Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Trusting my Heart, my Instincts and my Visions

Today I got a short letter, which my sister appears to have had my father write to me. In the beginning he wrote "Sharon !!!" - my name with three exclamation points, which is not my father's style at all - but is my sister's style. In the letter he tells me that my sister is wonderfully helpful to him and that I should be "thankful"...etc.
   Its shocking that he can not see that ALL of his current upset at me is 100% only due to things that my sister is saying to him, in her usual efforts to upset him and turn him against me. I have no doubt that she is fabricating things, and possibly showing him misleading PARTS of things I've written, because this is evident in the messages she has had him leave on my phone. I have had no disputes with my father for over a decade. And I have not had any conversations with him since a month or two BEFORE the last big round of sabotaging that my sisters did in May of 2022 - when they aim to stop a family meeting and get my older brother and I out of our father's life so that they could take advantage of him in his vulnerable old age.

My sister's behaviors toward our father are actually like the psychopathic type perpetrator; fabricating things and instigating disputes and destroying the victims other relationships - manipulating the victim into a pain filled isolation... and then being the one to zoom in to help the victim who has been so traumatized that he now see's the perpetrator as the savior.
   This is exactly what my sisters have done to our father through the past two decades and severely in the past year and more. And so its no surprise that he now thinks that they are "wonderful." He has been so traumatized and brainwashed that he is unable to see or face the truth. And the truth is that, though my sisters have been "helpful" to him in some ways, they have been intentionally hurtful to him in MANY ways. So, I can not be very "thankful" for the ways that they have helped him, because I see how much they have hurt him and his relationships with other loved ones whom he had needed in his life...etc.

I will be "thankful" when my father is safe and free of the harmful manipulations and hurtful fabrications; when he is free to follow his own instincts and heart instead of my sister's hateful drives against other people he had been close to... when he is free to make his own choices, instead of being crushed and used in his two oldest daughter's heartless and greedy plans for him... when he is free to share his heart with his two hurting sons and resolve his issues with them, instead of letting his two oldest daughters continue to manipulate them out of his life... when he is free enough to not let my sister's turn him against me or use him to lash out at me - when he is no longer being hurt and used by my sisters...


That my father can not see how my sisters are saying things to upset him and make him lash out at me, is actually shocking, even if he has completely forgotten how hatefully jealous of me they always were...and even if he has forgotten the type of person he used to know I am. Most people would at least be objective enough to listen to the other side of a dispute between siblings, before passing judgement, but when it comes to this situation with my sisters and I, he now does the complete opposite, just like he did in 2003 when they fabricated emails against me - he just blindly believes them and lashes out at me.

In the letter my father says that he "still" loves me. (The "still" means after all the horrible things my sister's have convinced him that I have just recently done.) Since he is again joining my sister's hateful drives against me, I can not feel loved by him at all. In the condition they have reduced him to; he does not even have enough consideration for me to take an objective stand with me as my sisters bash me and turn him against me yet another time! This last round of this is like a knife being twisted in an old unhealed wound, causing even more injury to me. I feel deeply hurt by it. My little inner child just wants to cry, for the gross lack of love, and obvious lack of consideration and trust, that my father has for me. I do not feel loved by him - due to his behaviors toward me, I feel like he VERY unjustly dislikes me A LOT.
   In my mind I know his blocked heart is due to my sister's manipulations and fabrications and other parts of the targeting, but in my heart it still hurts. I can not even defend myself to him right now, because my sister controls all communications with him, but I do not think he would believe me even if I could.
   However, my love for him is still strong and I can easily forgive him because I know that he has been severely wounded/traumatized and brainwashed. What my sisters manipulate our father into doing to me is extremely unjust and cruel to me, but its even more hurtful to my father. That they still upset/hurt him just to use him against me, in his fragile old age, is a severe form of mental/emotional abuse. It deeply hurts BOTH of us.

In the letter my father says that he will be "back home as soon as possible." But I do not know if this means for a visit or permanently. (And it was ALWAYS "possible" for him to stay in his own home, even though my sisters now pretend it wasn't.) In the cover-up letter that my oldest sister sent to the family, over a month AFTER they silently implemented their secret plan for our father and took him out of his home... she had said that they would bring him back to New Hampshire "for a period of time" next summer, (as she pretended that it was now suddenly OK for us to visit him, after I'd exposed the truth), which indicated that the move is permanent and that the return to NH would only be for a visit. So, I guess only time will tell if they cancel their plans and return him to his own home permanently... and finally do right by him and his relationships with his other loved ones, even if its just to save face. Time will tell.

Due to the severity of the long standing discord between my sisters and the rest of us siblings in my family; it has been repeatedly suggested for a kind and considerate, neutral person, from outside the family, to be brought in to rent a room in my father's home in exchange for helping him...etc. And this is what should be happening so that my father can be at peace and so that ALL of his children and other loved ones can visit and help him without him or anyone else being distressed by my sister's or people whom they manipulate. This is actually the only right thing for him, and the WHOLE family in this situation, and I pray that it happens for the sake of his own health and wellbeing, because in this final stage of his life... he should have the opposite of what he has right now; he should be mending his relationships with his other loved ones and NOT be in a situation that keeps them severed or makes them worse - he should have peace and NOT be intentionally isolates and hurt and used by my sisters - he should have genuinely kind and caring and considerate and NEUTRAL help in his own home so that ALL of his children's hearts can PEACEFULLY visit him throughout this final stage of his that he can cross-over in peace when his time in this life is over. This is the way it should be.

P.S. In my vision; my second oldest sister (and her daughter and other supporters) is like a rabid guard dog attacking people who close to our father while she hurts him and manipulates/molds him into what she wants him to be and what she wants him to do. And sadly, this is an accurate symbology of this situation , which is not good for anyone, including my sisters. It should be stopped and things set right.
   In my vision; my father is hunched over in a chair and sobbing uncontrollably - he is in a lot of emotional pain, due to what they are doing to him and his relationships with his other loved ones. My heart aches for him because he has already suffered FAR too much and he should not be hurt anymore and he should be in a safe and peaceful and neutral place where he is not being emotionally/mentally abused.

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