I have my computer in the child setting, and I find what is available to children shocking. There are many things shown that I do not want to be subjected to either. Children should not be subjected to violence, swearing, emotional abuse, mental abuse, sexual exploitation, gender issues, hate rants, scary evil things...etc. I feel that we must go back to the moral codes we'd set a few decades ago, and even add a few more, in order for our children to stop being negatively influenced by the web or movies or games or books or the TV, or public signs...etc. We must have more consideration for young children.
Some of you may balk about me including "gender issues" in the list of things our children should not be subjected to. I'm sorry if you have an issue with it. Its there because I strongly feel that it is important, for a child's self esteem, to feel comfortable with who and what they are, instead of wanting to be something else. Some boys are less macho and masculine than others, and some girls are "tom-boys," but boys are still boys and girls are still girls and it should remain this way. If an adult wants to change their natural body into something else, that is their choice. (I just hope they do not later regret it. I think even 18 years of age is probably too young for that sort of decision in most cases.) But young children just absolutely should not be subjected to adult sexuality or gender issues; although public exposure may help a few teen agers to get validation for their own issues, the rest of the children should not be subjected to it, because it will just confuse them too.
I feel that most of the gender/sexuality issues are probably now being caused by various types of brainwashings, which should also be stopped. This includes that which is done with certain types of pharmaceuticals and radio waves that are tuned to the same frequency as the human brain.
Our children must be free of all types of negative influences, as much as possible, if we want them to grow into healthy and content adults who feel comfortable with who and what they are. We can't control what happens to them in their own homes, but we can control what they are subjected to on the web and at school and in games and in children's books and on the TV and in public places...etc.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Friday, July 28, 2023
A Desperate Grope
A Desperate Grope
Copyright Sharon R. Poet 7-27-2023
Sometimes a desperate grope
Is too blind to not
Land where there is no hope.
But sometimes it reaches it
A real Light
That shines beyond the pit.
Let Time Keep You True
Let Time Keep You True
Copyright Sharon R. Poet 7-27-2023
The world is such a twisted mess, where bad tries to look the best.
But some stay strong and ring true, and I hope this includes you.
Time will tell if you continue to be, that tower of needed integrity
Where truth reveals wrongs done, for freedom restored to everyone.
Oh let time keep you true, in everything you say and do.
And let no hateful stone they cast, lower your kindest mast.
Monday, July 24, 2023
Feel the Truth
Please always tune into your own heart and instincts when you read or hear things, because sometimes what feels right is more right than science is saying, and what feels wrong is more wrong then science is saying.
P.S. My newest article on July 20th, 2023 Congressional Censorship Hearing; https://forpeaceinamerica.blogspot.com/p/congressional-censorship-hearing-july.html
P.S. My newest article on July 20th, 2023 Congressional Censorship Hearing; https://forpeaceinamerica.blogspot.com/p/congressional-censorship-hearing-july.html
Thursday, July 20, 2023
The "Five Minutes for Freedom" Speech...
The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" was started, in order to enable natural health care practitioners the right to help people without being arrested and convicted for offering herbs or energy healing...etc., without a medical license. Then it grew into standing up for other rights and freedoms associated with our health and safety and our right to make choices for ourselves, which do not include pharmaceuticals or mandatory vaccines for our children...etc.
Diane Miller is a lawyer who is one of the three original founders of the National Health Freedom Coalition. In this "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech Diane exposed a truth that every person on earth should be made aware of. It is difficult to hear on this video because Diane Miller's microphone appears to have not been working properly and she struggled with the delivery of her speech in some places. But it was still the best speech I've ever heard and those who know me, and my very long lone stand for freedom, will understand why when you hear it. I literally cried through the last minute or so of it and had to listen to it a couple times. "Someone else knows and is standing up!," my heart literally cried out loud. This meant a lot to me. More than words can say. Nothing has given me hope more than this one minute of this speech has. I have transcribed* this part for those of you who will not be able to hear it well on your computers.
I hope this speech will reach the whole world and help restore our most important freedoms - the freedom to think for ourselves and retain our own hearts and spirits and live out our lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference from the dark forces that use pharmaceuticals and radio wave technologies and other things, in order to control or harm humanity...
* "We have a new element in our world, since 1900. It is the evolution of our man made technology. Current technology has the capacity to control, kill, destroy humans without confrontation or traditional war or explosions. Technology has the capacity to make Mother Earth uninhabitable. Technology has the capacity to convert humans into non-humans, without their consent. Technology has the capacity to change the nature of what it means to be human. Technology, in and of itself, does not recognize the fundamental principle that humans have a sacred side; a soul path - a yearning for following their hearts and pursuits - a need for the freedom to decide their own destiny and to be free from the abuse of power and domination - and our innate interconnectedness... with all of nature and Mother Earth - and our expectation for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Technology is a tool. It does not have a soul. It can be used for good. It can be used for evil or tyranny. Will those who own or implement technology be held to the moral principals embodied in our constitution - our law of the land? Can our constitution provide the much needed guidance now, and reign in technology, to insure the survival of humans and our planet? Will we and our law makers act quickly and will we construct our [ grills? ] soon enough to save our lives? We are the people.... This is our dream; the sacred plan of freedom - the protection of the human spirit. We will now act, all together, and answer our individual callings to do what we can to steer our sacred ship of freedom to safe harbor." ~ Diane Miller JD
I think it is probably no coincidence that the microphone was not working well for this speech. It appears to me that Diane has been being covertly targeted. And its probably radio waves that were used to interfered with her brain function during this speech and some other ones.
I pray for a strong Light to shine for Diane and her courageous pursuits to regain some of our lost freedoms. It appears that she has accomplished a lot with helping state laws to be passed, which enable us the freedom to make our own personal health care choices, but it surely would have been a lot more if there was less opposition. Diane deserves a LOT of credit for following her own heart in a pursuit of freedom for humanity. I'm sure its not been easy for her.
The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" now appears to have split up; it branched out into the "United States health freedom congress," which seems different from the original organization and has become more popular. Shifts like this are a common result of the evil targeting that tries to phase out the genuine heart of the original and replace it with something else - something more controllable. Hopefully this is not what has happened here and that it is stopped if it is. Below is the website for the original organization...
P.S. I wonder if they also took over Diane's family, like they did mine. I'd love to talk to her, but I don't dare even try to, because it would most likely make the targeting vamp up on both of us and sabotage our connection. This has happened before. It has been my experience that truly targeted people, who are fully aware and have the heart to resist, have not been allowed to unite, because there is more power in groups who stand up than there is in individuals who stand up. And because isolated individuals can be more easily inconspicuously murdered or gotten rid of in some other way. It appears that Diane has not been as isolated, as I have been, and this is good for her. However, the tiny amount of views and support for her "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech indicates that she is too alone in this stand. Please give her some kind and genuine support. Hopefully she never will be isolated and that she still has loved ones who can care about her and support her and that her heart will hold strong. I pray for safety and freedom for her and all other targeted people as well as the rest of humanity. And me too.
Hopefully soon... all of us (humanity) will be fully free to follow our own hearts and instincts and natural spirituality, and live out our own lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference or harm being inflicted by radio wave technologies or pharmaceuticals or anything else.
Diane Miller is a lawyer who is one of the three original founders of the National Health Freedom Coalition. In this "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech Diane exposed a truth that every person on earth should be made aware of. It is difficult to hear on this video because Diane Miller's microphone appears to have not been working properly and she struggled with the delivery of her speech in some places. But it was still the best speech I've ever heard and those who know me, and my very long lone stand for freedom, will understand why when you hear it. I literally cried through the last minute or so of it and had to listen to it a couple times. "Someone else knows and is standing up!," my heart literally cried out loud. This meant a lot to me. More than words can say. Nothing has given me hope more than this one minute of this speech has. I have transcribed* this part for those of you who will not be able to hear it well on your computers.
I hope this speech will reach the whole world and help restore our most important freedoms - the freedom to think for ourselves and retain our own hearts and spirits and live out our lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference from the dark forces that use pharmaceuticals and radio wave technologies and other things, in order to control or harm humanity...
* "We have a new element in our world, since 1900. It is the evolution of our man made technology. Current technology has the capacity to control, kill, destroy humans without confrontation or traditional war or explosions. Technology has the capacity to make Mother Earth uninhabitable. Technology has the capacity to convert humans into non-humans, without their consent. Technology has the capacity to change the nature of what it means to be human. Technology, in and of itself, does not recognize the fundamental principle that humans have a sacred side; a soul path - a yearning for following their hearts and pursuits - a need for the freedom to decide their own destiny and to be free from the abuse of power and domination - and our innate interconnectedness... with all of nature and Mother Earth - and our expectation for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Technology is a tool. It does not have a soul. It can be used for good. It can be used for evil or tyranny. Will those who own or implement technology be held to the moral principals embodied in our constitution - our law of the land? Can our constitution provide the much needed guidance now, and reign in technology, to insure the survival of humans and our planet? Will we and our law makers act quickly and will we construct our [ grills? ] soon enough to save our lives? We are the people.... This is our dream; the sacred plan of freedom - the protection of the human spirit. We will now act, all together, and answer our individual callings to do what we can to steer our sacred ship of freedom to safe harbor." ~ Diane Miller JD
5 Minutes for Freedom speech by Diane Miller JD
I pray for a strong Light to shine for Diane and her courageous pursuits to regain some of our lost freedoms. It appears that she has accomplished a lot with helping state laws to be passed, which enable us the freedom to make our own personal health care choices, but it surely would have been a lot more if there was less opposition. Diane deserves a LOT of credit for following her own heart in a pursuit of freedom for humanity. I'm sure its not been easy for her.
The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" now appears to have split up; it branched out into the "United States health freedom congress," which seems different from the original organization and has become more popular. Shifts like this are a common result of the evil targeting that tries to phase out the genuine heart of the original and replace it with something else - something more controllable. Hopefully this is not what has happened here and that it is stopped if it is. Below is the website for the original organization...
National Health Freedom Coalition
Constitutional Rights: It's a Matter of Health and Survival by Diane Miller JD
P.S. I wonder if they also took over Diane's family, like they did mine. I'd love to talk to her, but I don't dare even try to, because it would most likely make the targeting vamp up on both of us and sabotage our connection. This has happened before. It has been my experience that truly targeted people, who are fully aware and have the heart to resist, have not been allowed to unite, because there is more power in groups who stand up than there is in individuals who stand up. And because isolated individuals can be more easily inconspicuously murdered or gotten rid of in some other way. It appears that Diane has not been as isolated, as I have been, and this is good for her. However, the tiny amount of views and support for her "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech indicates that she is too alone in this stand. Please give her some kind and genuine support. Hopefully she never will be isolated and that she still has loved ones who can care about her and support her and that her heart will hold strong. I pray for safety and freedom for her and all other targeted people as well as the rest of humanity. And me too.
Hopefully soon... all of us (humanity) will be fully free to follow our own hearts and instincts and natural spirituality, and live out our own lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference or harm being inflicted by radio wave technologies or pharmaceuticals or anything else.
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