Monday, October 30, 2023

Update on Israel's War Against the Palestinian People

This is a recent situation where the Zionists moved into Palestine and then took complete control of it and started killing off and both displacing and confining masses of Arab Palestinians.

Israel's invasive war against the Palestinian people has been being recently hidden under the guise of "a war against terrorism. “Israel has also been projecting their own wrong and criminal behaviors onto Hamas or the Palestinian people. They are pretending that they are the victims who are fighting for their existence. But the truths is that Israel has done far more terrorizing violence and vengeful murders, and they are the invaders who have been trying to get rid of the Palestine People. Whether children and adults are mutilated by knives or by guns or by hundreds of bombs dropped in residential neighborhoods or by military vehicles, its all the same to the innocent victims of it and its all barbaric and wrong.
   In this last escalation of Israel's long standing war against the Palestinian people, they have been pretending that Hamas had just started this war on October 7th. Many news reports reflect this. But this is not true. Its been happening for decades. As you'll see in the next two videos; a UN official exposed some of this truth, and called for Israel to "cease fire," and then Israel leaders sought revenge through asking for him to be fired and through telling him that he can no longer get a visa in Israel...etc.
   Israel leaders have a very overpowering, 'support and obey me or else I'll hurt you' type of attitude, even with officials in the UN, which says a lot about what they are really like and that they are not just the poor victims who need to defend themselves, that they have been portraying to the world. The manipulations, and misplaced blame, have surely made this a confusing situation for many people.

Un Secretary General's Cease Fire speech

Israel and many of their supporters, have been harassing, or trying to discredit, or have been seeking vengeance against people who tell the truth and express concern about the Palestinian people. I have both experienced and witnessed this on the web. The best example of this is what they did to the UN chief for saying in the above video, "this did not happen in a vacuum" - meaning the war did not start with Hamas's attack on October 7th or without provocation.

Report on Israel's Seeking Vengeance on the UN Chief

My tears flowed when I watched the following video, because I was so glad to see another high official standing up for what is right. Much more of this is needed in this situation as well as in others.

Palestinian ambassador to the UN addresses General Assembly

UN chief says ‘clear violations of international humanitarian law’ in Gaza

After the Un called for a cease fire, and as a growing international outcry for the Palestinian people spread across the internet, Israel put out all communications in Gaza and drastically vamped up their attack. They obviously do not want anyone knowing what they are doing there. This is like a holocaust. Its horribly distressing to realize that these sorts of things can still freely happen and even be supported in our world today. It makes the whole world feel unsafe to me.

People are being pushed to "condemn Hamas" and I refuse to. I condemn their violence, just as I condemn Israel's violence. But I cannot condemn the Hamas group, because I keep sensing that there has not been enough honesty on this subject. Instead of accepting and believing the "terrorists" label, we must look at what provoked their attacks. I think Hamas is not just the heartless criminal "terrorists" that Israel has portrayed them as, in order to justify their own invasions and killings of masses of Palestinian people. We should be asking questions, like... why did Hamas needed hostages to bargain with? Was it a desperate act that came AFTER a serious threat to their survival? Probably. It’s not fair to judge people based on the claims of only one side of a situation like this. Its actually best to listen to our own hearts and instincts above all else. I think Hamas is probably mostly a group of Palestinian freedom fighters who have been enraged about what Israel has been doing to hurt and kill or get rid of their loved ones and people.
   After decades of Israel killing and hurting and enslaving and depriving and displacing tens of thousands of Palestinian people...etc., it’s no wonder why groups of them are so hurt and angry that they have been periodically seeking vengeance. It is not fair to condemn people who have been fighting for their freedom, due to being invaded and killed and enslaved and deprived or forced out of their homes and lands. Surely if they have been treated with nothing but kindness and consideration they would not have had the violent reactions to it. In my eyes, those who mistreated the Palestinian people, and intentionally provoked the Hamas attacks are partly responsible for them.

I feel sad for all of the Palestinian people, including those who are in the Hamas group. I hope they regain their freedom and heal from the overwhelming pain and destruction they have repeatedly experienced through the past 75+ years. I hope they find peace within themselves as well as in their homeland.

Please help pray for freedom and safety and healing and peace to reach what now remains of the Palestinian people.

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