Sunday, August 1, 2021

For the Sake of Our Health

   By the 1980s there was a strong movement, toward the improvement of health, through reverting back to using natural plants for medicine, instead of man made pharmaceuticals. This movement is still thriving and growing, although there have been attempts to sabotage it, because using plants for medicine really is the safe and healthy way to go and people could feel this truth. Most people now know that (in general) using plants for medicine is healthier than pharmaceuticals, but many have still been being pushed into the opposite direction - thinking that "the doctor knows best," and most of the doctors have continued to prescribe only the pharmaceuticals. But the truth of the health benefits of using plants, instead of pharmaceuticals, can not be denied and even a growing number of doctors have been adding plant medicine to their list of cures and aids for their patients.
   I started using plants instead of pharmaceuticals, for my children and I in the 1980s. Since then I've learned even more about how good it is to use plants and how harmful many of the pharmaceuticals can be. I no longer have any trust in modern medicine and feel, with all of my heart and soul, that humanity must revert back to nature's plant medicine for the sake of good health on every level. I, as well as many other people, have felt this way for many decades.
   But now we are faced with the covid vaccine! Many people are protesting it, because it is not right to force people to put man made pharmaceuticals into their bodies...etc. What we put into our bodies should always be a personal choice and we should only choose what we FEEL is healthy, regardless of what other people believe or say.
   I imagine that many health conscious people are just as upset as I am about forced vaccines looming over our heads like a dark cloud that threatens to take away our rights, our choice, our freedom and possibly even our good health. Those of us who do not want the vaccine have been being guilt tripped and shamed and verbally degraded, and in some countries we are even losing many necessary freedoms, due to our choice to not put the extremely questionable new vaccine/pharmaceutical into our bodies!!! This is not right or fair and its even hurtful to us. These dark coercions and degradings should stop. The truth is that we are not stupid or careless or selfish, like what has been implied in many ways. We do not want the vaccines, because WE DO CARE - because we know that the pharmaceuticals and vaccines can be harmful and we want natural alternatives. We are wise. And many of us made this choice long before covid happened. 

 People who chose healthy natural plant medicine over pharmaceuticals made a VERY wise choice that came from genuine care and we should not be forced out of this choice.

Wise doctors have been saying that the healthier people are - the easier they can fight off any illness, including this covid pandemic. This is true. So, there should be a heavy focus on becoming healthier and on there being better food options in ALL grocery stores.
   Things like the old types of garlic are a natural cure for all sorts of viral and bacterial infections, but this has been being taken off the market and replaced with larger and far less potent garlic. The old effective garlic should be brought back and so should all the other older varieties of natural plants/produce that can help prevent and cure illnesses. This is the wise and healthy way to go. There should also be more doctors disclosing, and more public broadcasting of, the plant based diets, which became scientifically proven cures for illnesses since around 1950s. (The Kempner diet of rice and fruit is one example of these diets.)

Natural alternatives to the vaccine should be advertised and encouraged, just as much as the chemical vaccines have been, so that there is an option for people who care about themselves and others enough to want assurance of good NATURAL health and no possible side effects.

I feel sure that common plants can help us far more than the vaccines and other pharmaceuticals can. Here is a list of only a few of the masses of plants, which can prevent and cure viruses, especially when they are the old natural varieties. Your own research can come up with many more. Most of these plants are easy for people to quickly grow themselves and most of their leaves can be safely eaten raw. (Chew them very well, if you do not crush them.) They are very safe. I have eaten ALL of these and more; Cinnamon, Thyme, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Licorice, Ginger, Garlic, Sage, Fennel, Basil, Oregano, Lemon Balm, Peppermint...etc. Follow your own instincts or a wise herbalist's recommendations on how much to consume and how often. And keep n mind that the fresh herb is better than dried, so we should grow as much as we can ourselves. 

I've been consuming a lot of garlic, fresh lemon juice, ginger root and herbal teas. And I have also been eating mostly a plant based diet. I feel that, if the covid pandemic is really only a virus, this will protect me against it. Yes, I do question what covid really is and how bad it really is.

In our currently VERY troubled world, it is wise to question and make sure of what is real and true and good and healthy, because there has been a lot of misinformation and deception and ignorance, especially in the medical field.

   I have wondered, from the start, if the covid pandemic, and the vaccines for it, may be yet another part of the evil targeting of (and/or enslavement of) humanity. I have many questions... Was the pandemic really as bad as has been said or believed? Was it a cover for mass murder of targeted people? Will the vaccine be used as a cover for mass murder, either through harming those who had it or harming those who refuse to be vaccinated? Are the evil forms of "population control" still covertly happening to humanity?
   I know for a fact that certain types of microwave targeting can inflict the same symptoms as covid. And I know that much of the medical profession has been heavily involved with the targeting of masses of people and the enslavement of humanity, through things like nondisclosure of false illnesses, the implanting of microchips into targeted people (especially since around the 1950s) and through the prescribing of many types of pharmaceuticals, which intentionally aid mind control through blocking people's feelings and instincts and leaving them more susceptible to various types of brainwashings, including that which is done with radio waves. Is the covid vaccine yet another pharmaceutical that aids the mind control - the enslavement of humanity - the blocking of peoples hearts and instincts...etc? Do all people get the same vaccine or do targeted people (or less controllable people) get a different one? Are most of the victims of covid also victims of the microchipping and technological tortures?
   People who are aware of the evil covert targeting of humanity are also suspicious of covid and the vaccine and justly so, especially since the targeting has not yet been fully exposed and stopped.
   Is the opposite true? Are there good intentions with the vaccine? (Surely there are in most people who promote it, even if they are not aware enough or free enough to make good choices or recommendations.) Is the vaccine a covert attempt to help people deflect the radio wave targeting and the enslavement process? Or is it a real attempt to stop a real pandemic? If so, the vaccine still does not feel good or right to me. We must have healthy alternatives to the vaccines. I deeply feel that we do NOT have to be vaccinated, in order to be healthy, and that the opposite is far more apt to be the real truth.

No matter what may or may not be happening with the vaccine, we should ALL have the freedom to make our own choices for ourselves and we should not lose any other freedoms or be punished or degraded or shamed for choosing to consume healthy plants instead of pharmaceuticals/vaccines for medicine.

Please be fair and kind and considerate.

P.S. I believe that the pandemic and it's vaccines are most likely part of the evil targeting of humanity, or are at least being used by that force for many dark aims. Unfortunately, it appears that many of us will continue to be harmed and/or killed, no matter what we do or do not do, until officials are able to stop the covert targeting from continuing. All aspects of the evil targeting of humanity should be fully exposed and stopped, whether covid and the vaccines are a part of it or not, so that people can make wiser choices and heal from what has been done and be free and healthier on every level.

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