Thursday, June 3, 2021

No Forced Vaccines Please!

I hope the covid vaccines are not forced upon anyone in any way. We should all be free to make our own choices. I do not want the vaccines and I should NOT have to have one, in order to freely live my life. I believe in using plants for medicine. I have always avoided pharmaceuticals as much as possible. And I feel that the pharmaceuticals/vaccines should never be forced upon anyone, no matter what, especially not in order to be able to work or travel, because it is just too wrong. We should NEVER be forced to put unnatural chemicals into our bodies. I feel that the best remedy is being as healthy as possible and eat more healthy old fashioned plant foods...etc. The healthier we are the more our bodies naturally resist illnesses. The remedy is good foods for good health.

My feelings on health are well expressed in my new second edition of Wisdom’s Beacon for Freedom. Please do read and share it.

P.S. I hope people who refuse the vaccines do not get targeted in any way. 

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