world. Kind and caring people, who would be good parents, need to feel that their children will be safe - not be hurt or subjected to bad things.

The bottom line is that we must make our world a far more FREE and SAFE and LOVING and MORAL and TRUSTWORTHY place for our children to grow up in. LETS DO IT! Then more people will want to have more babies and will be able to raise them in ways that are healthy for them.

Its not enough to just have more children born; we need to be raising them in ways that keep them healthy and whole, emotionally as well as physically, in order to retain and improve upon the integrity of humanity. The current state of our world is proof of this. A lot freedoms need to be regained, and a lot of healing needs to take place, for us to make our world a safe and healthy place for our children, but we can do it.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...