Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Israel vs. Palestinian Battle on YouTube

On YouTube I have run into a lot of kind people who are sharing their hearts and their grief over what has been and still is happening to the Palestinian people. This has actually helped me to regain a bit of my faith in humanity. But I have also run into many who have been literally pushing people into joining the hate against the Palestinian side of this battle, and who have been trying to make me think I am wrong in my view of the situation...etc. 

One example of this is when one of them asked, "SharonPoet aren’t you thinking? What if your nation attack by Hamas? Will you feel the same to what you are saying? Don’t be fooled by devil words"

And my response was, "My nation was attacked, by what was believed to be a terrorist, on September 11, 2001. And even then, I found the heart to not join in on the hate campaigns and to not leap to judgements against whomever other people were blaming...etc. In the Palestinian/Israel situation there are two sides to the story and a bigger picture that encompasses far more than what has been told by the media, and this is what I look at.
   And I assure you that I am not being "fooled by the devil words," and I have heard them, just not on the same side you think they are on. I strive to listen to my heart - my intuition and instincts above all else. I felt the truth, before I heard it, and this is why I recognized it. And if Hamas came and attacked my home, the first thing I would ask is, why - What happened to instigate or provoke such horrific violence....was it something I did or is there anything I could have done to prevent it. And I'd dig until I found the truth, rather than blindly believing what the media has been told. If only all the citizens of Israel and the rest of the world would do this."

Other Israel puppets have tried to make people think I am a "terrorist" or a "robot," through making false statements under my comments. It’s sad that those who express their condolences to the Palestinians are being harassed and accused of doing wrong or being antiemetic...etc.

My YouTube Stroll
copyright Sharon Rose Poet 11-2-2023

I found many hearts and many tears
Where compassion soothed away fears.
But others pushed for us to hate
And I just can't even relate.
Their comments were too rude -
The usual negative attitude,
That aimed to defame mine.
How dare I feel for Palestine?

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