Saturday, February 1, 2025

Thefts and Malfunctions happening in the Godaddy Company

As I tried to pay, in advance, for another year of website hosting and domain payments, I ran into many problems in the Godaddy website. I am not sure if it is Godaddy doing this to me, or if the people who target me, have been infiltrating their website, in order to make changes to pages in my account, but its one or the other or both. The list below explains what is happening...

When I click on the "renewals" page; it lists only five of my websites and the dates they are due to renew this year. (last year these dates changed, forcing to pay twice.) Other domains are not being shown on this page, and there is no way to view them. When I did a print out of this page my website was not on the print out, although it was still on the web page. Did they remove it from the wrong page in the website, this time? It appears so; Godaddy is already offering it for sale, even though I paid for it up to June of 2025.

This is how they stole my website; they took it off the listing so that I did not include it in the renewals of every site listed. I actually caught this and paid for it, but then they applied that payment to something else and stole it anyway. (It is now being offered for at least $2,000!!!) The same tactic was done with the hosting bill; it was suddenly not listed on the "renewals" page, like it always had been - making it easy for me to forget it. But I caught it last year and paid for it, FOR A FULL YEAR AS ALWAYS, but it appears that they altered that payment and made it for only three months, and I did not catch the change in time. :(  (because the website has often malfunctioned when I tried to print out receipts of payments, I started taking pictures of the pages last year.)
   And I never got the expiration notices of my hosting account, because the email associated with my Godaddy account recently stopped forwarding my emails to my other email account, which I check more often. So they have been interfering with both my email account and the pages in my Godaddy account, in order to steal my domains and take down my websites. And as if this is not enough....

When I now try to pay for another year of my remaining domains, that are currently listed on my renewal page; the proper billing info has been removed from the checkout page, which prevents me from paying for my domains. They still have my current billing info; it can be viewed through another page, but that page malfunctions; it vanishes when the mouse is not clicked on it, preventing me from even accessing it. I have repeatedly tried this process from different computers and it is the same every time. They are preventing me from paying for my remaining domains, which are all due to expire this year.

This is all very devastating, because my website, as well as my website are the ones I had used in many publications and emails, in order to advertise my work. Its all just too wrong!!! Its actually criminal, but I do not know if there are any laws that will allow me to press charges. A lawsuit is probably the only way to deal with this sort of thing. But there should be laws against it, because it is blatant covert theft and I now have enough physical proof of it through dated videos and pictures.

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