Thursday, June 20, 2024

Anomalous Health Incidents - Microwave Targeting

I have felt very disappointed that the initial news broadcasts, which exposed the "Havana Syndrome" incidents a few years ago, did not quickly lead into at least stating that the "crazy tin foil hat people" may have been right about being attacked with microwaves and may not be "crazy" at all. But they didn't, that I know of. And in some arenas this situation recently appears to have gone back in the opposite direction - into the usual process of discrediting the victim's experiences and questioning the existence of microwave weapons.

   The truth is that any technology, which can emit and direct various frequencies of radio waves (microwaves), has the potential for criminal use. And there are now many, which are both ground and space based. It is a well documented historical fact that many different countries and private organizations have developed them, since the late 1800s - since Nicola Tesla's experiments with the effects of radio waves shot into the human body. And there are plans or patents of various forms of radio wave (microwave) weapons being built since then, including the one that Nikola reportedly invented and passed on to Canada, Britian, Russia and the USA in the early 1900s.
   British microwave weapon expert, General Barry Trower had publicly stated that by the 1950s extremely sophisticated microwave weapons had been developed, which could effect the human body and mind in many different ways. According to him, certain frequencies of radio waves (microwaves) could be used to inflict the symptoms of almost any sort of physical or psychological illness...etc. So, their existence and capabilities are known by many people. And there is also the well known existence of microwave detecting and blocking technologies.

There should be no controversy about the existence of microwave weapons, at this point, but there obviously still is in some places! I think part of this problem is that some media and government officials are not yet aware of the microwave weapons, and the ones who are aware have not yet stood up to publicly expose them, because the weapons and their applications had been listed as classified - top secret, at least since the Cold War.
   But, there is now a desperate need for them to either become unclassified, or for caring officials to crash through that wall and stand up, due to wide spread criminal use of various types of microwave weapons and the fact that masses of victims, both inside and outside our governments, are now in desperate need of the validation, understanding and support that only full public awareness can deliver. Will this happen soon? Only time can tell.

The Havana Syndrome types of attacks were so primitive, in comparison to the far more sophisticated types of attacks, that it makes me wonder if targeted common citizens, who have been being attacked with microwaves and told that the government is doing this to them, have decided to make their own weapons and strike back. If so, this is a very sad situation for both sides.
   Some people are blaming Russia. But, according to my experiences, and things I've witnesses, the core of the problem extends beyond Russia and is a very wide spread global problem. I hope ALL people and countries refrain from seeking vengeance. I hope countries and aware officials, around the globe, quickly pull together to prevent further criminal use of both ground and space based technologies that can emit and direct various frequencies of radio waves.

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