Friday, January 10, 2025

Another Round of Hell in my Family (2)

I have taken down the previous post, because I wrote it while I was really upset and still processing things. Here is a better version of it…

I recently had a dream that warned me of a person, who is involved in the targeting and the dark side of spirituality, setting me up to be blamed for something… and a dream that portrayed a dark sister, who pretends to be good but has bad intentions, aiming to give me something… and a dream warning me of a woman, who had been pushing to be my friend and was in a relationship with my older brother, being jealous of me… and a dream about a man I’m close to being abusive.
  Shortly after these dreams things happened, which make it look like most of them were about my older brother’s wife, and about my brother blindsiding me with an abusive attack, after I’d sent them a VERY kind “Hope for the Future” email, which set a considerate boundary with his wife.
  I thank God that this conversation was in writing, because if it had not been, its akin to those that have made me seriously question my sanity. It clearly shows the usual verbal and mental abuse and meanness and false accusations and outrageous assumptions and the projection of all those things onto me. Not to mention them pretending his wife is the one who is the victim, and fabricated things and denials that are added in just to make me out to be the bad one, the wrong one, the insane one. They pretend that his wife has been nothing but helpful and caring to me and that there is no real reason for me to have set a boundary with her. It’s a good example of the confusing crazy-making type of stuff that the worse perpetrators, (or their drugged mind control victims) do to heavily targeted people like me.

My family has always been a bit more dysfunctional than the average, but it had never been nearly this bad, until the targeting vamped up into severe levels. This is surely mostly the result of the mind control part of the targeting, on my brother’s part. As for his wife; I am now doubting that this excuse can be justly given to his her, because she has displayed some behaviors that mimic the truly evil perpetrators and their puppets.

It appears that, in heavily targeted families, some members are recruited into the evil occult and used in the targeting, (like appears to have happened with my sisters, especially the second oldest one.) and some family members are married off to occult operatives who pretend to be good (like what appears to have happened to my youngest brother and now possibly my oldest brother.) And some members become unaware mind control victims. And then all are used against the primary targets, like me.
It appears that the family members, who are married to (or are being severely manipulated by) an occult member or one of their dark puppets, are drugged and brainwashed into thinking that they are so pure hearted and so good that they can do no wrong. These types of mind control victims will even viciously fight to defend their controller if anyone says anything different, even in the face of blatantly obvious wrong doings, like my father did for my second oldest sister.
   My oldest brother also seems to think that his wife is nothing but “pure hearted” even though she VERY obviously behaves in ways that are VERY intrusive and controlling and degrading and inconsiderate of his and other people’s feelings. Even just putting up a kind boundary, asking her to please stop pushing and just let my brother and I sort things out on our own, appears to have triggered her into a drama and fabrications that manipulated my brother into launched this most recent attack on me. She wants complete control; she does not want my brother and I re-uniting and talking without her being fully involved in it, and she wants to be the one who is closest to me….etc. This has been made VERY clear.

I have been really worried about this brother through the past few days.

I am worried about me too, not only because I just got blindsided by yet another round of abuse from a loved one, and am feeling too overwhelmed again, but also because I just had a dream that clearly warned me of a plan for my car to be stolen in a situation where a set up for it had already really happened. It now appears that those who target me wanted to force me to go to my older brother and his wife’s home, which would be VERY bad for me. It now appears that my boundary setting foiled the dark plan and this may be why she/they got so vicious.
   I must keep my distance from my whole family until the targeting is over and they have truly found their hearts…etc. This is the family that STILL calls me “crazy” and has wanted to have me shoved into an “insane asylum,” even though there is proof, in things like this last round of emails, that I am far more kind and functional and reasonable than they are.
   I want a kind and safe place to live on MY OWN property, so that I can retain my freedom and independence and have control over who is allowed to visit there and who is not. I want complete freedom from ALL levels of abuse and I want the privacy and peace to heal from the hell I’ve been through in the past twenty years. I want things to get better, not worse.

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