Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Missing Grandmas

The Missing Grandmas

copyrighted with all right reserved 11/14/2021 Sharon Rose Poet

I never had a Grandma to hold me in her arms,
Tell me old stories and adore my faintest charms.
I never had a Grandma to wipe away my tears
And be here for me throughout my younger years.

I wonder, if I had, how different things might be -
How it would feel to have a Grandma loving me.
I wondered what it was that blocked me from her heart.
I wondered why the distance even when we weren't apart.

Now that I'm a Grandma how do I fill that roll
After decades of distance steadily took its toll?
How do I break the pattern and play my rightful part
For the four little ones I cherish in my heart?
How do I soothe the pain in this old empty place?
When will my tears be free to wash my weary face?

Its no longer a mystery - my mind now understands;
The love us Grandmas have is jailed by foreign hands,
Until the Light shines in for our marked families
And all the Grandmas passed and all those yet to be
Are free to love the children whom we can finally see.
I hope our future children never will relate -
There must be an end to these dark twists of fate.

I never had a Grandma to hold me in her arms,
Tell me old stories and adore my faintest charms.
I never had a Grandma to wipe away my tears
And be here for me throughout my younger years.


P.S. The targeting in my family has often deprived us of each others love.  I wish we were free. We should be free to live and heal and love in peace and safety.

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