Monday, July 31, 2023

Consideration for Our Children

I have my computer in the child setting, and I find what is available to children shocking. There are many things shown that I do not want to be subjected to either. Children should not be subjected to violence, swearing, emotional abuse, mental abuse, sexual exploitation, gender issues, hate rants, scary evil things...etc. I feel that we must go back to the moral codes we'd set a few decades ago, and even add a few more, in order for our children to stop being negatively influenced by the web or movies or games or books or the TV, or public signs...etc. We must have more consideration for young children.

Some of you may balk about me including "gender issues" in the list of things our children should not be subjected to. I'm sorry if you have an issue with it. Its there because I strongly feel that it is important, for a child's self esteem, to feel comfortable with who and what they are, instead of wanting to be something else. Some boys are less macho and masculine than others, and some girls are "tom-boys," but boys are still boys and girls are still girls and it should remain this way. If an adult wants to change their natural body into something else, that is their choice. (I just hope they do not later regret it. I think even 18 years of age is probably too young for that sort of decision in most cases.) But young children just absolutely should not be subjected to adult sexuality or gender issues; although public exposure may help a few teen agers to get validation for their own issues, the rest of the children should not be subjected to it, because it will just confuse them too.
   I feel that most of the gender/sexuality issues are probably now being caused by various types of brainwashings, which should also be stopped. This includes that which is done with certain types of pharmaceuticals and radio waves that are tuned to the same frequency as the human brain.

Our children must be free of all types of negative influences, as much as possible, if we want them to grow into healthy and content adults who feel comfortable with who and what they are. We can't control what happens to them in their own homes, but we can control what they are subjected to on the web and at school and in games and in children's books and on the TV and in public places...etc.

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