Thursday, August 22, 2024

On the Microwave Targeting

Updated 8-23-2024

On this blog, I've not shared much about my daily experiences with the microwave and covert targeting, because one of my survival methods has become to ignore it as much as possible. But it has been an ongoing problem, with periodic severe vamp ups.
   I still wonder what started it. When I first started realizing what was happening, I had wondered if it was somehow connected to my Uncle working for the FBI and/or similar agencies doing interrogation work. But then I thought that the targeting probably followed my mother down from Canada and the Catholic "Indian Residential Schools." And I have also thought that my sisters put me on some sort of hit list. It may be one or all of these things. It has sometimes seemed like I've been being targeted by more than just one group and for more than just one reason.
   But I recently watched a video that was put out by Homeland Security, which stated that officials and their families have been being targeted with microwave weapons, in some of the same ways that I have been being targeted. So, I am now back to wondering if my visiting my Aunt and Uncle's home in Florida opened a door for the targeting to follow me to New Hampshire. Were they and their loved ones being heavily targeted when I visited them? I do not know, because they are no longer alive.
   I hope time reveals the full truth about why we have been being targeted, but, no matter what the reasons are or who is doing the targeting, the results are still the same; us torture victims have been suffering indescribably and all forms of the microwave targeting must be completely stopped ASAP. Freedom and safety and healing should be the primary focus. 
   My heart cries for all of us torture victims, and feels for all of the officials who have been dealing with this horrid confusing situation. I deeply appreciate the officials who are now publicly addressing the microwave targeting, because this brings deeply needed validation to those of us who are under attack, and brings needed understanding to unaware people. This means more than words can say.
   Hopefully soon, the rest of the world will become fully aware of all of the various types of microwave targeting that has been hurting many people, both inside and outside the government. Hopefully very soon, criminal use of ALL the technologies that can emit and direct radio waves, will be completely stopped. Hopefully soon, nobody will be being hurt or controlled or deceived by any aspects of the evil radio wave targeting anymore. Hopefully soon there will be safety and freedom for all types of victims and all of the rest of humanity.

Below is the video I watched. (I am not sure if it will remain the same because I am still dealing with computer infiltrations and it had appeared that the address was being changed the first time I tried sharing it a couple months ago.)
   One part of this video, which disturbed me, was when the military man called for the seeking of vengeance against those whom he assumes are responsible. I can understand his upset, but I hope officials, both here and around the globe, will focus on stopping criminal use of radio wave technologies and protecting humanity from further harm, rather than inflicting more harm...

I hope this hell ends with peace rather than with more wars and more suffering, because there has already been far too much suffering for far too long. We must have freedom and peace and healing. We just must.

"House Homeland Security Committee Holds A Hearing On Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents"

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