Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A Suggestion for the Israel vs. Palestine Conflict

I was asked what I thought the solution would be. So I wrote this...

A Suggestion for the Israel vs. Palestine Conflict

To be fair we must look at BOTH sides of the bigger picture and the true history, instead of what just one side says. The current violence, and the ways its been reported, has distracted people from realizing the core problem - the land dispute, which has always needed to be permanently resolved, in ways that are fair to BOTH sides, in order to prevent the violence. This is just common sense and these suggestions are just well known human rights. Why they were not allowed deserves serious consideration and investigation.


To be fair and considerate and humane, the following things must happen...

1. The Gaza strip and West Bank, and AT LEAST the land between these two bodies, should be immediately returned to the Palestinian people and immediately declared the independent state of Palestine. These lands, and their airspace, must be controlled by the Palestinian people, so they can uphold the law on their own lands and prevent further illegal encroachment...etc.

2. Out of fairness and consideration to the families of the existing invaders and their unaware "settlers," they should be given at least about three months to move back out of these lands, before trespassing laws are enforced.

3. The Palestinian people must also have free and safe passages leading to neighboring countries and out into the open sea.

4. The Palestinian people must be allowed to conduct their own businesses and rebuild their own economy without interference.

5. In the historical facts, it is VERY clear that the Arab Palestinians are the people who were the vast majority in Palestine for many hundreds of years, and that the vast majority of the Jewish people are the immigrants who were brought to Palestine  by the invading Zionists who forcefully stole the Arab country and stole Arab homes and stole Arab businesses from the Arab Palestinian people. Due to this happening so recently, it truly would be fair for ALL the Israel lands to be returned to the Palestinian people and declared their independent state of Palestine. If this happened it would be nice if the Palestinians found the heart to let some of the Jewish immigrants stay there, at least the ones who are peaceful and not prejudice against the Arab people.

If the leaders of the Jewish Immigrants cannot immediately find the heart to do the above things, they should be forced to. If the UN cannot enforce this, then at least parts of the rest of the world should unite and demand it through setting dire consequences if it is not done within three months. These consequences should NOT be violent, but should make things so difficult for them that they do right by the Palestinian people, for their own sakes. Is there any high authority or collective authority that can over-see this? I do not know enough about politics or laws or those types of manipulations to venture into details. Someone else will have to do that part. But it is clear to me that, anyone who has the heart to be kind and fair and considerate - decent human beings, would surely agree that the Palestinian people should have at least most of their land and homes returned to them and be allowed to be an independent nation that has a right to protect what is left of their people.


1. There must be an immediate and permanent cease fire on BOTH sides.

2. Hamas must return all the hostages, that have not been killed by Israel's careless bombing. And Israel must return all the Palestinian people that they have held captive.

3. Part one must quickly and fully happen so that the Palestinian people, including Hamas, do not feel like they have to continue fighting for their freedom or their lands or their lives or their human rights.

4. Israel must stop provoking Hamas attacks, or using Hamas attacks, as an excuse to do their own and murder large masses of Palestinian people and terrorize the rest into leaving the country. Too much of this has already been done and it just has to stop. BOTH sides must make a pact to not use any future violent incidents, as excuses to attack back. The vengeance and violence must stop.

5. BOTH sides must work on healing their hearts at least until they can be kind enough and considerate enough and compassionate enough to let go of the hate and refrain from seeking vengeance. Both sides should make a pact to not pass the hate and vengeful attitudes down to their children. Both sides should do all they can, to promote a safe and peaceful and comfortable environment for themselves and each other. 

Finishing notes; I feel that, if the heart and mind of humanity were free the recent violent wars would probably not be happening, even if the leaders of the Israel are still naturally as selfish and inconsiderate and unkind as they have been from the start of their invasion of Palestine, because the hearts of enough other nations would have rallied around the Palestinian people, instead of around Israel - the aggressive intruder.
We must look at the global problem of mass distribution of brain numbing and feeling blocking pharmaceuticals, which have been blocking the heart of humanity - the ability to feel Love and compassion and intuition, and makes people like numb sheep who just blindly follow... whatever. And we also must look at how various frequencies of radio waves can effect people's minds. I feel that these things are part of this and many other problems since around the 1950s.

EVERY HUMAN BEING IN HUMANITY SHOULD MAKE A PACT TO BEHAVE IN WAYS THAT ARE KIND AND CONSIDERATE TO FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, ESPECIALLY TO THOSE WHO CAN NOT BE FAIRLY BLAMED, IN THIS SITUATION AND OTHERS. No matter what terminology some of us have used; the problem is not all of "the Catholics" or all of "the British" or all of "the Jewish" or all of "America" or all of "Israel"...etc. It is just the decisions of a few of the people in these places that have caused the problems in this situation as well as others. And there are probably times when some of them made those decisions before being aware of all the honest details and/or while being negatively influenced by other people. Some of them, especially in the beginning of this mess, clearly just lacked the heart to see the value in the Arab people. This would be more sad for them, if such horrific destruction had not come from their handicapped decisions.

I understand if the Jewish people want to own their own country, but it should not be through theft and the destruction of its existing people, like was done in Palestine. Perhaps another country would give them some land? Perhaps the British would be willing to help them again, but do it fairly this time? No matter where they go, they should not be allowed to steal land and homes and try get rid of its existing people. This lesson must be learned now. And the learning should start with Israel not getting away with what it has done to the Arab Palestine.

Those who think the Arabs are worthless "animals," really should find their hearts and open their minds. In the lowest forms of humanity are those who feel such hate and prejudice, and even they are not worthless - they are just people who need to find and heal their hearts.

The laws that apply to people's homes should also apply to countries - people must not have the right to just move in and take control and either kick the owners out or kill them. Its just common human decency. By now, humanity should have learned this lesson through past mistakes with indigenous people, at least enough to not be repeating them. Seriously. I'm shocked that what happened to the Palestine part of the Arab territories was even allowed within the past century. We can't fix all past mistakes, but we can learn from them and stop repeating them. We ALL must use our hearts and be kind and considerate to other people, even when they are different from us. Look with your Hearts and you will see. Although I've probably made some typing mistakes, and have not described it all perfectly, and have not fully spelled out every possible little detail, you can surely understand the gist of what I'm saying here. Its up to other people to take it further and fill in the gaps.
I have actually not chosen sides in the Israel vs Palestine battle, although it may look to some like I have. I am actually on the side of what is right and fair and kind and considerate and peaceful. And I hope the rest of the world joins this side very quickly...and agrees that hate and prejudice and inhumane acts and dishonesty and justifications for evil intentions...etc., are what must be "condemned" throughout the world. Enough is enough.

Initially, it is a shame that the leaders of the Zionists did not treat the Palestinian people with the type of kindness and consideration that would have enabled the Palestinians and the Jewish immigrants to all peacefully live there together in an independent state of Palestine.

I am an America citizen (since birth) who is part Native American and part French and English. I have no affiliation with the Palestinian people or the Jewish/Israel people. I do not even know any of them. I am a real person. My Name is Sharon Rose Poet. I matter too, and so does my opinion. Please consider it.

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