Monday, January 30, 2023

Hold On, Dad.

Hold On, Dad. Keep Holding On.
copyright 1-28-23 Sharon Rose Poet

The giant wall between you and us
Makes secret wishes turn to dust.
Tears drip as I feel your pain.
Will I ever see you again?
Why the silence? Why no word?
Have my letters been unheard?
Did you get my last "I love you?"
Its not a lie - my heart is true!
I feel you sitting there alone,
Sadness deepening so far from home.
It hurts so much - a steady ache,
As my body begins to shake.
I can't sleep - can't let you go.
I feel what you do not dare show.
Don't lose trust in yourself -
Put that fear upon a shelf.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on.
Someday we can right the wrong.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on
Until all your doubt is gone.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on.
Don't let it take too long.
Hold on Dad. Keep holding on.
Let your heart sing the song
That brings you safely home.

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