Saturday, August 12, 2023

Know it and Grow it

Part of my 1990s dream of building recovery/healing centers, with the profits from my publications...etc., was to make those properties completely self sufficient with a type of organic farming that grew only unmodified/natural edible trees and plants that are mostly native to the location of the land. My medicinal "sacred garden" part of my dream was very important to me, because it was about healing on every level - I was going to do them in my own unique way. And then I was going to turn the gardens into public parks so that they could be preserved for the communities around them to freely use forever.
   The targeting has obviously prevented any part of my dream from even having a chance to happen, thus far. And this has been and still is a great source of pain for me, especially since I have been hurt so much, in the past two decades, that I now need my own recovery centers as much as (if not more than) the people I had wanted to build them for. But they do not exist yet. And every part of my dream seems impossible, at this point. But I still fantasize about it and I find moments of joy in seeing what other people are doing with organic gardening...etc.
   Yesterday I distracted myself from the hell, which surrounded yet another email infiltration, by watching more youtube videos. I've been learning a lot from people who are doing their own versions of natural organic gardening. I'm glad to see this practice growing in our world, even though it is without my participation. It even appears that many people are restoring farm lands that had been harmed by chemicals and other destructive modern farming practices.

Many people are now also returning to seed saving, from their own natural organic gardens, in order to be self sufficient and supply their families or communities with healthy food. This shift back into 100% natural and organic food production, within our own neighborhoods, truly is what is best for humanity and the Earth and the atmosphere. Its actually the only healthy way. Its a shame that it has taken so long for this needed shift to start taking place on a larger scale. But it finally is happening and it will hopefully rapidly pick up its pace until its all we have - imagine no more pharmaceuticals or chemical fertilizers or pesticides or genetic modifications contaminating or hurting our food and our bodies...and no large industrial companies controlling it or making money off of what need to have, in order to survive. It actually helps me to see that there are truly good things happening in our world. Parts of it are truly heading in a positive direction and even seem free to do so. Its actually wonderful to see this contrast to what I've been experiencing in my life.
   Below are two interesting videos about regenerative farming. I really enjoyed watching the first one, because the owner of that farm portrayed an energy, and a state of mind, that has been far too rare in our world. He truly was a joy to listen to. He was like a breath of fresh air in the hell that was surrounding me. I hope these videos inspire people to do their own organic or regenerative gardening or farming, even if it is just one or two trees in small yards... If you want a flowering shrub or a shade tree, why not plant natural native ones that also produce healthy edible nuts or fruits? The day may come when it's food is needed. Actually, its already here, its just that more people need to know it and grow it. Please help spread the word...

Left BBC's Planet Earth to start dream family homestead (full tour)

Homestead Paradise: got barren land, boosted it at a profit

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