Monday, June 7, 2021

They ARE Edible and Can Help Prevent Illness!

I'm excited to have recently learned that RHODODENDRON  BLOSSOMS ARE EDIBLE I wish I'd known this back when I owned a property that had an abundance of them. I think my body needed them. I was also excited to find out that GRASS IS EDIBLE and that MAPLE LEAVES ARE EDIBLE. The wild ones, which have not been altered by man, are the best ones, but they are all edible and so are many other common plants. We have abundances of free food that is also the best natural medicines, which can prevent illnesses. 

Long ago, I was told that grass was poisonous and that only animals like horses can eat it without being hurt by it. But this was not true. Its only not good for us when it has been treated with things like chemical fertilizers and insecticides. Otherwise its wise to eat it and I hear its easiest to digest when pureed in a smoothie.

I've been yearning, for a long time now, to go more completely natural with my diet and any medicines I may need. In the 1980s I switched from pharmaceuticals to herbal remedies as much as possible. I'd purchased many different herb books, but none of them said anything about things like grass and rhododendrons and pine needles and maple leaves and most other common wild plants being edible and good free food for preventing and curing illnesses. Now, I feel I must switch from commercially prepared herbal remedies to using only real natural wild plants that I grow and/or pick myself, for the sake of my health. I can't do much right now, due to my homeless situation, but I'm dreaming about getting onto my own feet and having a free and healthy future. 
   Among the books I'd like to buy and read are the ones listed below. I'm not actually trying to promote these books or authors, because I do not know them yet, but I want people to know that there is a lot of valuable information on this subject, which we'd be wise to look up and utilize. I'm sure there are many other books too. I've ordered these at a library. Perhaps I'll post more about them after I've read them.

Wild Edibles by Sergei Boutenko

Edible Wild Plants by John Kallas phd.

Nature's Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Samuel Thayer

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