Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Enslavement of Humanity

This is one of the most heavily targeted articles I've ever written. It was actually in December 2014 when I pulled the puzzle pieces together for it. Then I experienced such heavy targeting that I did not even start writing it until February 2015. And I was nuked through that process, so it never was what it could have been. It is still a work in process, but it is now in better shape than it was before. I hope it helps people far more than writing it has hurt me.

Please Read and Share This Article

Friday, September 15, 2023

Technologies are Only as Safe as Humanity is

   In 2004, a woman who had worked at the White House in Washington DC told me that computers can be remotely infiltrated even when they are not connected to the web. I didn't believe her because we all had been being told, by many professional sources, that they couldn't be. But I knew she was right after I later directly witnessed such infiltrations.
   At this point I have witnessed remote infiltrations of computers, a cell phone, a digital camera, radios...etc. All truly can be remotely accessed. And I am sure computerized vehicles and other technologies can be as well.
   The AI robot stuff is VERY dangerous, if they can be infiltrated and controlled by ill intending people...and they truly can be, according to a human-like AI robot I recently watched being interviewed. We'd be foolish to let many of them be built and brought into our communities and homes. But this is now being promoted.

I'm not against technologies. I think they can help us in many ways. But I am against them being criminally used to hurt people; to steel from people or frame people or harass people, or stalk people, or sabotage a person's work, or confuse and mentally abuse people, or any other possible wrong doing. I feel that we'd be utterly foolish to completely depend on safety and privacy in ANY of the modern technologies during these troubled times in our world. But many people and businesses unfortunately have.

Technologies are only as safe as humanity is.

In order for modern technologies to be more safe, humanity would have to be FAR more evolved than it is - humanity would have to have FAR more heart and FAR less greed and hate and ill intentions.
   Unfortunately, humanity is not very safe right now, due to the blocking of its heart with pharmaceuticals, and the fact that even human beings can be remotely interfered with or controlled with radio wave technologies, especially when they have been drugged or microchipped in certain ways. Like I had said in my previous blogs; I suspect that the tonsil surgeries were probably to implant microchips in targeted people and families. We should be doing all that we can to make our world a TRULY safe place for ALL of us to live and work in.

P.S. Due to a precognitive dream I had, and things I've seen on the web, I fully believe that, in modern technologies, words can be added or erased in recordings of a person's voice. It appears that whole messages, in a person's voice, can even be created, in order to make it look like they said things they didn't say. These are extremely dangerous times for targeted people, especially in the families of long term targets like myself. Two members of my family have recently been trying to force me into verbal communications with them and my father, even though they have VERY surly not wanted me to be close to and talking to my father and are just using him for this. Part of it may be just to save face, but I have just cause for concern about them fabricating things against me, due to some of them doing this, in various ways, throughout the past. My previous posts share more about this.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Federal Investigations into "Indian Boarding Schools" are Now Happening in the USA

A PBS news report stated that, "A federal probe into Native American boarding schools has been under way since 2022, but, recently, a nonprofit group identified even more schools. The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition has found 523 boarding schools operated across 38 states, including 115 previously unidentified schools that were largely run by Christian churches." ~ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/research-uncovers-role-of-churches-and-religious-groups-in-indigenous-boarding-schools

It is interesting that many of the Catholic/Christian schools were not in the initial lists of schools. But I'm sure it is well known by now, why these would want to be kept hidden. I wonder if any of the survivors of these Christian schools are still alive - if their minds are free to remember and tell the real truth about what happened to them and/or their relatives in those schools.
   I have no doubt that the Christian schools in the USA were just about the same as the ones in Canada; a lot of sexual abuse, and a lot of physical abuse, and massive levels of emotional abuse and neglect, and many strong and defiant and defenseless little children vanishing into unmarked graves around the schools or into rivers that were near some of the schools. Its an evil holocaust that was shockingly performed by people who pretended to be messengers of God/Love.
   Some of the covered up truths may never be fully revealed, but when we look with the heart of our own intuition/instincts, we can know the hell that happened to those children in those schools. I did this and was struck with a heart wrenching pain connected to the abuse of some of my relatives in a Catholic school in Canada. According to my dreams, some children were severely beaten (for resisting) and some were even intentionally killed in front of other children (like my mother) whom they wanted to frighten into obeying only the Catholic ways and abandoning their own. Sadly, many who survived the schools did obey and carried on parts of the horrid abuse. Much of the proof is in the inner condition of the survivors who do not know anything but what they were taught in those horrid schools.
   The resulting trauma and woundedness is VERY evident in the victims of the Catholic schools. Just like it was very evident in my mother, who turned to alcohol after she started facing her childhood in a Catholic school, because it was too painful for her to face alone in the 1970s. Many victims have not had the love and understanding and support they so desperately needed, but there is now hope that some will finally get it and will be able to complete a healthy grieving process, without any sort of interference.

I hope a Light keeps shining for the truths to be shown and for genuine healing to be completed as quickly as is possible.

My Return of Native Spirit blog; https://returnofnativespirit.blogspot.com

My Return of Native Spirit book; https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/return-of-native-spirit-sharon-rose-poet/1139445851

Canadian Fires Effecting the Indigenous Population

A PBS news article said that, "In Canada, 5 percent of the population identifies as Indigenous — First Nation, Métis or Inuit — with an even smaller percentage living in predominantly Indigenous communities. Yet more than 42 percent of wildfire evacuations have been from communities that are more than half Indigenous, said Amy Cardinal Christianson, an Indigenous fire specialist with Parks Canada. As of last week, almost 23,000 people from 75 Indigenous settlements have had to evacuate this year, according to Indigenous Services Canada. More than 3,600 people from 15 First Nations reserves in five provinces were evacuated as of Thursday, the agency said." ~ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/in-the-blink-of-an-eye-we-lost-so-much-worst-wildfire-season-in-canadian-history-wreaking-havoc-on-indigenous-communities
I have no doubt that many people are wondering if at least some of the fires have been intentionally lit in yet another aim for forced assimilation and/or the loss of native lands. It looks like at least some of the fires are intentional. But my heart has a hard time fathoming anyone wanting to hit these people with more disasters, especially when they had barely just begun to heal from the devastating residential school disasters. Only pure evil would even think of doing such a thing to traumatize them even more.

I hope a Light keeps shining for the evil to be exposed and stopped, for the suffering to finally end, and for genuine healing to be completed in a never ending peace.

P.S. In the past few years I had a dream, which showed a huge fire coming down from Canada, and into the upper middle part of the USA, where the native reservations are. This dream implied that it was not natural - that it was part of the evil targeting - that it is something that "has happened before." I hope this fire and all others are prevented. It is horribly sad that such devastation appears to have already taken place in many other locations.

My Return of Native Spirit blog; https://returnofnativespirit.blogspot.com

My Return of Native Spirit book; https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/return-of-native-spirit-sharon-rose-poet/1139445851

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...