Saturday, December 18, 2021

What About You?

What About You?

copyright Sharon Rose Poet with all rights reserved
 (Inspired by Michael Jackson's Earth Song and my own similar feelings and experiences.)

Did he keep searching and waiting for the promised rising sun - 
 The one that never really planned to show up for anyone?
I've been there and felt it. Its like a knife in my heart,
Ripping and twisting and ripping until hope's all torn apart.
He said, "What about the common man - can't we set them free?"
Oh, my heart cries for us. Can it ever even come to be?
"What about us," he cried over and over and over again.
My heart cries too; what more can we say? What can we do?
What about every child, every animal, every woman and man?
Do you know? Can you feel it? Can you even "give a damn?"
What about you? Can your Heart see? Are you even really free?
What will happen to our world? Who will save humanity,
After all our songs and poems and gut wrenching tears
Have fallen dead upon the drugged and deafened ears?
Is there anyone else who has anything they can do?
What about Love? What about Freedom? What about you?

Michael Jackson's Earth Song and his "Free Willy" song had deeply touched my heart long before I cognitively knew that we are not free.

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