Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Exchanging Forced Objectivity for Obvious Reality

Yesterday I got VERY upset, after watching just part of Netanyahu's evil grin and Trump's proud support of VERY OBVIOUS ethnic cleansing and theft. Then I left a few sarcastic comments on youtube like, "How can stealing Palestinian lands 'make America great again'?!?!? Its just another shame." and "Why don't they just both hold up signs that say, 'I'm too greedy and heartless to really care about the Palestinians, but I'm going to pretend I care after I murdered tens of thousands of them and as I get rid of the rest so that I can finish stealing their lands.' How do they live with themselves?" But I felt like I was being sucked right into their black hole. So I climbed out and cried instead of continuing. I am now working on blocking them out and staying more in my heart. And all my heart really wants to say to them is... I HOPE YOU FIND YOUR HEARTS, FOR YOUR OWN SAKES AS WELL AS EVERYONE ELSES.

Yesterday was the last straw for me. I had tried hard to force myself to be objective instead of feeling devastated in the past few weeks. 
I am grieving for America,  for what is left of the suffering Palestinian people and their beloved lands that are still being stolen,  for those of us who never chose this chaotic heartless hell and those who did, and for all the people who will suffer under the rule of heartless greed and dysfunctional chaos and prejudice hate against harmless immigrants and the financially poor...etc.
   But, beneath my sobs, both last night and this morning, my heart knows there is still hope for us and America and all of Humanity. There just has to be...

My Heart Sobs
copyright Sharon R. Poet 2-5-2025

My heart cries for the good
Who are being displaced.
My heart sobs for the whole
Suffering human race.

My heart feels the tears
That stain Liberty's face,
With every heartless act
That sets her in disgrace.

But the Light will reach
Even their darkest place,
And freedom will again
Belong to the human race.

Last night I had a dream forewarning of a young popular woman, who had publicly supported our current new president, committing suicide. It appeared that she couldn’t handle the shame she felt. I feel sad for the people who thought Trump would actually help save what is left of Palestine, instead of stealing it. Yesterday was a devastating day for the Palestinians and their supporters, no doubt.

The Deceived Who Chose This
copyright Sharon R. Poet 2-5-2025

I feel sad for those who chose
These darkest of troubled times,
And sad for those who never
Stood to cast a better line.

But the Light still exists
And will, for all, shine
From some other place,
In our future's time.

The enslaved who "chose" this
Will grow to care and see,
When all of our world
Has been truly set free.

I hope they forgive themselves
And see what lead them astray.
I hope they just humbly bow
Into a brighter day.

In these most troubling times, we can choose a better way, for ourselves and the people around us... We can choose to not subject ourselves to or join the heartless inconsiderateness, the degrading belligerence, the hate and prejudice, the careless greed, the blind arrogance and ignorance...etc., that tries to lead us all astray. Most of us can choose a better way; Even just treating our fellow human beings with more kindness and consideration is a behavior that can help make our world a better place. God's hands work through our HEARTS and we must do our parts...

Every little bit of Love we share
Dissipates the darkness out there.

Like I had been saying in the writings they recently erased; "ITS TIME TO FIGHT LIKE HEAVEN"...with LOVE instead of hate and vengeance...

Most of Us Can Compensate
copyright Sharon R. Poet 2-5-2025

I think one of the most scary and sad things is
When evil joyfully smiles after it's forced wins.
But there is hope because most people have the Heart
To not blindly follow the dark and careless leads.

Most of us can care about people who are in need.
Most of us have the Heart to sow better seeds.
Most of us have the wisdom to keep away the weeds
And help flowers grow instead of letting them bleed.

Though it now seems lost, our future sure will see
The restoration of our precious stature of Liberty.
It is up us; the HEART/LOVE in you and them and me.
We can set America and the rest of humanity free.

I do not think it is a coincidence, that around this time, my websites have been taken off the web and there was an attempt to steal my new vehicle (and what is left of my printed writings) and force me into a place that is completely controlled by the evil that targets me and America and Palestine...etc. 

In the End of it All
copyright Sharon R. Poet 2-5-2025

The evil can not win
In the end of it all;
Our HEARTS will rise up
And finally make it fall.



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