Friday, May 24, 2024

Ode to Our Historic Quakers

As I learn more about the original Quakers, I am finding validation for my own experiences and beliefs, as well as for my work. The core Quaker belief was that God is Love and we can directly connect to Love/Light/God through our own Hearts. And I realize the truth in this, because I've had experiences with it, since going through a grieving/healing process in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Since then I have felt that when we release the suppressed pain that blocks our Hearts, we automatically connect more deeply with Love/Light/God. This is why my work has focused on embracing our feelings and healing our Hearts, in order to bring more Love and compassion into our world. Many people have put me down and thought I was crazy. So, I am glad to be able to back up my realization with a stand for people who had also found the same reality many centuries ago - the original Quakers. I feel much less alone now, even though I do not know if any of the Quakers had realized how people can deepen their direct connection to God, through focusing on healing their own Hearts - through focusing on releasing the supressed emotional pain that blocks Hearts. So, I am adding this part to the table here.
   I'm not as open as the original Quakers seem to have been, especially since I've been set back through being targeted. But I've experienced enough of it to know the truth in what they had declared. I feel that our human capability of a direct connection to pure Love/Light/God is one of the most important messages humanity has ever needed to receive. It is very sad that it has not yet been allowed to receive it to a large enough degree. The sad state of our world is evidence of not enough people directly connecting with and feeling and sharing real Love.
   The Quakers were also heavily targeted for trying to share their message with the rest of humanity. As they declared that we can all directly connect to God, through our own Hearts, they became a serious threat to the religions that wanted people to join the churches and follow and obey only the ministers and priests...etc. Therefore some Quakers were tortured or killed or imprisoned, both here in the USA and abroad. But what remained of the original Quakers stood strong...

"Right is right even if everyone is against it and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it" ~ Quaker William Penn (1600s)

Once the Quakers had made a deep enough connection to God/Love/Light, they naturally treated other people with more compassion and this reached the Heart of many people. So, the tortures and killings stopped, as the Quakers started becoming revered for their kindness to others. This resulted in a British king giving Quaker William Penn the land that is now Pennsylvania in the USA. The Quakers were also given a Noble Peace Prize in the mid 1900s.
   But it appears that the Quakers continued being targeted in covert ways. It appears that they have been being pushed aside and infiltrated and some of them even manipulated into becoming more like the traditional forms of Christian religions - the ones where the preachers teach and lead the people instead of people being lead by their own direct connection to God. The result of this is the various types of "Quaker" groups that exist today. But there is only one genuine Quaker group, and it is the one that has held strong to the old original Quaker ways of worshiping and living. How many real authentic Quakers still exist? I do not know. It is probably very few. So, I'd like to help bring back the original Quaker values, because they honor our own natural spirituality and the Love that we ALL need far more of in our troubled world.
   The original authentic Quakers had silent meetings where they meditated. In these meditations some focused on deepening their connection to the Light/God/Love within their own Hearts, and some waited for the connection to happen. Those whose Hearts were not too blocked to make the connection, automatically felt more Love and compassion toward their fellow human beings. Consequently authentic Quakers were often leaders in movements that called for world peace and the abolishment of slavery and many other humanitarian efforts to help poor and suffering people. According to my research the following things are the core of the original Quaker ways. I am surprised by how identical they are to my own beliefs and values...

1. Forming a direct connection to God, through our own Hearts, and following God/Love, instead of only blindly following human leaders. This is the most important core of real Quakerism. And its something ALL people can do. Some people's Hearts are open enough to do it easily. And some people, like myself, have to go through a grieving/healing process, in order to deepen our connect to God/Love/Light. At this point in time, it appears that humanity has been so wounded that a lot of healing has to take place in most people, in order to connect to the levels of Love and Light that are needed in our world.

The following Quaker values are all things that people automatically feel strongly about after we have a deep connection to the Love/Light/God in our own Hearts...

A. Equality; Authentic Quakers felt that All people are equal. They saw no difference between the rights of Native Americans vs new settlers, between men vs women, between poor people vs rich people, between "black" people vs "white" people, between Christians vs Jews or Buddhists or Quakers...etc. 

B. There is Good in ALL people; Authentic Quakers saw the good in all people. They believed that ALL people were God's children and that even the worse criminal types could heal and choose better ways.

C. Peace on Earth; Authentic Quakers were anti-war. They believed in using only positive, peaceful and non-violent ways to resolve problems. The authentic Quakers refuse to fight and kill, in the wars. Some people viewed this as them being weak or cowardly, but they were just being more kind and compassionate.

D. Freedom for ALL Human Beings; Authentic Quakers were against slavery and believed that all human beings should be free to live their lives the way they choose to. This includes freedom of religion.

E. Living a Simple and Humble Lifestyle; Authentic Quakers lived a simple lifestyle. This was reflected in their original clothing, which the Amish copied after the Quakers invited them into Pennsylvania. Interestingly, the Quakers stopped wearing that type of simple clothing after the Amish copied them. In a way, the Amish replaced the Quakers in Pennsylvania and other places, but they are complete opposites in the most important spiritual and humanitarian issues.

F. Social Reform; Authentic Quakers cared enough about humanity to want to help make things better for ALL people. Consequently they often participated in things like better treatment of the Native Americans, and the abolishment of slavery and protests against violent wars and getting laws passed to give women the right to vote...etc. 

G. Humanitarian Aid; Authentic Quakers did what they could to help the poor and suffering people.

H. Love thy Enemy; Authentic Quakers did not seek vengeance. They treated their enemies with compassion.

And this list could go on. The original authentic Quakers had more Love/Light/God in their Hearts and so were genuine humanitarians. There are many people throughout the world, who are not Quakers, and who exist both inside and outside many different religions and cultures, who also have deep direct connections to God/Love/Light in their own Hearts. Most just do not realize it or do not view it as a connection to "God." They are the people whose Hearts have not been too blocked to feel deep levels of Love. They too are authentically compassionate and humanitarian types of people. People can have a deep connection to Love/God/Light without ever even believing in God or Jesus and without ever following any religion. I have deeply felt this truth, to the core of my own heart and soul, since the early 1990s. People who have open Hearts automatically care about people and want peace and freedom and feel Love for ALL people. Its actually not just a Quaker trait, its a natural human trait that exists in everyone whose Heart is open enough. God is Love and we can ALL feel that Love through our own Hearts.

I view the original authentic Quakers as people who had found and honored, the most important part of the natural spirituality that ALL human beings are born with - the Heart - the Love - the Light - the God that exists within us all. And they aimed to show the rest of humanity this natural human capability, which is why they were targeted. 


It is so sad that the Heart of humanity has been being severely blocked through the suppression of feelings of sadness, through mass distribution of various types of feeling numbing pharmaceuticals and other substances...etc. All that blocks people's hearts prevents people from feeling and being more loving. Many people must learn that we can not get rid of the bad in humanity through blocking the good - the Heart - the Love - the compassion. A lot of damage has been done to the Heart of humanity, but it can be set free and healed. Please help set the Heart of humanity free, so that we can ALL bringing more Love and peace into our world. Below are a few of the messages that I've been sharing in my writings since the 1990s...





Since my own spiritual experiences, in the early 1990s, I do not believe in joining and following any one religion. During my years of spiritual searching I learned from many religions, but joined none. This is what felt right for me. However, if I had to join one religion, I'd join the old original Quaker religion, if any of it still exists and is free of microwave targeting, because their beliefs and ways are akin to my own. But I intend to remain free of the confines of religion and to keep honoring my own direct connection to God/Love/Light. When I make that connection, to a deep enough degree, is the only time I feel whole. And I've always felt this connection best when I'm alone in a peaceful and private place out in nature. Nature is my church.

Videos About the Quakers

Due to so little being said about the Quakers in our recent history, many people now confuse the Quakers with the Puritans. And due to the Amish moving into the Quaker's Pennsylvania, and then started dressing like the Quakers had dressed, some people have thought that the Amish are the Quakers. So, the first two videos below explain differences between Puritans and Quakers and between the Amish and Quakers, which are quit significant. The core Quaker beliefs are actually the complete opposite of the Amish and Puritan spiritual beliefs. The Quakers were far more evolved than the Amish and the Puritans. The Quakers were the ones who had the Heart to accept and help and care about different people with different beliefs, instead of abandoning or condemning or killing them... 

Are Quakers Amish?

The following video focuses on the origins of the Quakers and their core beliefs....

The Quakers: History, Beliefs & Paradoxes | Society of Friends

The following video is primarily about the Quaker's humanitarian work since the Quaker, William Penn, gained ownership of Pennsylvania.

Quakers: That of God in Everyone (2015) | Full Movie | Paul Buckley | Thomas Hamm

P.S. As I watched videos about Quakers, and heard some Quakers talk about their connection to God being a voice they can hear. I found myself hoping that the targeting of them has not included the V2K - the voice to skull radio wave transmission of voices, because this could easily be mistaken for God's voice, by unaware people, and it could seriously mess up their lives. Those who use these types of technologies on targeted people seem to enjoy playing god and controlling peoples lives. Its a horribly intrusive and criminal thing. I hope ALL Quakers become aware of the V2K capabilities of microwave and laser weapons, in case it has been used on them.
   The voice of the real God/Love/Light is not something I hear in my head. It is what I feel in my heart and experience in my inner visions. It is felt more than heard. Its like a deep inner knowing that can translate into thought, but is not a separate voice in my head. And there is a deep feeling of Love connected to it, the type of pure Love that brings me to tears, because it is so strong and so comforting and so beautiful. But this is just my experience. Perhaps the inner connection to God is different for different people. Or perhaps some people just describe it as something they "heard" because it is so hard to describe - because nothing compares to it and you have to feel it to understand it. But no matter how it is experienced or described; real Love/God speaks to us through our Hearts, not our heads. God is Love.

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