Monday, August 16, 2021

Vaccine Mandates Could Create A VERY Dangerous Situation for Victims of Covert Targeting


   Foods, that are handled by store employees and delivered to people who are banned from the grocery stores, creates a VERY serious and life threatening problem for targeted people. If our government does not stop private businesses from forcing the vaccine upon us and the grocery stores close their doors to those of us who choose freedom from the vaccines, we are in SERIOUS danger of life threatening harm through food contamination.
    The food contamination problem already exists, for heavily targeted people, on a massive scale in the large chain grocery stores, because many (if not most or all) of their employees are part of the covert targeting program. Our only hope to bypass more severe levels of food contamination, is to be able to continue going into stores and choosing our own products and avoiding getting the same ones frequently...etc. Needless to say the food contamination is a serious crime that should be fully exposed and stopped and absolutely should not be allowed to become completely unavoidable through vaccine mandates in grocery stores.
    Our lives have been in danger, even before this covid hell started, and we must at least be able to retain the right to the partial safety that picking out our own food and not allowing anyone else private access to it, provides for us. Without this we can not survive. We should have freedom from ALL that has been being forced into our bodies against our will, including the microwave energy and parasites and drugs that have been ongoing parts of the torturous covert targeting.
    The threats of the vaccines being added to, and possibly enabling even more of the violations and crimes against us, are making our situations far worse than they were and many of our situations had already been too nearly unbearable.

ALL of the violations, that prevent us from freely living and enjoying our own lives, should be stopped and they sure should not be added to.

P.S. There is also the danger of different vaccines being given to targeted people - vaccines that are known to be harmful. And there is a danger of those of us who refuse the vaccines being targeted with the types of microwave weapon attacks that mimic covid. Hospitals are also heavily used in the covert targeting and are not safe places for targeted people.

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