Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Scientific Research Has Proven That a Plant Based Diet Can Cure and Prevent Many Common Illnesses

    I was doing research on plants that I can use for medicine for my health problem and found something amazing. I found reports that shared how Dr. Walter Kempner had successfully used a short term diet of primarily only rice and fruit to cure many common illnesses, including, heart disease, Kidney disease, type two diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin problems, allergies...etc. This was in the mid 1900s. Since then, doctors like, Frank Neelon, Robert Rosati and John McDougall have done the same things and their research has proven that miraculous results have been happening in patients, after only two weeks to two months of being taken off pharmaceuticals and put on Dr. Kempner's rice diet or a plant based diet. They also found that the cure was often a hundred percent and permanent when patients continued with a plant based diet, which included only plant based foods and no meats, no eggs, no dairy, no oils, no processed foods, and low salt...etc. They learned that we get enough protein from plant foods and that all foods that come from animals, are actually toxic due to overloading our system with too much protein...etc. I feel the truth in all of this. And it has inspired me to follow through with returning to a vegetarian diet and possibly doing my own version of the rice diet for at least two weeks.

"the benefits of the Rice Diet far exceed those of any drug or surgery ever prescribed for chronic conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart and kidney failure, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and obesity." ~ John McDougall, MD

I'm surprised that this knowledge has not been made more available to all people. This is something that all people really should know, in order to have the opportunity to make healthier choices for themselves. Please help spread the word. The Doctors I've mentioned here have written books on this subject that should be easy to find.

A Short Introduction to a genuinely heathy diet

Walter Kempner Rice Diet Info - on Dr John McDougalls website

Frank Neelon, MD speaking on the origins of the Rice Diet 

Robert Rosati MD. Director of the RICE DIET PROGRAM

Dr. John McDougall freely shares a lot of scientific information on his website, including healthy plant based recipes.

Forks Over Knives - website Supporting healthy eating 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

An Incredible Native American Movie

   I had to watch "Older Than America" twice due to the emotional impact it had on me. Its truly a great movie. Its based on a true story that promotes looking back and facing horrible abuse and standing up with the truths and healing and finding forgiveness. It portrays how the horrible wrongs done to need to be faced and brought out into the open, in order for healing to take place instead of letting wounds fester with anger that can lead to vengeance , which is VERY wise and should be happening a lot more than it has in this situation as well as many others.
   This movie portrays the horrible abuses that were inflicted upon Native American children who were torn from their parents and forced into catholic schools, and about the horrible things that were happening to people, in order to cover it all up.
   It portrays a healthy woman, who talked about what happened to her and other children in the catholic school, and then was falsely proclaimed to be a "paranoid schizophrenic" and brain damaged with electrical shock treatments, in order to hide the truth. It also showed this woman's relative being brainwashed into going along with it. This scenario hits really close to home for me. This type of scenario has been happening to a lot of people and is still happening in various ways. And my tears have been falling for all of us.
   I feel so sad, because I know that this holocaust was not over when the children stopped going to the catholic schools. Since then it continued in less obvious ways, which is why Lupus was initially primarily being found in Native American women....etc. Now, the pain and brain damage and interference with memories can be inconspicuously inflicted remotely through satellites and their laser weapon systems. Sadly, its not over for many of us. But it should be. It definitely should be. (please be sure to read what I wrote beneath the video.) 

 Older then America

   In the beginning of the movie the words, "American Evil" were displayed on the screen. This is the only thing I'd change if it were up to me. The primary evil was being done by nuns and priests in the catholic church and the psychiatric hospital. And I feel that the core of this evil extends beyond America and into a global problem. I strongly feel that Native American's have been victims of evil eugenics based targetings, the type that did not end with Hitler's fall, and were not only being done in Germany to Jewish people and have continued in inconspicuous ways. I hope America and Canada and the rest of the world start standing up for the victims of these holocaustal crimes and stop them from continuing. Compassion for the Catholic Church, the Field of Psychiatry and the Government
   I was raised catholic and experienced mean nuns who inflicted physical pain on students who acted out in Sunday school. Some of us used to hide in the bathroom, instead of going into the basement of that church on Sundays. I was one of these who hid in the bathroom, in order to avoid the nuns. When I was in my teens I turned to other churches. By the time I was in my late twenties I called myself a "recovering catholic" and was finding that some of the Native American spirituality felt much more natural and right to me than anything else had.
   But, later in life I gained compassion for the nuns after realizing that many of them became nuns even though it was not their real calling; some joined the church, in order to avoid abuse; and some joined due to being abandoned by their families and left at the convents after becoming pregnant...etc. So the church filled up with unhappy and wounded nuns whose hearts were not really connected to God. Many of their stories are sad too. And the saddest part is that some of them took their pain and woundedness out on defenseless children instead of healing from it. As for the priests, common sense says that the situation is probably similar to the nuns - that some of them probably also joined the church for the wrong reasons and could not truly serve Love/God. Ideally only people who have deep hearts and strong genuine connections to God should be in positions like theirs, and its sad that things went so far into the opposite direction and has caused so much destruction to so many people.
The field of psychiatry appears to have been organized by evil forces that have used it to suppress and harm more than anything else. How sad that so many people have been brainwashed into thinking it is good and helpful.
   As for the government, I doubt that it was fully aware of what was happening in the catholic schools and hospitals that they have believed in and trusted.
    I feel that at least most of the people, who work in all three of these organizations, are victims of various levels of technological and pharmaceutical mind control. I feel that this sort of targeting has been heavily aimed at churches and government officials and the whole field of medicine, in order for evil forces to be able to use them to either hurt people or to brainwashed them into not believing and helping the victims when help is desperately needed. This is a horrible scenario that I feel certain has been happening in this situation as well as many others around the world. It is still happening.
There are uncountable masses of mind control victims who have been being used by evil forces, in various degrees, in all parts of our societies. Some people have been completely enslaved. And there are a lot of victims of horrible inconspicuous tortures that are still happening today, especially indigenous people. I am one of these victims.
   In general, we are all victims of the evil forces that now utilize pharmaceuticals (which are even in our water supplies) and space based technologies to completely control people, brainwash people, or torture people through inflicting pain or illnesses. (Read more about this on

   When it comes to religion, are important truths that need to be learned here in America as well as throughout the whole world. Perhaps the most important one is that different is not always bad and often contains things that others need to learn. When its killed, instead of valued, the lessons and all the growth that can come from them, get lost. Its time to stop the killing and start accepting and learning and growing. Isn't it? It sure should be.
   I have felt that the Native American "Great Spirit" is the same Love/God that is depicted in the christian religions. One large difference is that the Native American way sees God in everything that was created by God, instead of just as a separate being in heaven. The Native American way honors natural dreams and visions as gifts from God, because this is what they are. The Native American way has deep respect for the animals and all other living things on Earth. The Native Americans used God's plants for the medicines that they were intended to be, instead of fabricating something else. If these Native American values had been learned by the rest of humanity, instead of being stifled and killed, the whole world would be in a much better place right now. A part of me wants to angrily scream, "FOR GOD'S SAKE, LET’S PRESERVE AND ADOPT WHAT IS LEFT OF IT!" And I cry, because so much has been lost.

P.S. You may be wondering if I am Indian. My mother told me that I am part Indian when I was a child. One of my sisters later told me that my aunt, who had become a nun, told her that we are not. After that I asked my father and he told me that we are part Indian through my mother's mother and that he had even visited the reservation with her. This was in Canada. In my heart and spirit I have always felt more Indian than anything else. And I've had dreams of ancient Indian people coming to me and helping me through giving me the names of plants to use for medicine. I think they are probably my ancestors. It appears that some of my mother's family is just ashamed of being part Indian. How sad for them. I hope they find their hearts.

copyrighted with all rights reserved Sharon Rose Poet

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Road Missed by a Lyricist

Road Missed by a lyricist is now available at Barnes and Noble

 I've had a few problems with publication, including the altering of the file. But I hope this has been fixed. The first files of it were wiped out of my computer as well. Hopefully it will remain as I wrote it. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Count Too (New song)

I wrote "I Count Too!" as I thought about the plagiarisms of some of my writings and the covert targeting that I have experienced. I dedicate this song to all who have done these sorts of things to me.

I Count Too 

copyright 11/30/2020 with all rights reserved Sharon Rose Poet PO Box 383 Mont Vernon, NH 03057

I know this is an epiphany
And surely new news to you.
But there aint no way around it
Because, by God, its true. I count too!

My experiences, writings and songs?
I'm the only one to whom they belong.
My life, my soul and my heart
Are not yours to be tearing apart!

I count too! What the heck is wrong with you? I count too!

I'm kicking bass just like I should.
It's sure high time I finally stood.
So, why are the guns pointed at me?
I should be safe and sound and free.

I count too! What the heck is wrong with you? I count too!

Its time for you to find your heart
And be considerate of me.
I aint no thing for you to use,
Steal from, deprive and abuse. I count too!

I'm climbing off your prison shelf
To stand for justice and myself.
I'm so proud to be singing this song.
I wish it could right all that's wrong.

I count too!
I count too.
I do.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...