Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Lost Chance

Lost Chance

I don't stand a chance
In a controlled environment.
Nor does truth or honesty
Or the care that is absent.
For that chance to exist
Freedom must be returned,
Hearts must be unblocked
And the truths learned.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Flood and Drought and Fire Concerns

  I am concerned about the unusual floods and droughts and fires that have been taking place around the globe. My heart feels for all who are being hurt and are suffering losses of homes...etc. I know what that feels like. It can be devastating on all levels. Its far more than just the loss of physical things that can be replaced - its also the loss of a sense of safety and security and loss of emotional attachments...etc. I hope all the victims of these disasters have loving support in their process of grieving and healing and rebuilding. I hope people, from all around the globe, who have the heart and the resources and the ability, will step in and to help the victims in the every way they can. 

Yesterday's weather reports of Keene being under a flood warning reminded me of the 2005 dream I had about Keene being set under water, due to water rising extremely fast in the middle of a night. I hope this is not yet to come and that the dream was about a past flood event, which was not as bad as it seemed in the dream.

Return of Native Spirit Blog

I put a new post on my Return of Native Spirit blog. The remains of nine lost children have just been returned home from an assimilation school...  https://returnofnativespirit.blogspot.com

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How Much?

How much Love has been wasted -
Not even allowed to exist?
How much have we not felt?
How much have we all missed?

copyright Sharon Rose Poet with all rights reserved

"I'm Sorry"

When I listen to this song I think of singing it to my life - the way I'd lived it before the targeting tore it from me. Sometimes its OK to feel sorry for ourselves. We count too.

John Denver - I'm Sorry

P.S. I think John Denver is one of humanity's greatest artists. It takes real talent to be able to do both the writing and singing of songs. And the songs, like so many of John Denver's, that reach out from the heart and touch other hearts, are gifts for humanity. This one brought tears to my eyes - a real heart toucher for me right now.

How Much? (full song)

 How Much?

copyrighted with all rights reserved

She was beaten and battered
'til she begged on the street
For compassion from us
And healthy food to eat.
How many turn away -
How many pass her by?
How many blame her and
Leave her there to die?

This was not her choice
And its not her fault.
Let's keep her wounds clear
Of our stinging salt.
Please take time to care
And hold out a gentle hand,
Even if you don't know her
Even if you can't understand.

ChorusHow much Love has been wasted -
Not even allowed to exist?
How much have we not felt?
How much have we all missed?

Did you notice, yesterday,
Tears filling her blank eye
When she received a hug
From a stranger passing by?
That's the first she's had
In over a decade of time.
It was just a tiny piece
Of her needed life line.

Tears flowing for a single
Moment of genuine care,
Because its so unusual -
Too painfully rare.
Its sad. Sad. So sad.
So indescribably sad.
Where is the humanity
That we thought we had?

ChorusHow much Love has been wasted -
Not even allowed to exist?
How much have we not felt?
How much have we all missed?

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...