Saturday, December 18, 2021

Is There Really a Rising Sun?

Is There Really a Rising Sun?
copyright Sharon Rose Poet with all rights reserved

How do I survive hateful rain?
What do I do with this pain?
Each time a bit of it escapes
More takes its sorry place.
What do I do with this wisdom
And all the lost hope and years?
How do I retrieve what's been lost?
How much does a child's heart cost?
Is it possible? Can it be done?
Is there really a rising sun?

   I'm feeling very sad today. Lot of tears flowing. This round of sadness started setting in yesterday after I heard another aim to coerce and threaten us into being vaccinated even though we feel unsafe and uncomfortable with the vaccines and even though there are safe natural alternatives. I do not trust or feel comfortable with ANY sort of forced pharmaceutical.
  Prior to covid, I have felt that humanity has been undergoing a pharmaceutical and radio wave holocaust, which has been intentionally harming and enslaving masses of people. This, along with the parasite targeting, are the core parts of the evil targeting of humanity. In my oldest writings I have called it a Technological Holocaust and have focused a lot on the pharmaceutical and mind control aspect of it, because its the worse part due to how it blocks the heart of humanity - blocks feelings, instincts, intuition, spirituality and personal growth. 
   Many of the brain and feeling and instinct numbing pharmaceuticals have been being pushed upon humanity in multiple ways, including being forced into people through water contamination and "medicine" for a large variety of common "illnesses."  Many people had sensed something wrong and started avoiding pharmaceuticals and filtering water with charcoal long before covid and the vaccine arrived, which I think may actually be why covid and it's forced vaccine arrived.
  I don't like sharing suspicions, but this is one that MUST be investigated. Any sort of forced pharmaceutical raises red flags for me, no matter what it is for. A drugged humanity is an enslaved humanity and far too much of this has already taken place. The damage must be stopped and reversed.

The HEART of humanity must be restored and kept alive and well, in order to for there to be Peace and Love in our world.

Most of my old writings are in my books;

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