Thursday, November 2, 2023

Relating to the Plight of Palestinian People

I have been asking myself why I feel so connected to the Palestinian plight, aside from the normal empathy for people that are suffering, and my disdain for wars. And I've realized that it’s because their plight touches my own wells of pain.
   I know what it’s like to be targeted by evil forces who convince people that I am the one who is "evil" and "insane" and "dangerous." Due to this targeting, I know what its like to have my homes invaded. I know what its like to have my home taken from me against my will. I know what its like to watch my next home go up in flames. I know what its like to have my next neighborhood wiped out and neighbors killed. I know what its like to be held trapped in a public prison and not allowed to succeed with my own business.
   I know what its like to be targeted by a force that is far too powerful for me to do anything but strive to survive the poverty and hell they shoved me into and held me trapped in after invading and destroying my life - the way I'd lived it. I know what its like to be totally at the mercy of those who target me and to feel desperate for freedom that seems to have no chance of ever returning to my life. I know what its like to suffer through decades of painful attacks against me and people whom I love.
   My situation is very different from that of the Palestinian people. Theirs is much worse in many ways, and far bigger, and far more overt. But the general scenarios are the same, and this is because the same type of evil is behind it all in both of our situations. In my situation it has been mostly covert targeting and the violent attacks have been mostly with microwave and laser weapons.

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